Chapter Eight

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The light got to the end of the corridor and it slowly got dimmer, I had lost all sense of direction at this point but there was no going back now.

I presumed he found where this map was hidden as I couldn't really see the light anymore, so I went further towards where I last saw it. My foot ended up slipping causing me to almost fall, I looked down and saw the light again which is when I realised I reached a staircase.

How I'm going to get down them is a whole other problem, I reached for banister which was further than I originally thought and because of this my hand banged into wood causing it to echo, the noise swiftly reaching Draco.

The light paused making it known to me that he heard, I froze trying my best not to make a sound just waiting for him to carry on walking. He stood there for what must have been no longer than a few seconds and resumed to make his way down the stairs.

I got to them bottom luckily without making another sound and caught up to the light, still confused on where was he going. We were walking for what felt like a lifetime and it was safe to say I was lost, very lost.

That was when I turned the corner expecting to see the same light I had done for the past 20mins but it was gone, shit have I lost him? I panicked my head frantically looking for a light, I turned back around the corner when someone pushed me against the wall.

My heart dropped and breathe got heavy; his hands pressed on the wall next to my neck. It was still dark so that's all I could make out, but I knew he was close to me as I felt his breath on my nose.

"Following me were you Ceradwin?" he said in a raspy tone, I was speechless, my heart was pounding.

"Or just going on a late-night stroll, me being your destination" His hand went from leaning against the wall to pressing on my shoulder, his breathing becoming louder.

"No I- I erm" I stuttered turning to face down the corridor away from him and before I could get out a sentence he grabbed my chin pulling it back to face him.

I gulped; it was louder than I anticipated, he must have heard it as he let out a bit of a chuckle.

"I was asleep on the couch in the common room, your footsteps woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep so i-"

"You followed me. Ceradwin you don't know what you've gotten yourself into here this game we've been playing has simply been that of a game, but now-" His hand let go of my chin and trailed down my face eventually reaching my neck.

His hand gripped loosely around it putting pressure to the sides pressing my head up against the wall. I could feel his cold rings on his fingers gently brushing my neck.

I couldn't distinguish if the feeling in my stomach was fear or butterflies.

"If it's a game, then I don't want to play anymore Draco, you're scaring me now. Just let me go and I won't tell anyone" My voice quivered and he could tell I was nervous.

"You see how can I trust you, the last time I tried the first thing you did was use it against me , do you know what that did for my reputation?" He leaned in closer, his grasp tightening around my neck.

"See now, I'm going to have to keep a close eye on you. I don't know what you've heard but whatever it is, I can't risk it coming out." he whispered his voice becoming more aggressive, I felt his hot breath against my ear.

I got an urge of adrenalin and pushed his hand off of my neck griping his shirt and shoving him back, 'Luminos' I said flicking my wand instantly brightening the whole corridor, we were right next to a huge door, but I've never recognised it

"Back off Malfoy, it isn't like you've already caused enough stress in my life" I said slowly speeding up as I got further down the hallway.

"You better watch yourself Ceradwin, I don't ever want to hear my last name come out of that filthy little mouth again." He shouted back at me as I reached the end of the hallway, clearly not liking it when I addressed him as Malfoy.

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