Chapter Fifty-Six

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I sat at the end of my bed fidgeting with my necklace watching the clock intently as every minute passed just waiting for it to strike 12, I heard the faint sound of the church bell in the small village not far from the manor making my heart race. I stood up quietly and hurried down the dark hall my heart pumping rapidly as I reached the stairs, I made my way down them and turned to see Draco sitting silently at the bottom of them his head buried in his hand.

"Draco?" I said faintly as I hovered my hand over his back, he must had been deep into thought since my presence clearly startled him, he glanced up at me before rubbing his eyes and brushing back his messy blonde hair.

"Took you long enough" He sighed staring into the darkness that engulfed the hallway in front of us, I took a seat next to him angling my legs towards his looking down at my knees that were shaking nervously.

He lost his patience when his hand flew towards my thigh tightly holding it down preventing it from shaking, I knew not to pry at him when he was uneasy knowing he'd most likely do something without thinking so I tried my best to calm myself down.

"Sorry" I said timidly before standing up, his tough grip loosened the veins in his hands gradually becoming less obvious. I scanned the room for any source of light but there was none, the Malfoy Manor in the day was eerie enough never mind at midnight.

"It's about time we leave dont you think" I asked while glancing down at him anxiously wanting to be anywhere but here, I held my hand out gently awaiting his harsh grip.

He sat for a second biting the side of his cheek as he fidgeted with his silver rings before taking my hand and pulling himself up off the stairs, but he looked guilty avoiding eye contact as if he wasn't telling me something. "God what now Draco?" I huffed expecting the worst knowing he was keen to keep things from me.

"You don't have a choice in this anyway so there isn't a point in me telling you this but it's the quickest way" His stern tone put me on edge, I knew he enjoyed stressing me out but getting told I had no choice in something made me even more anxious.

"I presume you haven't apparated anywhere before, I'd be surprised if you even know what it means" I was finally able to breath, he'd always make everything sound so dramatic, of course I knew what apparition was I just hadn't any idea how to do it

"Honestly Draco how dim witted do you think I am" I shoved his shoulder back while rolling my eyes in frustration, I hated the way he'd make me out as being completely clueless about everything. I didn't come into this blind sighted after all I would have had to had some idea of what I was getting myself into.

"I would have attempted to warn you about the many risks it has for beginners but since you're being such a bitch I guess that isn't necessary" He sneered while grabbing my hand and holding it tightly against his, I tried to squirm away but by the smug expression he had on his face there was no point in even trying.

Before I even had the chance to prepare myself next thing I knew everything went black, I was pressed very hard from all directions, I couldn't breathe as if there was something weighing down on my chest. My eyes were forced tightly shut not wanting to discover what would happen if I dared open them, an ear piercing scream almost burst my ear drums before we came to a sudden halt feeling my feet finally in contact with the ground.

I almost instantly felt sick to my stomach I wasn't able to find my balance my vision doubling everything it saw, I clutched onto Draco's arm in support as I tried to refocus my sight. I fluttered my eyes to find myself in a dark narrow alleyway getting stared at by a load of scraggy frail elderlys that lurked around the back entrances.

I looked up at Draco who was scanning the streets intently trying to find the Death Eater that was said to meet us here, he peered down at me and gestured for me to stay close behind him as we both walked off in hope to bump into them. Knockturn alley wasn't for the faint hearted, we were always warned to stay away from there hearing all sorts of stories about snatches and dark magic but low and behold look where I've managed to turn up.

As I followed behind Draco trying my best not to wander away from him I felt someone grab me by my jumper dragging me out into one of the side streets, I attempted to flee wriggling away from him but failed as it only made him yank me back harder. I looked up to see a huge hench hairy man who looked to be about 7 foot tall, my loud gulp must have echoed through the streets giving away how terrified I was. I peered up at him and saw two sharp pointed teeth with a yellowish tinge sticking out from his mouth, the longer I looked the more he resembled a werewolf.

"Got one, I've got one The wolf man yelled his voice was deeper then I've ever heard making me crouch down covering my ears with my hands in retaliation, I frantically looked around in attempt to find someone or something that could help me which was when I decided it was my best bet to kick him in the shin though I didn't think it done much since I was probably nothing compared to what he's been through.

"She's with me Greyback" I heard Draco shout as he stormed around the corner looking just as pissed off as he did whenever I managed to get myself into some sort of a panic, he grabbed his wand and aimed it at the man in attempt to threaten him which surprisingly worked. The man tossed me onto the ground making me stumble to the floor landing on the cold wet cobble, I felt Draco grab my arm quickly tugging me up while looking down at me pathetically as I tried cleaning the dirt off my palms. I stood silently next to him while wiping myself down and brushing the hair out of my face, I peered back up at the man who was now having a brief conversation with Draco before leading us both down some windy narrow streets.

I trailed behind them flinching at every sound that I heard, we eventually reached a small courtyard that was surrounded by overgrown hedges and cobbled walls, we made our way inside but I swiftly stumbled back in fear as Greyback held his wand towards the night sky shooting the same green sparks as Bellatrix did the night Dumbledore died. The familiar dark skull formed in the sky being just as sinister as it was previously, I walked forward in a trance mesmerised by its haunting glare but just as I was about to question him I was taken back as I heard the could of smoke speak.

"Draco my boy, I see you brought along your friend, perfect" The menacing voice echoed for miles and I instantly was brought back to that night in Borgin and Burkes, the night I gave myself up for him.

"The girl promised to hand me Harry Potter and poor Draco knows what happens to people who break my promises" My heart sunk knowing immediately what he was planning to put me up for, I looked over at Draco who had his head held down refusing to look up at me knowing exactly how I'd react. He was just as fed up as I was and the thought of us going through something as traumatising as the previous events it was no surprise that we wasn't able to handle anymore. Though the worst part was is that we both knew we had no choice.

"I'll be expecting the boy Draco, don't disappoint me like your father" And just like that the skull vanished the only thing being left was the gloomy mist that lurked behind in the stary sky. I said nothing but cried silently watching as the tears trickle down my cheek landing on the already moist cobble stone.

"Please don't make me do this Draco" I whimpered but I got no answer in fact he didn't once say a word to me until we reached the manor.

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