Chapter Seven

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When I reached potions class I heard the faint mumbles of an argument slowly brewing, as I approached the door I could just about make out Hermione's timid voice. I could tell she was upset since her voice quivered as she attempted to answer back, I walked in taking a seat and placing down my books. I went to go see what was going on tapping Harry on the back to see if he knew anything.

He told me Goyle grabbed Hermione's homework and tossed it to Draco, he flicked through the pages and 'accidently' dropped it in a puddle of water which was when Hermione ran over to try and salvage it. She began to shout saying how he was a evil stuck up little troll who only cares for himself, Ron tried to calm her down but Malfoy clearly didn't take the insult very well.

"Honestly Draco, all you do is cause trouble! Just you wait till I tell professor Dumbledore he'll-"

"Dumbledore, you must be joking. That old thing doesn't know where he is half of the time, you're going to have to come up with a better threat than that Granger" He scoffed and turned to his friends who were in hysterics laughing.

Hermione stood there, her homework dripping with water. "Shame your father isn't here this time to protect you Draco" Everyone went silent, only a few people knew about what happened to his father.

"You dare mention my father Granger, at least my parents aren't dim-witted muggles who tend to other people teeth. If it were up to me all mud-bloods like you wouldn't even get the chance to walk the halls with people like us. I'd rather my parents be dead than be raised by non-wizards." Hermione ran out of the class crying, Ron and Harry quickly following after her.

"Bastard" Madalina said while shoving past Draco, she picked up Hermione's wand and shortly followed after them. She was apart of Draco's crew, I didn't take much notice of her since she would usually be the one laughing at me. Neville told me she was raised by Bellatrix after her parents died, since Bellatrix was the one to curse Neville's parents to insanity he was never really that fond of her. She clearly took offensive of what he said to Hermione and just proved her point of only caring about himself.

As I watched her walk out I stormed up to him filled with anger. "You foul piece of shit!" He turned facing me with a huge smirk of his face.

"You again Ceradwin? You'd think you're obsessed with me or something" His friends chuckled and looked down at me as if I was some sort of joke.

"I don't give a fuck about you Draco" I screamed making the entire class go silent, that was when he grabbed my robe pulling me up to face him, I could feel his breath on the tip of my nose as his eyes stared into mine.

"And whoever said I gave a shit about you" He lost his grip making me fall back to my feet, at this point I wasn't really thinking so I raised my hand intending to slap him but as I was about to reach his cheek his arm grabbed wrist tight catching me mid slap.

"I'd watch it Ceradwin, wouldn't want to end up like your mother now would you" he let go of my hand and I stood there in shock for a minute while rubbing my wrist, I made my way back to my seat with my head down.

Hermione and the rest didn't return that lesson so I was sat alone trying to wrap my head around what just happened, I kept on catching myself looking at Draco who didn't take much notice of me after that. He acted as if nothing had happened which made me question if I was overreacting.

After class I rushed to the library to find Ron, Harry and Madalina all surrounding Hermione who had her head on the desk, I approached her which was when they all made room for me. I took the seat next to her and she glanced up at me tears rolling down her face, she placed her head on my shoulder and I gave the boy's a nod which was when they walked off.

Madalina stood there, I could see the guilt slowly fill up her eyes and she sat down. She placed her hand on top of mine and gave me a faint smile.

"I can't really do much other than apologise, I don't know why I'm friends with him half the time." I could tell how sympathetic she was so I thanked her for helping Hermione, she stood up and smiled at me as she walked off.

I looked down at my hand to see two chocolate frogs laying in my palm, before I got the chance to say something she was gone. I nudged Hermione showing her the chocolate frog she left us both and I saw her manage to smile through her tears.

"Like father like son hm" I said while she took a bite out of the frog, she nodded and we sat there the rest of the day rambling on about how much we hated Draco in which we both clearly had a lot to say. I tried my best to comfort her not wanting to show how I was really feeling as I didn't want to make her feel worse so I waited till I was alone.

I sat alone in the common room fire blazing and a blanket around my hoodie giving me another layer of warmth. Every so often a tear would fall landing on my thighs leaving a cold sensation the second it landed.

I must have ended up falling asleep as I woke up with it still being dark to the sound of footsteps coming down from the boys dorm, I lay there not wanting to draw attention to myself and just listened.

I concentrated on every little noise trying to work out what he was saying, I managed to only work out a few words, but I recognised the voice. It was Malfoy.

From what I could pick up he was heading somewhere, looking for a map of some sort? I was curious as no one should be up this time of night never mind exploring the corridors mostly due to the fact that its breaking the rules and if he managed to get caught could get into really big trouble.

Other than that, I followed him. I waited till he left and snuck out behind him trying my best not to make a sound which was pretty easy since I only had on slipper socks. The minute I stepped out into the corridor I got the shivers, it was freezing.

Goosebumps flooded my bare legs since I only had on shorts, bad move for me but I didn't bother changing, too much effort. I peered around the corner but saw nothing since the corridors where pitch black. I turned my head to look the other way only to see a small white light coming from what looked like a wand.

I only grew more intrigued so off I went.

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