Chapter Twenty-Four

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It was a week till the yule ball in which I never looked forward to, every year I went alone and would usually just sit on the table at the back on my own while watching everyone dance. Last year was the worst though.

I went with Gen and her boyfriend at the time and I spent the whole night third wheeling, watching as they slow danced together, fed each other cake and then ended the night in an argument braking up the next day.

I knew this year would be any different apart from the fact I didn't have Gen to go with, I contemplated going since I knew I would end up not enjoying it anyway but Madalina insisted I was to go. I was hesitant at first as I knew if I was to go with her Id have to sit at the table that sat Draco and his friends and they'd most likely hate that for obvious reasons but the more she talked about it I eventually gave in and agreed.

I just finished my last class and was on my way back to the common rooms when I turned the corner to see Theo leaning against the wall presumably waiting for someone. I sped walked passed not wanting t draw any attention to myself since every time I saw him I would get a sick feeling in my stomach. Yet unfortunately the person he was waiting for was me.

I felt him grab my robe, pulling me back as he saw me wizz past. I looked down finding it unbearable seeing his face, I took deep breaths as I felt myself grow more panicked. I glanced around to see if anyone else was down the hall to try and make me feel calmer yet there was no one.

"Trying to run from me, are you?" He said while smirking, he grabbed my wrists, so I was unable to leave so I glanced up at him.

"What do you want Theo?" I said, you could hear how nervous I was by the way my voice shook while I spoke.

"You're going the yulle ball with me." My heart sunk, like this dance couldn't get any worse.

"I- I actually, I don't think-" I stuttered while looking down, moving my wrists to try and loosen his grip but this only made it become tighter.

"Ah, you see that wasn't a question. You're going the ball with me, otherwise Ill tell the whole school that you're nothing but a Slytherin Slut" He let go of my wrists and walked off leaving me to stand alone in the halls.

I felt my eyes begin to well up with tears; I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself. I couldn't afford another rumour being spread around like that again, I knew I had no other choice but to go with him. The though of it making me ill.

I made my way upstairs trying my best to avoid everyone from seeing me cry for like the 4th time this week, I wouldn't have considered myself an emotional person that was until my 6th year began. I knew how easy I was to control considering how vulnerable I was and I hated that since there was no way of me changing.

I reached my dorm and sat in bed for a few hours trying to take my mind of what just happened, every time I thought of it I would begin to tear up again. I picked up my diary and wrote another entry, I must have had a lot to say since the book was almost already half full and I've only had it for no longer than two weeks.

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, just what I needed to start off the day. I got change and headed down to breakfast, I took a seat at the end and grabbed an apple since I wasn't really that hungry. I heard faint laughter and turned to see what was going on, I watched as Neville came hopping into the hall stumbling to find his balance, his legs being stuck together.

"Honestly Neville, are you ever going to stand up to him?" I overheard Ron as Hermione preformed a counter curse helping Neville.

That's when I saw Draco walk in with a couple of friends walking in behind him, they all looked amused and just by the look on his face I knew that he done it. I watched as they all approached my table shoving into Neville while passing him.

They all took at seat a few away from me, I always felt bad for Neville as I knew he was always the one to get picked on by Draco and his little group of friends but he only made it easier for them by never standing up for himself.

I glanced around the table looking at how smug they all looked, it was as if they were proud of what they've done. I was looking at Draco when his eyes met with mine causing me to quickly look away. I played with my hair trying to pretend as if I didn't see everything that just went on. I looked back up to see that he was still looking at me which only made me feel more uncomfortable, I watched as his eyes went from looking into mine to glancing down at my neck.

At first, I had no idea what he could be looking at but soon after I quickly covered it remembering the hickeys from a few days ago which thankfully wasn't as noticeable as they faded slightly. He raised his eyebrow and laughed to himself when he saw how embarrassed he made me, looking back at his friends and continued laughing about Neville.

That day I got a few whispers and people would come up asking me if I was going with Theo to the dance in which Id try my best to ignore. Theo must have told everyone he was going with me and since he was close to Draco, I knew who was next to ask.

I was sitting in Charms class, my head turned away from Draco not wanting to talk to him, his the same. I was in the middle of writing a question when my head was yanked back by my hair causing me to fall backwards landing on to Draco's lap.

"Ow, what the fuck" I said while grabbing my hair to see what it was that pulled it, presuming it was Draco's hand. Though when I looked up to see I saw my hair wrapped around Draco's watch.

"Falling for me already Ceradwin" He chuckled as he looked down at me trying to unravel my hair from his watch. As I tried to sit back up, I felt the watch tug on my head causing me to fall back into his lap again.

"It isn't funny Draco, just get it out already" I said looking up at him fed up, my head was already banging, and this wasn't making it any better. He eventually unravelled it and I swiftly sat back up rubbing where my hair was pulled.

"Going the ball with Theo are you?" I knew he was going to ask that so I just ignored him and carried on doing my work.

"Don't know why he'd chose you out of all people, you'd be last on my list" He turned away once he realised that I wasn't going to bother answering him, and I resumed writing, trying my best to avoid him the rest of the lesson.

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