Chapter Nine

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I woke up that day feeling completely different, the only thing I can compare it to being when you accidently find your parents stuffing your stocking instead of Santa. I knew something that I shouldn't but the thing was that, I myself didn't know what. The conversation we had replayed in my head, I remembered how much he was able to scare me and he could tell it was then that he knew that he had me.

I was in a daze like state during Defence Against the Dark Arts class, my eyes wouldn't leave Draco Malfoy, though he didn't take much notice of me which was unusual since he said he'd be keeping a closer eye on me. I watched as he stood there in a trance like state focusing on the sparks that would come out of the old wand Snape was holding.

Honestly I was more intrigued then scared at this point. He's hiding something a lot deeper than anticipated, though I didn't hear much I do know that he's up to something and he clearly didn't want anyone knowing about it.

His relationship with Snape surprised me the more I observed, my attention drawn more to him than my lessons, trying my best to pick up on small things he'd say or do, Snape was protective over Draco and I could tell he was one of his favourite students, though he didn't like seeing him fail and would pity him for it, often degrading him if not successful.

My curiosity only grew bigger when I started to predict his routine, he'd usually wake up at 7am and walk down the common room usually sitting on his own for a while. That was until Crabbe and Goyle would usually meet him and they'd go down for breakfast.

There would always be a time in the day where I'd lose him though, of course I didn't go out of my way to follow his every move I just took more notice than I usually would. I also picked up on the fact he started to miss quidditch practices often and sometimes even games which was unusual since quidditch was clearly important to not only him but also his father.

The only encounter I had with him seemed to be a few days after that night in which I was eating lunch lost in my thoughts staring into the blazing fireplace. That was when something broke my gaze.

A paper bird landed on my sandwich and my head followed the direction it came from. My eyes led me to Draco, his eyes looking back and forth at my note then me. I opened it and it read 'Don't think because I'm ignoring you that you're in the clear, you're far from it' It confused me at first but after a few days it made a lot more sense.

He ignored me, and because of this so did everyone else. It was back to normal, back to being ignored, of course I got the odd insults, but they didn't really bother me much anymore. I couldn't have scared him off that much I'm nothing compared to him, surely there must be another reason.

I found myself doing small things to get his attention, I'd look at him when talking to someone, sit next to him at lunch and even follow him sometimes around the corridors in which I'd almost always lose him. Ever since he started to ignore me it made me realise how much of an attachment I grew towards him.

That's when it started to concern me. I almost missed him giving me attention and it angered me now he doesn't. That's was until I was in the library, my mind was occupied I was looking through the book of beasts. It was late maybe around 10pm, when I heard some voices coming from the isle behind me. I couldn't help but listen since the whole library was silent.

Whoever was talking obviously presumed it was empty, as I listened more intently, I could distinguish two voices. It as Snape and Draco.

I only grew more fascinated.

"Malfoy let me assist you, I don't want you getting into something you're incapable of doing on your own"

"I don't need your help, I am fully capable of doing this on my own. After all he chose me"

"He chose you out of punishment Draco. He knows you're just a boy, get over yourself"

"I'll prove myself to him, get him to free my father and I won't be letting you take credit for it"

That's when the door slammed shut, presuming they were gone I got up to leave. I was trying to wrap my head around everything they just said. That's when I froze, the sound of footsteps filled the library, yet they weren't mine.

I spun facing towards where they where coming from, that when I saw Draco his expression filled with anger. At that point I didn't know if he intended to harm me or not, yet I didn't want to test it so I stood frozen.

He flicked his wand and a chair came quickly from behind causing me to drop into it, I heard the lock on the door and there he stood towering above me.

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