Chapter Seventeen

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It was difficult, knowing that a death eater was walking around the school halls and you being the only one that knows. It confirmed my theory that he who shall not be named is back, otherwise Draco wouldn't have been chosen to be one.

My suspicions only grew as now I knew for sure that I wasn't going completely mad, though he warned me that I shouldn't be getting involved in this kind of stuff I couldn't help but want to. Yet I had to act oblivious to the fact he was a death eater.

I was walking to charms class when Hermione ran up to me grabbing my wrist and pulling me aside, she clearly had something important to tell me, so I had no other choice but to stay.

"Did you hear what happened? With Katie?" I shook my head confused on what she was talking about.

"Well, Ron, Harry and I was walking back to Hogwarts when we saw Katie floating in the air. She was completely unresponsive and then let out the loudest shriek I've ever heard. When Harry went to help her, he stopped almost picking up this package, which was when Hagrid shouted for him not to touch it." I listened intently not wanting to miss a second.

"Well, go on, why? What was in the package?"

"I'm getting to that; we went back to Dumbledores office with Hagrid to find out what it was. Turns out it was a hexed necklace, and someone ordered Katie to give it to Dumbledore but failed as she touched it before she got the chance to." I was shocked, I couldn't wrap my head around who would ever want Dumbledore dead.

"Who'd do such a thing?" I raised my voice and noticed myself getting mad.

"That's the thing, Harry thinks it was Draco, but I don't see why since I doubt he has the guts to do such a thing." My face dropped and that was when the realisation kicked it.

"Oh Malfoy, I doubt he would, he runs at the sight of Filtch" She started to laugh and nodded her head in agreement. I told her I had to go as I was going to be late but instead went back to the common room trying to find Draco as he wasn't in the past few lessons.

I ran up the stairs and reached the entrance taking a quick look around to see if he was there, he wasn't so I decided to check his dorm. I quietly made my way up the spiral stairs and peered around the corner seeing no one, but I did see what looked like a crumpled-up piece of paper.

I approached his bed, neatly made and picked up the paper opening it to see what looked like a section in the daily prophet. It was talking about his father, The truth about the Malfoys. I read the small section that surrounded Lucius' mugshot, mentioning how he might not ever be released for his assistance in freeing he who shall not be named.

As I looked closer, I saw what looked like a single water droplet on the corner of the newspaper. My first though being rain but there would be multiple droplets so my only other thought being a tear drop. I stuffed the article in my pocket and looked around at his nightstand, it was bare, only containing a small clock and a picture of him and his parents.

I left, my aim still being to find Draco, but I was quickly caught out of lessons and was sent back to class. As I sat down, I immediately got points taken off Slytherin and was told I had a detention, the reaction I got from my housemates obviously wasn't great, but I didn't really care.

The rest of the lesson I spent looking at the article, I didn't realise how little of the lesson I had left as the bell came much early than I expected. I stayed put since I had detention anyway and watched as everyone left. I put my head down on the table presuming I was the only one there.

"Finally, he decides to show up" I lift my head the slightest to see Malfoy walking in head down dragging his feet.

"Now, I need you to complete the last two assignments I set for you over a week ago" The professor handed Draco two booklets and told him to take a seat next to me.

I swiftly grabbed the article and shoved it in my pocket before he managed to sit, he lifted his head and glanced at me while sighing. I rolled my eyes and sat up watching him as he sat down.

"Why are you here Ceradwin?" He sneered at me

"I could ask you the same thing." I said, he looked exhausted, all colour from his face drained and deep purple under eye bags, his hair appearing more scruffy than usual.

I looked down at the work he was given and picked it up reading the assignment, I remembered completing these weeks ago. He snatched them off me and pulled a pen out of his pocket and began to write.

I watched as he struggled, he fidgeted with his pen more than he actually wrote.

"How come you didn't do them?" I asked

"I already told you, I've been busy." He said bluntly

It was hard watching him struggle since I knew about it already, "Etymology, its Latin for I summon." I said quickly covering my mouth to shut myself up.

He glanced up at me, "I knew that Y/n" he said while writing it down.

After that I began helping him, I knew a lot about charms since it was one of the only classes I liked therefore paid the most attention too. He began to warm up to me again, often making small jokes about me losing points for Slytherin.

The bell rang and we were dismissed, I stood up but looked down at Malfoy whose expression dropped. I put my hand on his shoulder and asked if he was okay, he nodded and stood up handing his papers to the teacher. I waited for him and we walked out together, but as I began to walk away, I felt his hand touch my shoulder, so I turned to look at him.

"See you around Ceradwin" He gave me a faint smile and before I got the chance to say anything else back, he walked off.

I stood there confused, I had the perfect opportunity to question him to see if he hexed the necklace, but I didn't. It was the first time he's shown the slightest bit of interest in me and I didn't want to throw that away.

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