Chapter Eighty

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"Room for two"


"Theodore Nott" I looked up at Draco eyes wide with confusion, the name made my stomach turn, he glanced back at me and gestured towards the man at the front desk to give my name in.

"Daphne. Daphne Greengrass" I stuttered, like I could be any more convincing. I glanced back down at my feet not speaking a word and leaving the rest to Draco knowing he was most likely going to already be pissed at me for picking her, but it was the first name that came into my head.

"Follow me" The man said as he escorted us up the stairs, I had the slightest bit of concern that he'd remember me from last time I visited the leaky cauldron but it was safe to say that he couldn't care less about his customers, he was more focused on scraping up all the money he could to keep his business open. After all the leaky cauldron and the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes were the only two companies in Diagon Alley that was still in business though we didn't get a chance to take a quick glimpse at the joke shop since it would have risked us being spotted.

"For how many nights Mr Nott?" The man asked as he unlocked the small wooden door at the end of the corridor, Draco fiddled with his rings glancing nervously at the ground presuming he was trying to think of a answer that wouldn't sound too suspicious.

"We don't know yet, I'll pay extra upfront if necessary. Sir" The man turned around glancing up at Draco and then me his eyes narrow and sharp as if he were growing more sceptical to our identities, I mean it probably wasn't often he had students show up demanding a room out of the blue, especially during these times.

I panicked wanting nothing but to be settled in a room with a bed and a roof over my head, so I done what was needed for him to get off our case. I cradled my stomach trailing it as if there was a bump insinuating I was carrying a small child, the man immediately caught on, his eyes flooding with remorse as he held open the door for us both apologising and asking if we required anything more, I shook my head and thanked him slowly shutting the door behind me.

I turned around and saw Draco sitting on the end of the bed slightly impressed by my quick thinking, I peered down at my stomach and cradled it once more a minor smirk interrupting my pout as I looked up at him. He rolled his eyes and stood up walking towards the small window by the fireplace, his hands gripped the windowsill tightly as he stared out into the gloomy grey sky that created a thick fog over Diagon Alley.

"Greengrass. Out of all people" He murmured bitterly still facing the window, I scoffed, I just managed to free the man on the desk of any suspicions and he is focusing on my choice of names.

"You can talk, Theodore Nott. The man who tried to kill me, how thoughtful of you" I spat sarcastically as I sat down on the bed taking my shoes off and tossing them to the side, I fell back onto the mattress that was covered in rough sheets made out of patched up curtains, but it was once again better than sleeping on the moss-covered forest floor.

"Done it on purpose didn't you?" Draco sneered, I was taken back not having a clue what he was insinuating, he was acting as if it was this rich scheme to get back at him when in a matter of fact I hadn't a single idea why he was looking so deep into it. I only knew Daphne Greengrass from potions class, she sat opposite me next to Draco and would often give me scowls whenever I was seen with him.

"You're joking? What exactly are you accusing me of here?" I sat up on the side that was closest to him tilting my head as I glared into the back of him, he still hadn't bothered turning around so I didn't quite know if he was serious or not but what he said next made me think otherwise.

"Stop acting so naïve Ceradwin its so fucking draining, you knew Greengrass had a thing for me thats why you brought her up" His head spun now facing me and I could tell he wasn't joking by the stern expression imbedded into his face, I laughed in disbelief to his accusation. Honestly how pathetic does he think I am, jealous over a girl I didn't even bat an eyelid at, I knew he was narcissistic, but this was beyond me.

"You think I planned to get back at you because I held a grudge against a girl I haven't once met? I'd be lying if I said what you're saying surprised me, honestly Draco you amuse me sometimes" I chuckled not believing his pathetic allegations, after everything thats going on, he chooses to focus in on something he claims to be a fit of jealously.

"You've just said it all for me. Quit denying it Y/n, I know how dependant you are, you hate the thought of me being with anyone else." His confident tone irritated me, not to mention his smug expression, I couldn't stand the way he thought I wasn't able to handle myself. I stood up my face now aligned with his perfectly, I raised my brow as I stared into his eyes, his pupils being as big as he ego.

"Get over yourself Malfoy, if it weren't for Luna, I wouldn't have bothered coming back to the manor in the first place. And Besides, I couldn't care less about who you're with. Sleep with Pansy for all I care shes wanted nothing more than to get in your pants since first year" My eyes narrowed as I shot him stares watching as his face dropped from a smug smirk to being completely taken back, I stormed off into the small bathroom slamming the door behind me.

I wiped the mirror that had a faint layer of dust and peeled back the silk cloth that hid the gash from further infection, I flinched, my fists clenching as my entire body tensed up from the pain. It was worse than I expected, blood clots trailed all the way down the slit slightly covering the major bruising that formed down the entirety of my neck. 'Fuck' I whimpered clasping the sink for support as I felt myself get drowsy, I sat myself down on the side of the bath taking deep breaths to calm myself down.

"Now's not the time to act like you dont need my help Ceradwin, open up" Draco shouted as he fumbled with the door handle, I watched as it turned frantically on my side of the door.

"I'm fine!" I shouted trying to not only convince him but also myself that I could in fact handle it on my own, I stood up and looked in the mirror again and began to run the tap. I grabbed a grubby towel from under the sink and soaked it in cold water hovering it over the gash, I started to wipe away the dried-up blood that stained my neck but realised quickly that that probably wasn't the best thing to do as a new blood flow began seeping out from the slit.

Before I knew it the towel was more drenched in blood than it was water, the loss of blood hit me quicker than I anticipated making me stumble for tissue. The pounds on the door certainly didn't help, his yells were muffled but the banging pulsated through my head making me even more faint by the second, but I forced myself to stay awake, the determination of proving him wrong becoming more important than my own health.

The pounding stopped for a moment, but I was soon startled by the door that was flung open, I looked over to see Draco standing in the doorway tightly holding his wand in what looked to be a state of shock. I glanced down to see the towel I was holding dripping with blood, the blood seeping from my neck merging with it creating a small puddle on the floor. I just looked at him not wanting to admit that maybe he was right, I was more focused on wanting to prove a point than doing what was best for me.

It took a few moments before he realised what I had attempted to do, his eyes fluttered in what I'm not quite certain to be sorrow or concern sitting me down on the side of the bath. He tossed the towel to the side leaving his hand with a sheen of my blood glistening in the white light that flickered from the singular bulb that hung down from the ceiling. He crouched down and tilted my head to the side hovering his wand over the wound, I heard him mutter what I remembered to be the same spell used by Snape when Draco was wounded by Harry, 'vulnera sanentur'.

I held my breath and shut my eyes feeling a sudden sharp pain shoot down my neck, I grasped Dracos hand that was clenched around the sides of the bath not realising I was doing exactly what Hermione done to me the night I got the wound. The pain only lasted a second before he pulled away, I looked down at his hand that now had deep nail marks lightly imbedded into his pale skin, I took mine away and placed it over my forearm getting flashbacks to the similar ones that bruised my skin.

"Don't do that to me again" Draco murmured harshly as he walked out the door looking down at his blood-stained hands wiping them on his suite pants.

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