Chapter Twenty- Six

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I got to the bottom of the stairs, the first person I locked eyes with being Draco. At first I didnt know if he recognised me as I could tell he looked confused almost trying to work out if it was me or not but as he trailed up from the bottom of my dress and reached my eyes the realisation kicked in that he was checking me out. His eyes widened and his look of lust turned into a snarl, he swiftly turned his head back towards Crabbe and Goyle fixing his blazer trying to act oblivious to the fact he actually showed a small amount of interest in me.

Madalina walked up to me with Blaise breaking my gaze from Draco, I turned to see someone walking up behind them. I watched as Blaise walked off clearly not wanting anything to do with me which unfortunately revealed Theo who was close behind, Madalina gave me a wink and followed Blaise leaving just Theo and me standing in front of the entrance to the ball. My mood immediately dropped as I completely forgot about him and actually felt good about myself for once yet as soon as I laid my eyes on him that all went down the drain.

I looked up at him and was shocked to see his left eye all purple and bruised, I was confused and was about to ask him what happened until he forcefully wrapped his arm around my waist and took me with him as we walked into the ball. Everyone turned and watched as we walked towards our table making me feel incredibly uncomfortable. I hadnt really a clue what table we were walking to until we got closer to it, there sat Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, Pansy, Madalina and a few others I didnt recognise. Though as I sat down, I felt my heart begin to pound as hidden behind a vase of flowers sat Draco staring blankly into the window.

I knew I wasnt wanted on their table so I presumed Theo asked me out as a joke so I could be their entertainment for the night yet I was surprised to see that they didnt take much notice of me at first. I sat next to Madalina, so I had someone to talk to and glanced up as Theo went to get everyone some drinks, as he walked up something caught my eye. I sat and watched as I saw Pansy flirting in the least discrete way as possible with Draco, she had her hands all over him and would play with her hair every thirty seconds. I felt my eyebrows arch as I grew more angry every time she'd touch him, my blood began to boil but and I managed to stop myself before I said anything as I knew secretly I was just jealous.

I was only able to calm down when I saw that Draco didnt look the slightest bit interested, I told myself to stop being pathetic which was when my eyes were drawn back to Theo who handed me a glass of water. After half an hour of silence between me and the rest of the table Theo turned to me with a look of frustration and asked me to dance.

I kindly refused, my excuse being that I couldnt dance yet I could tell by the look he gave me that it wasnt an invitation, he grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me up. Though as we were making our way to the dance floor, I saw Theos eyes glaring at Pansy from across the room, I looked at Draco whose eyebrows were arched clearly coming across as if something pissed him off.

He pulled me in tight as the music began to play and all I was really able to do was move my head so I could mimic his movements, I knew I wasnt a great dancer as I was apologising every few seconds for standing on his feet in which hed just roll his eyes at. For the entire dance he didnt once take his eyes of Pansy, every time she looked back, hed pull me in tighter.

As the dance came to an end I pulled away and walked back to the table, I asked someone across from me if they knew about why Theo and Pansy would constantly pass glares. Not to my surprise they told me that theyd just gotten out of a relationship together, thats when it clicked, and I knew Theo was just using me to get back at her.

I sighed and told everyone that I was going to get a drink when in reality I just wanted to get away from them all. As I poured my glass, I felt hands wrap around my waist and hot breath on my neck, it startled me, so I swiftly turned around to see Theo. I put my drink down and slowly removed his hands from me as I couldnt help but feel uncomfortable.

"Your eye, what happened" I asked to try and change the subject.

"Oh, erm I got into a fight" he said while he fidgeted with his watch clearly not wanting to talk about it, though I was intrigued.

"With who?" There was a pause, he lowered his head trying to avoid being seen in which I followed the direction he was looking in. That was when my eyes met with Draco.

"Draco? Draco done that to you?" I let out a small chuckle as I was in disbelief that he was able to do such a thing to someone, but I could tell Theo wasnt amused. He only grew angrier the more I asked him about it.

"Why, what could you have possibly done to make him so- "Before I had the chance to finish he grabbed my wrist and dragged me through the crowd of people. He pulled me outside onto the huge empty balcony and slammed the door shut, I felt my heart racing as I have never saw anyone this angry for the entire time Ive been at Hogwarts.

He stormed up to me and shoved me against the wall giving me no time to protect myself, I left my wand in the dorm room, so I really had no hope. He leaned in closer and angled his head intending to kiss me which was when I managed to slip under his arm shoving him off.

"What the fuck Theo, get away from me!" I backed up getting closer and closer to the edge of the balcony becoming increasingly more terrified the closer he got to me. I quickly looked at my surroundings but realised that he had me cornered, I tried my best to fight him off but he was too strong and if I were to take one more step back I would have fallen of the edge. So, I complied.

He picked me up placing me on the cold stone wall and began to kiss down my neck, I felt his hand trail my lower back and the other pull down my strap holding up my dress. I was numb, the only thing I felt was the tears drip down my cheeks. I let him use me again, but when I felt his cold hand trail up the slit of my dress, I managed to let out one last scream for help.

His hand slapped my mouth mid scream and held it tight while he ripped the slit further up my leg, just before he had the chance to go further I saw the door fling open in which Theos head snapped towards the direction it came from. It was Draco with his wand aimed at Theo.

As I was about to jump down, I felt Theo grab my neck pushing me backwards over the ledge, I grabbed onto his hand as he was the only thing preventing me from falling. I felt a huge gash of wind flow through my hair and watched as the pin from my hair fell down landing into harsh tide.

"Put your wand down or Ill let her fall." He threatened Draco with my life, that was when I was sure that I was going to die. I was shaking and had my eyes shut tightly to stop me from looking down. I felt him slowly pull me back up which was when I saw Draco flick his wand towards Theo.

"Expelliarmus" I let out a loud gasp as Theo tumbled off the ledge taking me with him but just as I was about to lose grip of the wall I felt a hand grip mine and pull me back up. The whole while I watched in shock as I saw Theo land in the sea shorty getting swept up onto shore by the tide.

I stood overwhelmed by what just happened and turned my head to see Draco heading back towards the door. I ran up to him and grabbed his hand stopping him in his tracks, I looked down seeing my dress ripped and my hair tangled in front of my face. I had no shame anymore, so I broke down in tears, I wiped my eyes and looked back at my hand seeing the access mascara covering my palm.

Before I managed to lose myself completely, he raised my chin to look at him and wiped away my tears, I managed to catch my breath and I was soon lost in his gaze.

"Speak of this again Y/n and youll face the same fate" He squeezed my hand and loosened his grip brushing himself down as he walked back into the hall. I stood in silence and sat at the edge of the balcony staring into the stars as rears fell down my face, the thought of eyes still stuck in my head making me slowly calm down.

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