Chapter Fifty-Three

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I woke up the next morning with a banging headache completely puzzled to where I was, it must have took me around about 10 minutes to actually remember what happened last night but once I did my heart sunk with guilt. I sat huddled in bed not wanting to leave my own bubble of sorrow closing my eyes wishing I were back in Hogwarts but the more I laid there in my own thoughts the worse I felt.

I finally sat up sliding off the warm velvet covers revealing my bare legs, as I perked up on the side of the bed my feet touched the cold floor instantly sending shivers through my body. I flung open the heavy curtains expecting a little light to shine through, but it was just as gloomy as last night, the rain still faintly dripping on the window.

I sighed and tightened the silk gown before cautiously opening my door peering around the corner, the house was silent which confused me as there was thought to be at least 7 people living here, majority being the Malfoy family. I walked quietly down the long hallway not wanting to disturb the houses slumber, I reached the staircase and softly hurried down them keeping an eye out for anyone that may also be lurking around the corner.

I crept around the house glancing into every room I passed beginning to question if I was the only one here, I reached the end of the hallway and gently pushed open the last door on the right. I heard the faint sound of a fire crackling so quietly made my way inside opening the door further but as I took my first step the floor underneath gave in, a loud creak echoing through the room.

I looked over at the fireplace to see a man wearing a dark red and black shirt with long thin white hair sitting comfortably in an old black leather armchair staring right back at me with a look of disgust. I stood silently looking back at him trying to figure out why he looked so familiar, thats when I glanced down at the infamous black staff topped with a head of a silver snake. Lucius Malfoy.

"So you're the girl who'll bring Harry Potter to the Dark Lord" His words were drawn out and slow pronouncing every vowel bitterly as he judged me, I fumbled with the thin piece of satin cloth that tied my robe together wanting so badly to call him every name in the book, but instead I stood silent.

"Why on earth would he ever choose anyone like you when he already had my boy Draco" He stood up slyly the sound of his staff hitting the hard-wooden floor the closer he got.

"Filthy Half-Blood I was told, shame that the Dark Lord didn't find out sooner otherwise you'd be just as dead as that girl, whats her name? Geneve?" He whispered violently into my ear as he paced circles around me, I broke

"I don't want someone as vile as you to disgrace her name like that again" I said my teeth grinding against each other resisting my anger, I looked down at him in disgust not wanting this man anywhere near me.

"Oh please she was just as pathetic as you are now, I guess thats one thing you have in common" He scoffed as he stood tall looking down at me with a sinister smirk.

"I don't understand why Im the pathetic one Mr Malfoy, I wasn't the one who needed the Dark Lord to break me out of Azkaban" I sneered watching as his face switched from a smirk to a scowl.

"But in my opinion I think he should have left you there rotting away where you belong" I said nearing his face till I met his eye level narrowing them in spite but just as I did so I heard the door behind me open.

I glanced over my shoulder getting slightly distracted by the sound of the door creaking but as I looked back, I had no time to defend myself when I saw his staff seconds away from hitting my face. I closed my eyes in terror as the solid silver snake struck the side of my face hard leaving me stunned with the taste of blood oozing onto my taste buds.

I felt myself tearing up unwillingly taking a few steps back wanting to get as far away from him as I possibly could, I glanced back at Draco desperate for him to say something in defence my lip quivering as I watched him stand in silence avoiding me completely. I scoffed in disbelief knowing he just witnessed me getting hit by his own father and doesn't have the guts to speak up about it instead standing there in fear of what might happen if he done so.

I held the side of my cheek in attempt to prevent it from going red staring harshly at Lucius imagining that my stares were burning right through his smug scowl, I was furious, not only at him but also his son. I wanted to stand up for myself for once, I wanted to prove that I didn't fear him like Draco did, I wasn't his to dictate.

"I hope you don't end up like your father Draco, its a shame you're even related to this foul git" I gathered the blood that frothed in my mouth spitting it at Lucius, watching as it seeped down his scrawny white hair leaving a blood stain throughout the strand, I stood in pleasure as he became flustered with rage and disgust baffled that I had the confidence to do such a thing.

Just before he managed to speak I wiped the access blood of my mouth assertively and stormed out shoving past Draco as I made my way through to door not bothering to glance back at him knowing he was most likely just as stunned as his father was. I stormed down the hall stumbling into what looked to be the kitchen and headed towards the sink, I began swirling my mouth with water and spitting it out watching the blood trickle down the metal basin.

Thats when I heard the faint tap of heels hurrying towards me, my head darted up and turned around to see who I presumed to be Mrs Malfoy. She looked concerned and she got closer placing her dainty hand gently on my shoulder, I wiped the access blood away from my mouth and covered the gash on my cheek.

"Oh my, what happened to you dear" She cried looking alarmed as she brushed the hair out of my face, I tried my best to play it off as nothing but a mother can tell when somethings wrong so I gave the act up pretty quickly.

"A branch, I was hit by a branch" I said saying the first thing that came to mind not wanting to alarm her even more since she still hadn't any idea of who I was, or so I thought.

"Poor girl, take a seat dear" She said gesturing to the counter, I was hesitant but she insisted, I heaved myself onto the cold black marble and sat as she inspected my cheek colling it with a wet handkerchief finding it difficult not to flinch as she did so.

For once I felt safe, I closed my eyes and felt her soft touch instantly making me feel at ease. Though that was disrupted by someone storming through the door, I opened my eyes meeting Dracos who looked agitated fumbling with his rings. The sight of seeing me with his mother unnerved him since Ive never had someone care for me as much as he did even though he never admitted it.

"Mother, I can take care of this" He murmured as his eyes shifted to me though Narcissa insisted that I was in good hands, by the looks of it the only other woman in the house was Bellatrix so she was probably glad to have me as company.

"Ceradwin, come along" He said with a threatening glare, he was the last person I wanted to be around right now, so I didnt budge making him even more frustrated.

"Actually Draco, I'm quite alright where I am thank you" I said as I looked him up and down glancing back at Narcissa as she proceeded to tend to my cheek but just as she did so I felt Draco grab my wrist pulling me off of the counter,

He dragged me out of the kitchen and I just about managed to wave my hand to Mrs Malfoy thanking her for the assistance, he hauled me up the stairs not once looking back at me. I resisted of course squirming and shouting at him but he took no notice that was until we got to his bedroom.

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