Chapter Forty-Eight

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I only got worse, the days formed into one not knowing day of the week it was anymore, they all felt the same. I'd get comments on my appearance, but it'd never make me want to change it, I was sort of getting used to it; the permanent dark circles, thin pale cheeks and my messy hair. The maximum amount of sleep I'd get was around 3 hours, thats on a good night. I was like a night owl, I didn't realise how much I enjoyed watching the moon shine through the stained-glass windows, listening to the trees sway as the wind brushes gently past them.

I felt a need to check up on Draco as if it was my job to babysit him, though what he said was true, none of this should be of my concern. As much as I wanted to forget about it, I wasn't able to, it was constantly on my mind. But what confused me was that the feeling of fear for what may happen to others slowly began to fade and I realised I was more worried to what was going to happen to him. I cared more about him than I did myself.

I was advised by the nurse that I needed a break, she got Dumbledore to put me up in the Leaky Cauldron for a night thinking I may just need a night of rest somewhere I won't be disturbed. I was hesitant at first since I've never stayed there before but I eventually agreed but only on one circumstance.

I packed a small bag and got the train late on a Friday night, I sort of felt relieved knowing that I'd finally have time alone and maybe get myself together, well at least that was the plan. I got off the train at Kings Cross and saw a little old man with my name on a old stained piece of paper, as I approached him I asked if he was going to the Leaky Cauldron in which he nodded enthusiastically. He led me out to this old 1900 rustic taxi that was parked up at the very end of the parking lot.

I bent down and sat on the old leather seat watching him as he just managed to reach the accelerator pressing it firmly, we were off.

I must have dozed off as I heard the door next to me fly open seeing the small man standing there holding my bag, I thanked him and went inside where I was greeted with a tall broad man. His hair was mattered, and he had a dark beard that trailed down his neck, he asked if I was Miss Ceradwin in which I nodded. He told me to follow him up a long narrow staircase that winded around the entire building that was so high I wasn't able to see the top.

After taking me down a couple of thin corridors with all kinds of doors built into the vintage looking wall we finally stopped outside a small Tudor like door with a metal latched attached, he handed me the key and told me I could find him downstairs if there was any problems. Just as he walked off, I unlocked the door having to shove it open with my shoulder to get it to budge. There on the four-poster bed sat Ronnie her face instantly lighting up as she saw me.

"Ronnie!" I said tossing my bag aside running up to her, I picked her up and swung her around not wanting to ever leave her again. I sat down next to the bed asking her if she was doing okay with mother, I watched as her face slowly saddened lifting herself back onto the bed taking a seat next to me.

"Mrs Ceradwin has been drinking demon juice again" I sighed, thats what Ronnie called alcohol since she didnt really understand it that much. I quickly switched subject not wanting to talk about mother anymore, I just wanted to spend time with Ronnie, it was the happiest Ive felt in weeks.

We chatted all night, but Ronnie got giving strict orders to make sure I was asleep by 10pm, I knew she was just doing it for my benefit so I complied. It was one of the best sleeps I've had in a while and for once I woke up finally feeling refreshed. It was nice having someone with me knowing I wasn't completely alone; I was told to get a cold shower and wash my hair which I hadnt done in a while. Bad I know.

After I was finally changed I felt the best I did in months now, I looked in he mirror and watched as a faint smile grew across my face glancing down to look at Ronnie who was standing next to me. She told me she had to get back to my mother who wanted her back by 10am, just as she walked out the door, I asked her if she had a tissue by any chance. As she rummaged through the small pocket in the sack she was wearing, but instead of pulling out a tissue she pulled out a pink frilly sock.

She looked up at me in shock and I smiled looking down at my one bare foot, the other wearing that of the same pink frilly sock, she ran up to me hugging my leg repeatedly saying "I'm free". I crouched down at looked at her nodding.

"You don't deserve to be around a woman like that Ronnie, I'll come to visit. I promise" She thanked me and tightly wrapped her dainty arms around my neck before skipping out the door and down the corridor.

I planned to go for a nose around Diagon Alley since I had the entire day free, I hadn't much money to spend but I managed t scrape up some I found scattered around my draws. By the time it was getting dark I was exhausted, I must have gone to every shop Diagon Alley had to offer. I had one more to go, the last time I went to Borgin and Burkes Mr Borgin told me to leave but I doubt hed remember me.

I opened the door and heard the faint ring of the bell, the shop was stacked with antique objects, both big and small, the biggest being the vanishing cabinet. I crept around the isles intrigued by every little thing on the shelf, just as I was about to grab a small glass ball, I heard the bell ring a it did when I entered.

"Ah, Mr Malfoy just on time as I expected" I heard Mr Borgin say behind his small counter cluttered with random books, I peered through one of the shelves to see Draco standing there with his black suite, my heart fluttered at the sight of him.

"Well, is it ready?" Draco said, I could taste the bitterness from where I was standing.

"Of course Sir, Bellatrix arrived this morning to check" I watched as Draco approached the cabinet touching the handle lightly as he was captivated by the gold detailing.

"Your father Mr Malfoy, he wanted me to give you something. I won't be a moment" Mr Borgin stumbled into the back room of the shop getting lost in the piles of stacked items.

I was just as fascinated with the Vanishing Cabinet, it was beautiful. I was getting closer and closer to it as if put me in some trance and before I knew it I was stood right in front of it.

"You're really doing this" I said standing behind Draco, his head whizzed around clearly not expecting to see me there but before he even said anything he grabbed my wrist and dragged me into one of the isles.

"You can't be here Ceradwin" He whispered with force, his hand still gripping my wrist tightly. I pulled back looking at him with a snarl, I was sick of him controlling me.

"I can do as I please Draco, you treat me like a child" I shoved him back away from me and glanced over at the vanishing cabinet, I wanted to prove that I was able to handle myself. He followed my eyes leading him back to the cabinet.

"Theres still time, you dont have t-"He firmly took hold of my hand pulling me to face him, my head arched towards his face.

"If I don't do this, I'm dead. He'll kill me Ceradwin that thing will kill me" His hands where shaking which caused my whole body to shake, the look of fear drowned his eyes turning them into a sea of dust. I gulped; I felt sick, his only way out of this is death. I cant live knowing that Im the reason why Voldemort killed him.

"I.. I can help you, yeah I'll help, I'll.. erm, I'll help you fix it and" I stuttered as my eyes darted around the room trying not to panic, he pulled me in closer and shook my arms.

"Listen to me Y/n, you cant help me. Not this time" I heard his whimpers through the aggressive tone in his voice, he had no escape, but I couldn't leave here without him. "Go, leave Ceradwin" He said pushing me away, but I gripped onto his sleeve.

Without a second thought I reached behind him grabbing the thin wand sticking out of his pocket, I ripped up his sleeve revealing the pulsating dark mark. Before he had the chance to realise what was happening, I pressed the wand onto his pale engraved skin and watched as a flash of green light filled the entire store.

I covered my eyes preventing me from going completely blind and was frozen in shock when I slowly lowered my arms seeing a dark cloaked figure standing in front of me. I stood there in absolute terror not able to move knowing that the person standing before me was one of the most if not the most feared Dark Wizards of our time.

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