Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I snuck out from behind the stall and slowly retrieved the jumper he tossed on the ground, as I stood back up I caught glimpse of his reflection through the mirror and stood there watching him, his hands covering his face. As he moved his hands away his eyes opened and was instantly drawn to me standing behind him.

I saw his eyes widen and he spun around, his expression was like something Ive never seen before. It looked like the colour has been completely drained out of him almost resembling a corpse, his eyebrows furrowed into an arch and his eyes bloodshot red. He stood for a second overwhelmed at the fact that I was standing in front of him.

"I can help you Draco if youd just let me-" That's when I saw his expression change his eyes filled with rage, he knew how vulnerable he looked and couldnt bare me seeing him that way. He came at me faster than I anticipated and gripped my neck pushing me up against the stall.

"Get out" His teeth were clenched tight almost forcing the words to slip between them, I gulped and placed my hand on top of his grip making him loosen his grip.

"Draco, let me help you" His eyes went from watching my hand caress his to trailing up my face eventually reaching my eyes, I stared into them, the tears welled up coating his light grey pupils. He was broken.

I watched as a tear fell down his lifeless cheek and reached my hand up wiping it away as he once did mine. His lip quivered and his eyes parted from mine looking down at the floor, just as he was about to lower his hand, I heard someone shout his name from the doorway. It was Harry.

"I knew it was you Malfoy. You hexed the necklace. You wanted to kill Dumbledore." Before I knew it Draco pulled out his wand and a blast of air pushed Harry to the ground giving Draco time to flee behind some of the bathroom stalls.

I was stood in shock and watched as Harry followed after him, his wand out at the ready. Next minute I was overwhelmed by the sound of glass shattering and pipes being broken making water shoot out from the sinks flooding the bathroom floor. I crouched; my arms covered my face protecting me from any pieces of shattered glass.

I ran towards the two, my hands still sheltering my head and screamed for them to stop but it was no use, they both took no notice of me. The water drenched the lot of us and made it harder to see what was going on, I saw Draco hiding behind the stall closest to me his wand close to his chest presuming that he was waiting for Harry to approach him.

"Draco don't" He glanced towards me and paused for a second watching me shake my head as tears rolled down my face, but he quickly looked away from the sound of Harrys footsteps coming closer.

He flew around the corner and aimed his wand at Harry blasting him back making a huge clash as he fell into the wall but just as Draco was about to walk away, I heard Harry mumble a spell. I gasped as I saw Draco be thrown to the floor flooded in water, I ran towards him shouting for him to wake up and only grew more panicked when I saw blood seeping through his white shirt.

I collapsed onto the floor and held onto his cold hand laying my head on his chest crying into his shirt, I was relived when I heard his heart still pounding slightly calming me down. Thats when I heard footsteps approaching us.

"Harry, what have you done to him" I looked up at him not knowing if he was able to hear what I said through my sobbing. He just stood there looking down at him expressionless, I squeezed his hand took his face into my palm and glanced up watching Harry walk out of the bathroom leaving only him and I.

I brushed his wet hair away from his face and stared at him, a tear falling onto his shirt every second or two. I wasnt able to catch my breath as I knew he needed help, but I couldnt face leaving him on the floor. Though to my surprise someone came rushing in behind me moving me out of the way, I stood up and sat opposite him still grasping tightly onto Dracos hand.

I looked up and met with a pair of cold dark eyes, it was Snape.

"Dear Lord, what happened girl." He said as he retrieved his wand out of his gown muttering what sounded like a spell but before I even got the chance to answer I paused in awe as his wand was able to completely take away the blood that was seeping through the shirt.

Just as I was about to ask what spell he was using I felt my hand being firmly squeezed and my eyes shot towards Draco, I watched as he slowly regained consciousness his eyes immediately meeting mine.

"Help me lift him Ceradwin, he needs to be taken to the hospital wing. If anyone asks, hes just fainted" As I was about to question why I was quickly cut off by one of the nurses rushing inside lifting Draco to his feet. I grabbed his arm and wrapped it around my neck stabling him and watched as both Snape and the nurse hurried him away.

I just stood not able to follow on, tears flooded not only my eyes but the bathroom floor adding to the puddle of water already made by the broken water pipes. I fell to the floor and brushed away the wet hair that covered my face and sat curled up weeping into my knees. Only just realising that from the moment I laid eyes on him in the bathroom to second he was rushed out I had the same feeling in my stomach that I had originally thought to had been fear, but all this time I wasnt fearing for myself I feared for what may happen to him.

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