Chapter Sixty-One

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I wasn't that easy to read, was I? I spent the night tossing and turning constantly rethinking how I was when I was around him, I knew he knew I fell for him there was no denying that but it was obvious that he thought he had me on a string, and he wasn't wrong. I mean I hardly knew how he felt, he made things so difficult, whenever I'd bring it up, I was never able to get a straight answer from him. The way he acted confused me, he'd completely ignore me for days then fuck me as if nothings happened, don't get me wrong thats was one of the reasons I couldn't get enough of him but I just craved answers.

I still get nervous when I'm around him, I get that same feeling I felt when he first sat next to me in charms class, when he'd embarrass me in front of everyone and I guess some things never change, he was just as smug as he was back then. I couldn't help but feel pathetic, I felt dumb for giving in too early, perhaps thats one of the reasons why he carried on tormenting me, he knew he'd get the reaction he wanted. I was predictable I guess, and I was sick of it.

I sat silently in the small library that was tucked away in the far left of the manor, I was perked up next to the large bay window reading while the calming sound of rain hitting the window was playing almost as background music as I read. I knew from the meeting we had with the Dark Lord that Harry would soon be on the move which meant Draco and I had to follow, and as bad as it sounds hunt him down like prey, so I thought it may be time to look more into how Dark Arts is used since there was a whole library full of them. Though I was rudely disturbed by someone knocking harshly on the door.

"I'm busy" I shouted assertively but of course I was ignored and watched at the door creaked open anyway

"Busy? Please, you never do anything" Draco sniggered as he made his way inside

"I'm reading actually, quite informative, you should try it sometime" I didn't bother looking up at him instead keeping my head down in the book.

"Ah terribly funny" He said sarcastically as he approached me, he snatched the book out of my hand finding the look on my face clearly amusing.

"O- you could have just asked" I huffed reaching up for the book but he pushed my hand away and raised the book higher into the light so he was able to see what it read.

"Defence against the dark arts? And how is this supposed to inform me?" He snickered tossing it back to me, I caught it and tried finding the page I was on before he took it off me.

"Well smartarse since I'm the Dark Arts I thought I'd see others defence mechanisms against us so I can be unpredictable" I said as I flicked through the pages finally finding the one that I was in the middle of reading of.

"You? Unpredictable, you've got to be joking" He laughed while looking down at me, but I didn't find it amusing.

"So I presumed you expected me to join the Death Eaters then?" I said while placing my book down and glancing up at him, his laugh came to a sudden stop.

"Why else would I have gone through all that effort to stop you from finding out about me, of course I knew" I frowned still looking into his cold eyes drowning in arrogance.

"You sure didn't act like it" I proceeded to read my book taking no notice of him, "leave, I said I was busy" trying to give him the hint that I didn't want to get into another argument, but it was Draco the last thing he does is take orders from anyone.

"I'm not going anywhere Ceradwin, I didn't come in here to watch you read your useless book"

"Your useless book actually. Then why are you here?" I was getting more irritated by the second but before I got the chance to look at him he slammed my book shut and grabbed my chin forcing me up to look at him. His thumb dragged down on my bottom lip watching my reaction intently.

"Piss off Draco, its not going to work" I sneered pushing his hand off my face, adjusting myself so that I was now kneeling on the window reaching over for my book, but as I looked back up his lips were already moving with mine. This time he was more forceful nipping at my lip in attempt for me to create an entrance for him to push into and it worked. I felt myself kneeling higher as he drew away not wanting his rough lips to part with mine.

"Seems to be working just fine dont you think?" He snarked glancing down at my position, I bit down of the side of my cheek and rolled my eyes. I quickly stood up and shoved past him storming towards the door, but I felt his grab my wrist pulling me back into his grip.

"Its my turn Ceradwin, don't think I'll let you run off this time" His harsh tone sent shivers up my spine, he retrieved his wand and flicked it at the door slamming it shut. He grabbed my waist and placed me on top of the piano now trailing his wand around my face eventually reaching my chin forcefully pushing it up.

He placed kisses on my jaw line and neck, nipping and sucking where he knew to gently biting on the sensitive parts. He lifted his head of my neck and levelled his eyes with mine staring into them for a moment making me get lost in his grey pools but before I managed to fall completely into his trance his lips violently collided with mine.

I cupped his face as his lips melted into mine, he was beginning to get riled up, his growing desire for me only got stronger, our tongues swirling together with powerful greed. He was just as hungry for me as I was for him and I wanted more. Dracos free hand grasped tightly onto my tender thigh his cold rings pressing against the warmth of my skin.

He tugged on the hem of the underwear teasingly as he pulled away watching as a small groan escaped my mouth indicating that I needed him. His hand travelled under the hem of my lace underwear this time began pulling wanting them off just as much as I did. I lifted my waist off the piano to assist the removal as he tossed them down onto the floor, he glanced down and bit his lip hard.

"Here's your chance, leave now if you want" He smirked knowing I was desperate for him, "I wouldn't even if I wanted to" the second the words left my mouth his head drove down between my thighs. He kissed them softly followed by an aggressive bite. My body shivered at the sudden surge of pleasure that overrides my system.

I remained eye contact with Draco as his lips hovered over me, I shuddered, and a smirk grew on Dracos face. He looked me dead in the eye while his tongue slipped inside of me inching higher, his tongue began to repetitively curl into me making my head fling back breaking eye contact in pleasure. Draco was quick to react his hand reaching up and grabbing tight hold of my throat forcing my eyes to look back at him.

I whimpered and arched my back not able to handle the fast pace he was going it, he grabbed tight hold of my waist in attempt to stop me from squirming, "fucking hell Draco" I moaned as my eyes began to water. Draco groaned softy at my words. He enjoyed giving me pleasure as much as receiving. He always knew exactly what I wanted.

My moans only grew louder, I was close. My fingers ran through his hair tightly griping as my breathing grew more hitched. I was hot; my body trembling eager for the high topple over the edge, I was gong to finish any moment- the door flung open.

"Mr Malfoy, your father wants to-" Draco stood up quickly in attempt to block my limp body from the mans view, I unfolded my skirt between my leg covering my vulnerable position.

"Oh whats going on here, don't mind me I can wait till you're done" The man said smugly as he leant against the doorframe, I grew red in the face feeling increasingly more uncomfortable the longer he stood there.

"Didn't anyone teach you how to knock you swine, tell him well be down in a few minutes" Draco snarked as he reached for his back pocket his hand hovering over his wand.

"Sure she won't need longer?" He chuckled as he glanced over Dracos shoulder, Draco pulled out his wand and aimed it towards the man. He threw his hands up and began to head out but took one last glance at my underwear laying on the floor shutting the door behind him.

"Regret leaving me on the edge now Ceradwin?" He sneered while looking me up and down slowly taking me all in.

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