Chapter Fifty-One

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I was numb, everything was a blur the only thing on my mind being Dumbledores decent. I was the last person he'd see before meeting his tragic end, his fall being somewhat graceful making me feel at peace. I looked down over the edge and reached my hand out though I knew it was too late, his long white hair flowing with the rhythm of the wind.

I collapsed over the railings in hysterics as it just clicked in my head what I just saw, what I took part in, what I just did. Tears fell rapidly down my cheek like a harsh river, my hair catching it as it was also swept away by the wind flowing elegantly with its movements, my pathetic attempt of a scream endorsed the night sky in effort to part its darkness with my sorrow.

My head was in the clouds being completely out of it, next moment I felt someone pull me back, their tight grasp being familiar. I turned promptly meeting Draco, our faces only centimetres away, my eyes met his, both coated with a layer of uncertainty and remorse. He pulled me into him away from the ledge and held me close to him not wanting to meet the same fate, my head buried into his chest. I felt his heart pumping rapidly almost in sync with my breathing, I hid my faint whimpers not wanting to come across as vulnerable in front of the Death Eaters, after all I was one of them now.

Both our heads shot up hearing Bellatrixs tormenting cackle as she skipped up to the railings, the others trailing behind. I glanced up at Draco who still had hold of me watching as his eyes briskly scan the room clearly on edge, his eyes landing on Bellatrix as she held up her wand to the sky and shrieking chaotically her wand shooting out green sparks lighting up the gloomy sky. I parted from him fascinated to see more though as I did so I froze in shock seeing a huge skull form out of the dusky clouds creating a giant gust of wind pushing me back.

I stumbled backwards falling into one of the pillars my arms held up to my face blocking my eyes that were narrow due to the amount of dust that overcame the tower. I slid down it unable to see anything just wanting to hide myself from the situation, I saw the faint silhouette of Bellatrix who was prancing around the tower celebrating their triumph. I closed my eyes tightly as they fell dry but as I opened them slightly I saw a hand extended out towards me, I reached up grabbing it as it gave me some source of comfort.

Draco pulled me up ushering me behind him as he stood blocking me from the rest of the Death Eaters, Snape stormed up and clutched Dracos shoulder indicating that it was time for us to leave. He stood there for a second his eyebrows furrowed as he pushed away Snape's hand, he looked back at me frantically taking my hand and pulled me with him as we hurried down the spiral stairs. We rushed through the castle corridors in a huddle, I was practically latched to Dracos arm terrified of the people that surrounded me and by the looks of it so was he.

We for some reason stopped outside the great hall and watched as Bellatrix ran inside childlike with a playful giggle and mischievous grin, we followed in after her pausing at the door as we watched her wave her wand towards the huge window. Green sparks cascaded out of its tip instantly exploding the glass into millions of tiny shards flying in our direction like a sandstorm, I felt them scrape small cuts along my face and hands as I tried to protect myself. The candles were blown out creating an eerie atmosphere throughout the entire hall, an atmosphere I've never once seen before.

I looked up at Draco wanting noting but a slight glance of reassurance, but he stood silent, astonished, staring at the once welcoming room now turned sinister. I saw small gashes scattered around his pale face though it looked as if it concerned me more than him, I reached my hand up caressing his cheek guiding him in the direction of my face.

He looked down at me emotionless but before I was able to speak one word to him, we were rushed out, Snape escorting us out first. I felt the cold breeze against my skin, the cuts on my face now making themselves apparent the frost stinging like a bitch. We hurried down the steep hill, my head held down in shame eventually reaching what looked o be Hagrids small hut, I gulped in horror just waiting for Bellatrix to strike again.

And not to my surprise she did, the hut went up in flames causing Draco to stumble back in a panic. I put my hands over my mouth faintly sobbing to myself in guilt knowing that I was now apart of this mess. Though I only had myself to blame, the huge flames reflected over my glassy eyes refusing to look away forcing myself to watch what I've become. A faint yell from behind broke my gaze and I turned around sharply to see Harry sprinting towards us in devastation, wand aimed at Snape. Snape turned to both me and Draco instructing us to leave quickly in his stern yet more concerned tone, I glanced at Draco and began to run off into the forbidden forest getting caught amongst the trees.

My breath grew heavier the further I got stumbling aimlessly into trees and brushes just trying to flee as fast as I could. I was running for what felt like forever but came to a halt managing to balance myself on a tree trying to catch my breath. My head was spinning, and I felt ill not able to move anymore

"Draco" I screamed out into the vast surroundings my voice cracking in desperation as I did so.

"Draco!" I used the remaining amount of energy I had left to call out his name praying hed hear me, I swayed around the forest cluelessly squinting between the trees to see if I was able to make out anyone.

To my relief I heard rustling coming from behind me and the familiar sound of his raspy tone yelling my name back to me, before I had the chance to look behind I felt his cold hand grab mine pulling me with him as he led me further into the trees. We managed to find ourselves reuniting with the remaining Death Eaters in an open area in the forest, he guided me towards them, and I trailed behind him hesitantly.

My eyes followed a vivid green spark that shot through above the trees slowly scattering in a circle around us, I looked up at Draco not knowing what was going on but I felt his hand tightly squeeze mine reassuring me that he was there with me. He kept to his promise.

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