Chapter Sixty-Two

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I stood outside the door to Lucius's study trying to listen in to their conversation, my ear pressed against the door only to hear faint muffles and maybe a slight argument brewing. Just as I was getting closer to just about make out a brief part of the conversation the door flew open and I stumbled catching myself on the door frame.

"Listening in I see, come. We need to talk" Draco said as I propped myself up and tucked my hair behind my ear acting as if I wasnt expecting for him to tell me that. He stormed off down the hall making his way into the dining room, I sighed and quickly trailed behind him waiting once again for the bad news.

"Its about the Dark Lord isn't it, is Harry on the run?" I asked promptly just wanting answers already but I was quickly silenced as I watched him pace up and down the room anxiously as he thought hard. Though just I was about to say another word he came to a halt his eyes now piercing right through me.

"We're going back to Hogwarts-"

"Are you joking?! We can't go back after we-"

"For fucks sake Y/n did I look like I was done talking?" He spat making me flinch, "Snapes the new headmaster and hes got vital information about Potter." My heart sunk, I tried to push Harry as far back in my memory as I could refusing to think about what was to come.

"So why is it that we need to go to Hogwarts, couldn't he just" But I was again interrupted by his witty tone, irritated and violent, I was almost concerned.

"Are you stupid? He's headmaster, never mind a Death Eater, he isn't able to leave the grounds unless its permitted by the Dark Lord himself otherwise he'll get himself killed by one of the Dementors" He looked at me as if I was completely out of my mind, I felt foolish and almost ashamed but how could I have possible knew that if I'm never told anything in this house.

"We'll apparate tomorrow mornin- shit, never mind well have to get the train instead" He wasn't making any sense, almost scolding himself under his breath, it was starting to annoy me how he'd always keep things to himself things that were crucial for me to know.

"I'm here too you know Draco, I'd appreciate it if you could speak up a little" I said sarcastically making him turn back towards me his eyes narrowed and beady clearly not finding me very amusing.

"The school, it has enchantments that prohibit any use of transportation involving a spell. Honestly, did you even attend Hogwarts, you're completely clueless" He acted as if I was a child, not really taking into account that I was still basically new to all of this and was trying my best to keep up with his frantic behaviour.

"Ah no sorry, I was too busy trying to avoid getting noticed by you then looking up 'The History of Hogwarts'" I apparently took it too far because he came booming towards me as if he was about to knock me out, and for a quick second I thought he actually might.

"I swear to Merlin if you don't shut the fuck up with your sarcastic comments I'll throw you in the dungeon myself" He scowled slyly in my ear tightly pulling my hair a little so I had no choice but to look up at him, I felt his hot breath on my neck so hot in fact I thought it scolded me.

"I want to see you waiting here no later than 11 tonight otherwise I'll have one of the snatches fetch you instead, and believe me Ceradwin if you think Im rough then you wouldn't survive a second alone with them." He tugged one last time on my hair before storming off down the hallway leaving me rubbing my scalp and mimicking his words in anger.

Though of course I made sure I was there with a little time to spare but as soon as the clock hit 11 we were off, we reached Kings Cross and headed to platform 9 ¾ making sure to keep out heads down. He dragged me through the crowd of people, and I followed not wanting to know what would happen if I lost him, we made our way onto the train instantly flooding me with all kinds of different memories.

It was nostalgic more then anything else, as we hurried through the aisles, I glanced into all the small compartments each one brining me back in time to ever year I've attended Hogwarts. It made me forget about the present and made me feel safe for once, the tension that built up inside me disappeared and I was left with a feeling of comfort.

He ushered me into an empty compartment at the very end of the carriage and we both took a seat opposite each other, I glanced around the cramped space and fell back into my seat looking out the window with a slight smile forming on my face. It was the first time in a while that I didn't feel in danger, well for now, I guess.

"These compartments have always disgusted me, its safe to say I'll be sticking to the designated carriages" Draco bickered as he scanned the space, I scoffed and looked at his repulsed expression finding it quite amusing.

"Isn't quite up to your standards is it Mr Malfoy?" I asked curiously while lifting one leg over the other crossing my arms.

"You're being a right bitch today arent you Ceradwin? I wonder why?" He smirked watching as I became flustered, I decided just to ignore him and shift my focus to the darkness that glazed the window. I'd prefer to be entertained by that then make even more of a fool out of myself if I continued to talk to Draco.

"You're so fucking difficult you know, that right?" He said bluntly still feeling his eyes on me, this time a little more intense

"I'm difficult? I'm not the one who sneaks around the house all day and only comes to you when I want to fuck but God forbid, I ask you to actually have a conversation with me" I laughed in disbelief, I couldn't believe what I just heard, he has the audacity to call me difficult.

"What were you expecting exactly Y/n, a fun trip to my house where we can sit and chat by the fire while having tea? You amuse me with the way you think sometimes" His tone was bitter and sharp, like it usually was but this time a little more prominent.

"And I wonder why everyone of our conversations ends in an argument, I'm not the one making it hard Draco, thats all you. Maybe show you care a little sometimes, bet you can't think of a single shitty piece of information about me-"

"You only drink your tea if its dark, you count every beat after lightening strikes, you play with the shortest strand of hair on your left when you get nervous, and you stutter when you're in trouble. Your turn." I was taken back, but didn't hesitate beginning to pull out certain things I picked up on that were stored in the back of my memory.

"You play with your rings when you're anxious or frustrated, your hair naturally falls in the middle but you push it over to the right, your pupils contract when you're lying and you've never casted a successful Patronus" We both sat for a second in silence trying to comprehend how much we actually picked up on, I mean how on earth did he know how I liked my tea.

"Its true isn't it, thats the one spell you were never able to do, the Patronus" I questioned knowing I was right, over the years that was the only spell he struggled with. I was able to successfully produce one end of fourth year, but Draco was different.

"Why?" He began to play with his rings clearly wanting to avoid the question, but I insisted, I just wanted him to talk to me for one.

"Apparently watching Longbottom fall over didn't count as a 'happy' memory" He scoffed glancing back up at me but I knew he was just trying to mask the real reason why, there wasn't one moment in his life that brought him immense happiness, or in that fact happiness at all.

"You haven't got one have you, you can't think of anything happy enough" He bit the side of his cheek and glanced out of the window his face drooping miserably as soon as I brought it up.

"Please, Patronus is a useless incantation anyway, I haven't the time to bother learning it." I knew immediately it was just an excuse but I understood why he didnt want to discuss it, I mean I almost felt bad for him. "We'll be arriving soon; I don't want you out of my sight. Keep close behind me Ceradwin. I mean it."

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