Chapter Ten

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I sat in silence and I wouldn't be surprised if he was able to hear my heart pounding out of my chest. I could tell he was mad by the way he was breathing but I wasn't scared, I knew he wasn't capable of hurting me. I don't know what it was but I was never afraid of him, though he makes out to be someone you should avoid in actual fact he's nothing but his fathers son.

"What did I tell you Ceradwin, I told you to stay way, its for your own good." He reached for his wand, but I grabbed his hand, it was ice cold and he was shaking.

"Draco, what's going on? You made me feel like shit every day for something I couldn't even control but now you say its for my own good. Since when do you care about how I am when you caused all of this." Tears fell down my face falling onto his hand which was now on my thigh preventing me from standing.

"I don't care about you I never have and never will. I use people don't you understand, you're nothing to me" he said looking me dead in the eyes, I tried to stand not wanting to face him anymore but his grip only grew tighter.

"If you where to not go snooping then non of this would have happened" He had a sharpness to his tone almost irritated that I wasn't understanding where he was coming from.

"You can't possibly be putting the blame on me Draco, I've done nothing to deserve the relentless insults you give me. Honestly you're nothing but a daddy's boy" I was thrown back by him accusing this of being my own doing which only made me more furious.

He stopped and slowly made his way around the back of the chair; I couldn't bring myself to stand up to I just sat their lifelessly. I felt him place his hands on my shoulders pushing me deeper into the chair and felt his breath on the back of my neck making my hairs stand on end.

"If you dare call me that again insults won't be the only thing you'll be receiving" He said while whispering in my ear, I gulped and gripped onto the chair not daring to move a muscle.

I felt his wand poke the back of my neck and he began to trail it around stopping underneath my chin, he looked down at me with a sinister glare. I could barely see, the tears drowning out my sight, as I blinked I felt one fall down my cheek. His pale hand slowly wiped the tear away and he lowered his wand taking a step back as he shifted his eyes to the door which unlocked as he looked at it indicating that I was free to leave,

I stood up wiping my eyes and gathered my books running down the corridor heading to Gryffindor's quarters constantly checking behind to see if he was following me, which to my surprise he wasn't. I reached their dorms scanning the girls room for Hermione, I snuck quietly past the rest who were fast asleep and woke her up. As soon as she looked at me, I broke down in tears and she gestured to get into bed with her, in which I did and ended up falling fast asleep.

In the morning I told her everything that happened missing out the conversation between Draco and Snape as I didn't want it getting out before I looked into it. She comforted me telling me it'd be okay and that I have her if anything was to happen. It was nice to know I have a friend again, but I somehow still felt alone.

Due to last nights events it put me on edge even more than I was, making me look twice at things and listening more intently than I usually would. I done more research on Slytherin House as I knew the basics but never really thought to much of it until I briefly heard it being mentioned in their argument last night.

As I did, I found that Salazar Slytherin mainly wanted power for himself only wanting purebloods to roam Hogwarts but once the others disagreed, he fled. Slytherin was also known to have produced many dark wizards including he who shall not be named, I've heard rumours that he's back though I'm not to sure myself as things that go around are most likely that of just rumours.

I managed to avoid Draco as best I could, but it was difficult as he was in nearly all of my classes and not to mention my house. Whenever I crossed him in the hallway, we'd make eye contact until out of view, never saying a word. I would catch him staring at me on multiple occasions but instead of looking away when I caught him he'd only stare more intently catching me off guard.

I knew whatever it was Draco was up too, it was a lot more portentous than I originally presumed though I'm too deep now I cant simply ignore it, but I knew it was getting increasingly more difficult.

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