Chapter Fifty-Nine

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"Draco dear, your father and I want to speak to you" I turned to see Narcissa standing tall in the doorway of the drawing room, she was a very well put together woman, kind, but new her morals and very pretty, the under part of her hair was almost as light as Draco's but the top half was a dark wood wick brown, unusual but contrasted perfectly looking just as sophisticated as she portrays herself in her personality. As her honey glazed eyes met mine she smiled, instantly warming me up, "anytime time now, chop chop" gesturing swiftly towards Draco.

Draco glanced at me as if to get my approval before he left, I nodded and watched as he stood up and made his way out he door, Narcissa looked back at me her eyes now saddened and dreary making me a little more nervous then I was before she first called for Draco. "Give us a few minutes my love, I'll call for you if necessary" She gave me one last smile, this time a lot more off putting then the rest, I felt my stomach turn knowing it obviously wasn't something to be looked forward to but tried my best to keep calm and not get too worked up about it.

About half an hour past and it was the longest half hour I think I've went through, the entirety of the time my leg wouldn't stop trembling on and off the hard wooden floor, the sound making me even more unnerved then I needed to be. Thats when the door flew open, my head swiftly turned seeing Narcissa approaching me, the anxious look on her face worrying me even further.

"Wheres Draco?" I asked peering behind her to see if he was going to walk in after her, but instead the door slowly shut, and no one seemed to open it.

"He, he has some business to catch up on with his father, I'm sure he'll be finished by nightfall" I sighed and looked down at the floor rubbing my clammy hands on my skirt, but I could see she still had something to tell me.

"Y/n, I was hesitant on telling you this but I was told you was to be there so I think its best to inform you now rather then you being completely clueless up until the last moment" She took a seat next to me, her hands gently rubbing together nervously trying her best not to break eye contact with me though I could tell she found it very difficult.

"Lucius and I was told that there was to be a meeting held at the Manor this evening and it was compulsory for all the followers of the Dark Lord to attend, including you. I know it'll be your first time seeing the Dark Lord in person since your mark Dear and I completely understand its going to be very difficult, but I'm sure my boy will recognise that and be with you as you always are for him" Though what she was saying panicked me, the way she said it didn't make it out as being something I was to be dreading, something about her faint but steady tone helped me to not feel as anxious as I would if someone else was to tell me.

I sort of just sat for a second trying to focus on my breathing, I didn't want it to be a big thing so decided it was about time to face the consequences of the choice I made, after all what the fuck did I expect to happen when joined the Dark Lord? "I'll be fine Mrs Malfoy, I don't want to be a burden" I tried reassuring her with a faint smile, but she grabbed a hold of my hand and softly held it in between hers.

"Don't be so ridiculous, you're just as much mine as you are Draco's. Oh and please, call me Narcissa" Knowing that someone actually care for me more than my own mother did was comforting, sad, but comforting. I thanked her as she walked out leaving me alone once again next to the fire though it wasn't such a bad thing, I enjoyed my own company.

I spent the remainder of the day wandering the Manor and its gardens, as much as it was eerie, I couldn't deny the fact it was very beautiful, very beautiful indeed. The courtyards where like a huge maze, the overgrown hedges intertwining in with the old stone architecture that where scattered around the grounds. Slightly off-putting sculptures of crying widows, rather depressed looking men drooped over benches. The whole property gave me goosebumps but I didn't know whether it was because I was frightened by it or amazed.

The sky drew darker and I knew it was beginning to be evening, I felt frantic constantly shaking as I brushed my hair to make myself look some what presentable, I heard the faint mutters of people getting greeted at the door followed by Bellatrixs infamous cackle. I took a deep breath and made my way down the stairs fiddling with my rings in attempt to distract myself from looking completely petrified.

I followed the voices and found myself hovering outside the dining room hesitant to go inside and be greeted by the faces of the people I feared the most whilst growing up, the people from ever childs nightmares. I slowly cracked open the door slipping through the small opening not wanting to draw any attention to myself in the slightest. Luckily nobody seemed to notice me, apart from Draco who sat anxiously awaiting the Dark Lord.

I quietly made my way over taking a seat next to him, both to scared to talk we sat in silence every so often glancing at each other to reassure us both that we'd hopefully get through it. Though Draco tried to come across as unbothered I could tell by his eyes that he had been worrying about this the entire day and when he worries, he tends to isolate himself. Just as I was about to open my mouth the door flew open and there stood the vilest looking thing youd never wish to see.

The entire room went silent and everyone watched as he took at seat at the top of the table though to my horror and utter repulse floating alongside him looked to a woman paralyzed and on the blink of death. With his wand aimed at her, he dragged and left her hovering above the table, my heart began to race and leg began to shake but I felt Draco's hand gently clasp my thigh preventing my foot from hitting the floor. Though I couldnt take my eyes off her, something felt eerily familiar.

"The potter boy, where does he resign Severus?" The Dark Lord asked Snape in anticipation

"He is being guarded by a member of the Order my lord, I was told it was to be given every manor of protection possible, I doubt there'd be a chance of us getting inside without luring them away. It'd be impractical to attack him" Faint whispers erupted from the table in attempt to guess where in fact hed be staying but everyone was silenced as Bellatrix was unable to hold back any longer.

"My lord I'd like to volunteer myself for this task, I'd like to kill the Potter boy" Two of the men on the far left chuckled whilst Bellatrix lent forward impatiently awaiting the Dark Lords response

"As inspiring a I find your blood lust Bellatrix, I must be the one to kill Harry Potter." She fell back into her seat in defeat

"But I face a unfortunate complication, for my wand and potters share the same core, we can wound not fatally harm one another, if I am to kill him I must do it with anothers wand" He said as he slowly paced around the table knowing exactly the moment he walked past me as my entire body froze.

"What about you, Lucius" My head shot to the side looking over Draco watching as Lucius glanced up at Voldemort a lot more scared then I'd presumed, I always knew Lucius wasn't one of the Dark Lords best followers, but I'd have never presumed him to fear his leader as much as he did.

"I require your wand" Lucius had no choice but to retrieve his wand passing it up to the Dark Lord cautiously, clearly not wanting to hand it to him. He tossed the silver snakes head onto the table and aimed Luciuss wand at the woman pulling her further into the middle of the table.

"For those who might know we are joined tonight by a Professor at Hogwarts, that taught non other than muggle studies, she believed that muggles are not so different to us." Laughter once again erupted from the table; it was then when I finally remembered exactly who it was but just as I said her name out loud in my head she was murdered then and there by the killing curse plummeting down towards me.

There laying dead in front of me was Miss Charity Burbage, her face beaten and raw, her skin cold and purple, her hair mattered and frayed. I wasn't able to look at her much longer without feeling sick to my stomach, the thought of seeing one of the only teachers that cared for me dead on the table was agonising.

I bit the side of my cheek and glanced down at Draco who also looked just as disturbed, his eyes wide with fright and face almost as pale as Miss Burbages, I closed my eyes and felt a tear drop down my cheek landing onto Draco's finger. I fumbled for his hand and tightly squeezed it wanting to feel as if I wasn't completely alone in this, I glanced up at him who's cold eyes met mine both as traumatized as each others.

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