Chapter Ninety-One

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I was growing restless, the muffles of explosions could still be heard from even inside the room that is said to be one of Hogwarts greatest secrets, I looked up to see the stacks upon stacks of objects all swaying slightly followed by the crystal chandelier that glimmered with the flames that could be seen from the window, another explosion and they'll all come tumbling down. I prodded Draco and looked over to Goyle who didn't seem to be moving anytime soon, "Whats he doing?" I mumbled quietly, only getting slightly concerned when Draco seemed to be just as clueless as myself.

"I don't know, Goyle lets go." He muttered bitterly motioning for him leave, so I turned around and headed towards the door presuming they were following. I paused when I felt movement in the floor stabling myself on one of the chairs soon after hearing another bang, this time louder than the rest insinuating it was close. My palms became sweaty as steadied myself turning to Draco so see if he felt and heard the same thing as I did, but he looked too distracted, his eyes wide and legs stiff staring directly at Goyle. He had his wand now raised, his expression scared me the most, it was sinister yet ambiguous implying that he himself wasn't certain on what exactly he was about to do.

Just as I was about to prompt him to hurry my heart dropped as I glanced over to who he was aiming it at, it was Hermione, she had her head turned bickering with Ron as Harry was busy looking inside a small leather case. "Avada Kadavera" The realisation just kicked, even though his voice wasn't heard by the rest I could make out perfectly what he was saying making my heart jolt as I bolted towards Goyle knocking both himself and the wand onto the floor, but I was too late. Everything went so fast, my eyes darted around the room as my hands began to shake frantically.

My eyes finally were able to locate the green sparks that shot like lightening towards Hermione, I screamed out for her to move making her turn to face me, her face quickly shifted from confusion to urgency as she saw the sparks flying directly at her giving her no time to move. I gasped as they just about skimmed her head, a huge rush of relief left me and I was able to finally breath but just as I looked away I heard a shriek. I scanned around to see that everyone had ducked and Goyle was crawling on the floor trying to reach for his wand but just as I was about to kick it further under the mound of chairs I was struck.

Everything around me went quiet, all I could see was a blinding flash of green light. Though at first, I seemed to have lost all my senses I soon found out that touch wasn't one of them, I felt myself stumble back as my legs grew weak. All the adrenaline and energy were drained out of me and I had a quick realisation that I should very well me dead by now, the killing curse must have bounced back and struck me but after all these years of learning about it I was sure that it was instantaneous.

My eyes fluttered trying to block out the light as they grew more sensitive than they ever have been, I must have tripped over some sort of stray object on the floor as I just about caught myself on one of the chests of drawers. The light gradually faded yet my vision still blurry, I was in a state of shock as I felt like I just cheated death though I wasn't able to think straight my head pulsating. I managed to rub my eyes seeing a figure standing over me, my hand trailed down from my eyes to my neck, but I pulled away fast when my finger touched something that hot it must have scolded me.

It was the necklace. I stood motionless, my head feeling as if it was going to burst. I grabbed a hold of it tight ignoring the burning sensation that scolded my skin and tugged on it with as much force as I could and to my disbelief the chain broke. The constant fog that lingered around my pupils disappeared and I was now able to see clearly, the first thing my eyes met with being the pendant. What I presumed to be some sort of cursed necklace ended up being the complete opposite, it had a slight glow and a green tinge making the snake look like that of an actual snake. I wasn't able to take my eyes off it, I was put in some sort of trance, I never took much notice of it till now. It was always just, there.

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