Chapter Fifty-Two

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In a blink of an eye I found myself standing in front of these huge black gates, the rain poured hard messing up my vision as if I was underwater but every time the lightning struck, I managed to get a clearer look. They stood tall and narrow between two hedges towering over us, sharp and menacing as if to frighten you off before you was even able to reach the manor.

At this point I was soaking, my hair completely blocking my eyesight as raindrops submerged my face, I brushed it away from my eyes watching as the gates eerily opened. I looked up at Draco who was just as drenched as I am, his platinum blonde hair now flattened down over his eyes coming across a lot darker, he grabbed his blazer and held it above my head in attempt to give me some shelter as we both made our way inside the gates.

I was able to see a little more clearly now since his blazer managed to stop some of the rain from dripping into my eyes, I was astounded by the vast castle that stood before me. It was extraordinary, I hadn't seen anything like it before. The windows stood out amongst everything else, there were too many to count covering the entire front of the manor. Though it looked to be abandoned, the windows were all dark and ghostly having not one littlest bit of light shining through them.

I still hadn't a clue where I was, just presuming this was home to the Death Eaters, I mean it certainly looked the part. We eventually got to the end of the long walkway that led to the enormous steel doors that were plated with dainty black detailing and a large door knocker, everyone came to a halt as Bellatrix pranced towards it knocking frantically. I took a step back timidly not knowing who or what would answer.

The doors gradually opened, but no one was there. I squinted to see if I just missed them and as I looked down, I saw a small house elf hiding nervously behind one of the doors. Bellatrix skipped inside boasting about Dumbledores death taking another one of the Death Eaters hands and twirling him around leaving him stunned. I glanced up at Draco anxiously getting his approval before I stepped inside, it was as if it'd never been lived in.

It was cold and dark, more of a house instead of a home. I looked up at the high ceilings to see extravagant black chandeliers slightly swaying with the rhythm of the house. At the very end of the entrance was an elaborate staircase that parted halfway leading in opposite directions to the next floor, it was silent the only sound being the creaks on the dark wooden floor.

I was in a daze mesmerized by the intricate details that were scattered around the manor, the pillars engraved with snakes and serpents, my hand trailed wooden panelling having a ridged texture. I jolted when I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder, Draco gestured for me to follow him leading me into a room slightly off to the side.

It was just as massive as I expected it to be, though the slightest bit more welcoming, my eyes immediately was drawn to the huge fireplace that sat broadly to the side. I approached the roaring fire since it was the only bit of warmth I'd felt in a while wanting badly to defrost my freezing cold hands. I stood close palms facing the flames staring into them as I shivered, feeling someones hot breath on my neck I flinched and glanced back to see Draco standing closely behind me.

"Where am I?" I asked feeling the need to whisper since it was so quiet.

"Malfoy Manor" He said miserably while glancing around the room and back at me.

"This, this is your house?" I said stunned, I refused to believe anyone lived here never mind the Malfoy family, though the more I look at it the more it makes sense.

He completely avoided the question not taking any notice of how shocked I was instead he looked down at my face examining it slowly, frowning as his cold hand gently caressed my cheek. I winced at his metal rings that hovered against the cuts scattered against my face, I tilted my head and whimpered slightly closing my eyes.

He pulled away and glanced down at the floor before looking back up at me insisting for me to follow him, he led me up the grand staircase and down a long wide hallway that had a dark green carpet spread throughout the entire floor. We reached the very end, and he opened the door walking inside as I trailed in behind.

It was beautiful, there was a huge four-poster bed with luxurious velvet evergreen curtains and matching bedsheets, a small silver and green couch sat untouched at the end of the bed, opposite being a beautiful fireplace. I'd never been in a room like it since my house back at home was nothing compared to this, I looked back at Draco who stood in the doorway unfazed. I approached him wanting nothing more than to comfort him as he did me but I paused just as I was about to reach him.

"Get some rest Ceradwin, you're going to need it" He said bluntly before shutting the door not even giving me the chance to thank him, I took a seat on the bed making what looked to be the first dent on it in years. I glanced around the room and saw a door leading to an on-suite bathroom.

As I walked inside, I saw my reflection in the mirror above the sink, I looked horrendous, I was still drenched from the rain mascara running down my face seeping into the small cuts embedded into my skin. I tossed my clothes off onto the marble floor and stepped into the steaming hot shower.

It was the best feeling I've had this past week, the boiling hot water steamed up the glass doors as I let it trickle down my bare back easing all the tension built up in my shoulders. I let the water fall onto my face, at first it stung but as I bushed the hair out of my face and let the steam seep into them the pain faded and was replaced with pleasure.

I took my time not knowing when I'd be able to do this again appreciating every drop of hot water that fell onto my bare skin, I hesitantly made my way out throwing on a green silk gown that hung behind the door. The shower must had made notice how sleep deprived I was since as soon as I laid on the bed I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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