Chapter Two

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It was early Monday morning and it was my second week of my 6th year in Hogwarts, my plan being the same as the others, to just get through the year with the littlest amount of attention as possible. This morning though was slightly different from the rest, I had a sinking feeling inside of me that insisted that I were to wake up.

So I did, I knew it was early as I still heard the birds chirping yet it wasn't the only thing I heard, the faint sound of whispers slowly grew louder. I gradually opened my eyes and rubbed them to get a better look of what's going which was when I jolted up to see what looks like the whole of my dorm staring at me.

I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't a dreaming, or in my case having a nightmare and to my dismay it was neither. My eyes glanced over everyone's faces taking a moment to try my best recognise them all. That's when I stumbled against a well known one, Draco Malfoy.

Draco was mostly feared by everyone as he was a pureblood, his father being a Hogwarts governor, he took his fathers views disliking anyone who isn't that of pureblood descent. He liked feeling empowered and would often abuse his reputation taking it out on people who were less fortunate than him. As off last year he became a prefect for Miss Umbridge, I knew it was just a scheme to obtain his power towards the other students, so I made sure to keep out of his way.

He was also a seeker on the quidditch team but from what I've seen plays really dirty, in fact the whole team does. Ever since Harry became seeker it kind of pushed Draco to do the same of course wanting to prove a point that he was able to secure anything he wanted, even if he bought his way in.

Other than that I've tried my best to avoid him, I couldn't imagine getting on his bad side; you wouldn't hear the end of it. Unfortunately for me it was only the beginning.

He caught my eye because of his facial expression and prominent platinum blonde hair, he looked at me differently from everyone else, he had a faint smirk with a glint in his eye while the rest looked at me in disgust. They all just sort of stood there for a few seconds staring at me, it was a feeling I'll never forget, a feeling that made me sick to my stomach.

"You sure you're not a mud-blood Ceredwin, after all your filthy little father did leave your so called 'mother' for that of another foul muggle. I think it's a bit of a coincidence if you ask me, don't really resemble your mother at all do you."

Everyone broke out into laughter and my vision instantly became bleary, my eyes welling up with tears, I was suddenly overwhelmed with how much he knew. I didn't understand how it got out, there was only one person who knew about my father and that's the only person I trusted so I refused to believe it.

I opened my mouth to speak yet nothing came out, I felt my face become hot and flustered knowing I was beginning to turn bright red so I jumped out of bed as fast I could covering my face shoving Draco out my way. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and my head spun to face them, it was Gen.

She began frantically asking if I was okay making me even more on edge, I didn't want to speak to her at the moment as I was in a really bad state so I shoved her hand off my shoulder and told her to leave me alone. I stormed off leaving her standing alone in the hallway.

I found myself bumping into the walls of the corridors, the only thing on my mind was to not be seen by anyone, for all I know everyone could have been told, I wanted to shrivel up into a ball and hide somewhere no one could find me.

I ended up in the girls bathroom, I stumbled into one of the stalls and sat myself down on the broken toilet seat. Deep breathes, I look up at the ceiling to find Moaning Myrtles eyes meeting mine in a confused gaze.

"Why are you crying? Only I am known for crying in the bathroom" She slowly made her way in front of me and began to ramble on about all of the terrible things that happened to her. Honestly, I wasn't really listening, it was more like a background noise to keep me calm.

When I started to calm down I heard what sounded like another person weeping, I presumed it must have still been me or maybe even moaning myrtle but it couldn't have been since moaning myrtle was right in front of me and both of us wasn't crying.

Confused I began to open the stall having to put my hand through myrtle causing her to scream in which must have scared the person crying as the weeping stopped. I walked out of my stall asking if anyone was in there with me which was when a stall further down from me slowly opened.

I saw someone peer around the corner and to my surprise Hermione approached me wiping away her tears. She slowly glanced up and I asked if she was okay, she looked at my face and must have picked up on my red puffy eyes giving away the fact that I was also crying. This caused her to crack a faint smile and she asked me the same thing.

I turned and looked in the mirror seeing my eyes all bloodshot and dried tears that left a stain from running down my cheek. I let out a chuckle as I looked a mess, I asked why she was crying and she went on to tell me that she overheard Ron talking about how no one wanted to be her friend to Harry.

I tried my best to comfort her yet it was difficult since I don't really have many friends myself, that's when she parted from my embrace and proceeded to ask me the same.

"I was woken up to hear that people are accusing me of actually being muggle born, it's spread around by who I thought to be my best friend and now my whole house knows about it, the first being Draco" I said as tears began to well up in my eyes again and I glanced down at the floor.

"Not that evil little cockroach, I've heard it all from him. Well since our so thought friends have left us, care to be my new one?" She said while offering me her hand, I smiled and took her offer. We then began to clean ourselves up and planned to eat lunch in the library.

As we where making our way around the corridors we stumbled across Harry and Ron, I didn't know them very well so I kept to myself leaving Hermione to do the talking.

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