Chapter Sixty-Eight

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The sudden sound of nearby traffic echoed through the vast narrow street I was standing in, I looked around to see slim terrace houses all pact together tightly, but these weren't your average terrace houses, no I recognised them instantly being similar to my own, I was back in London. It was eerily quiet for a street in London, I didn't once see a single person, confused I scanned the street again trying to find some sort of indication of a wizarding house, though they looked pretty mugglish to me.

At first, I thought I had the wrong place but how could I have apparated to a place I've never seen before, this must be it. I strolled along the pavement looking intently at every house trying to find anything that looked out of place, I must have retraced my steps about eight times before noticing the slight divide in these two houses dead centre of the street. I stood for a while trying to think of ways for it to reveal itself, the only thing Isabella instructed me to do was concentrate on getting inside but how was I to get inside if the house wasn't even there.

My mind then wandered off for a moment to last night, she took my mind completely away from Draco in the matter of seconds which I thought was impossible as he hasn't been out of it ever since I saw him towering over my bed that one morning. As I got lost in my thoughts the night ultimately replaying in my head, I hadn't noticed the misplaced house that stood before me, it was the Blacks house.

'Mother of Merlin', my head slowly trailed up the dark industrial brick that formed around the slightly tinted arched windows, I stood just staring at it for a moment not bothering to question how I managed to conjure it. I took one last glance down the street before heading up towards the slick black door, '12 Grimmauld Place' was imbedded in gold. With one deep breath I opened the door and stepped inside though my heart dropped, and eyes widened as if I was reliving a nightmare.

A vivid apparition engulfed by white mist came billowing towards me quicker then light itself, the apparition formed to be a man who I had never forgotten about, the man who is the reason for my constant guilt, it was Professor Dumbledore. I fell back into the wall as he went right through me his frail hand reaching towards my face, I placed my hand on my chest feeling my heart racing and my eyes watering in shock. It took me a minute before realising that it wasn't real and was most likely a way to keep the unwanted from discovering this place and it almost worked.

I proceeded, this time with caution listening out for the slightest creak that would echo through the house, there was nothing. 'Homenum Revelio' I whispered hoping that Harry would appear in front of me making my mission get cut short but with just my luck, he wasn't there. The house was completely empty, I sighed and contemplated whether to just give up knowing that where every I'd go I'd always be too late and after all I need to get back to Luna, I was her only hope.

I decided to take a look around the house as a last resort to where he may be, I crept into what looked to be the living room, he was definitely here. The couch was unkept with blankets both on the arm chairs and on the floor as if a few people where staying the night, I flipped over the blankets thoroughly to see if they may have left some sort of indication to where they went but again there was nothing at all.

As I wandered more my hopes quickly downing in disappointment, I stumbled across a small dark room next to the stairs, as I glanced inside, I saw what looked to be a huge tapestry. Intrigued I wanted a closer look, there plastered on the wall was an enormous family tree belonging to the Black family, I scanned the wall recognising quite a few faces, Bellatrix LeStrange, Narcissa Malfoy, Sirius Black and lastly Isabella Black right at tip of the branch. I didn't realise how big their family was, generations of purebloods I've heard , some disowned for their beliefs I presume.

I stood and stared for what was probably too long before walking out towards the kitchen, in my last attempt to find anything. The entire room was very old and run down much like the house but it didn't look like anyone had cooked or ate in here for centuries, the faded wooden furniture and rusted utensils only making that more apparent. I traced my finger along the old cabinet picking up a small mound of dust blowing it off the tip of my finger, I scanned the room trying to find anything that looked misplaced but there was nothing. Just give up I thought, it was useless trying to find someone who didn't want to be found.

I headed back towards the door in a sulk knowing I'd have to go back to he Manor to see Draco flaunt the fact that he was right, I glanced back one last time but this time seeing what looked to be some sort of newspaper laying lifelessly under the table. I crouched down on my knees and reached my hand out grabbing it, it hadn't had any dust on like the rest which meant it was probably read recently. It was a magazine, I flipped it so I was now able to see the cover my face lighting up immediately remembering the bright pink spectacles along with the small goblin like creature.

It was the Quibbler, I began to flick through the pages remembering the first time Luna gave me one, I'm pretty sure I still had this exact one sitting on my bed side table at the Manor. I'd love sitting there reading the articles, everyone of them being something close to unbelievable, I could understand why people found it to be ridiculous but I never really took it to heart it just feels as if I'm with her when I read it.

I sighed knowing there wasn't going to be anything in here that'd help me so tossed it back on the table, it landing on its front, I paused looking down at the back page. I wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for the small circle someone drew around a box that read 'contact information', I squinted my eyes instantly drawn to an address, 'Ottery St Catchpole- the house on top of the hill'. This was my only other lead, perhaps they've went to go find Luna not knowing that shes been taken, if so that means they'd want to help her. I new it may have been quite far fetched but it was the only thing I had, and I didn't want to go back empty handed.

I felt nervous for some reason, I hadn't much hope left this being the only thing I was clinging onto, I just prayed that for once I may actually be right about something. The more I thought about going back the Manor the more anxious I got, it didn't sit right with me, I didn't know if it was the fact it was so vast and lonely or that Draco seemed off ever since we got there. The house scared me making me more drawn to him then I would have thought I'd be but it was near impossible to find him, it was like a maze though whenever I found what looked to be the prize he'd be beckoned for again leading me back to square one.

Ever since I left I knew it was going to be difficult leaving him, don't get me wrong leaving that place and feeling as if I was actually doing something useful made it worth it but I just wished he was there with me. Maybe he'd of made my journey harder but I enjoyed the challenge, as much as he'd give me grief for almost everything I'd do he couldn't help it, he knew no different. Whenever I slipped up, I was waiting for one of his snarky comments, but after a few second's it'd click that he wasn't there.

I closed my eyes once again, I'd have never of thought I'd be able to apperate and now I'm doing it near enough every day, I wanted nothing more than to be praised for it but then again who was there other than myself. I gulped gripping the magazine tightly repeating the address over and over again in my head and before I new it I was off, it took longer than the rest so I presumed it was further away or more specific therefore taking more time to get to.

I finally felt my feet on the ground and a cold breeze blowing through my hair, there I was standing in the middle of a field looking up towards a oddly shaped house fitting the Lovegoods perfectly.

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