Chapter Nineteen

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As I stumbled out of the bookshop I saw Hermione and Ron bittering again as usual and decided Id try and calm it down, as I approached them Hermione's face lit up and told me that she was looking for me everywhere.

I asked if they wanted to have a drink in the three broomsticks; the small pub at the bottom of the street, Ron looked delighted as soon as I suggested it and walked ahead looking eager as ever.

We went inside and sat next the blazing fire, Ron asked us what drinks we wanted, and I told him to just get me a hot chocolate. As soon as he left, I looked at Hermione who was taking off her coat.

"Wanna see something cool?" I said in excitement, before she got the chance to answer I pulled out the diary I bought from the old bookshop.

"A book?! Let me see!" As soon as she saw a book her eyes opened wide, I knew she loved reading, like me and that's why we get on so easy.

"No, not just any book, its a diary." She asked if she could look at it, so I handed it to her and watched as she observed it, she immediately noticed my name written in gold on the front cover.

"Your name, how-" I cut her off and told her what the old woman said to me.

"You see, I don't know. I first saw it in the window and had an urge to pick it up but as I looked noting was on it, but when I went up to the old woman on the counter she said that the book chose me. When I looked back down at the book my name was engraved into it and the woman was gone."

"How peculiar, I've never seen anything like it." Ron approached us handing out our drinks and asked what Hermione was holding. Before I had the chance to speak Hermione told him it was just a schoolbook and that he probably wouldn't understand it anyway.

I locked eyes with Hermione and let out a laugh, Ron huffed and took a swig of his butter beer, she passed me back the book and I slipped it back in my pocket. That's when the door swung open, Blaise and Draco making an entrance as usual, they took a seat at the table next to us and Blaise went up for the drinks.

I turned my head to look a Draco giving me a snarl and I immediately turned away, I knew I was a bit abrupt when questioning him about the necklace but there was no need to hold a grudge against it.

I stood up to go the toilet Hermione following after me, as we came back, I heard arguing at our table. As I turned the corner, I saw Ron clearly annoyed, I asked what was wrong in which I got completely ignored.

That was when Ron stood up towering over Draco who was seated at his table, Hermione rushed to calm him down which was when I confronted Draco.

"What the hell was that about?" I said looking at Draco while he made comments about Ron to Blaise, they both chuckled and he finally looked up at me.

"Nothing to do with you Ceradwin" I looked at Hermione in which she told me Draco made comments about Ron's father being a waste of space in the pureblood community. I knew he had said some horrible things but something about what he said to Ron enraged me

I turned back facing Draco looking as smug as ever, I reached for my wand pointing it under his chin, his expression completely dropped.

"Fucking speak to them like that's again, I swear." I lowered my wand seeing a smirk form on his face, I looked back at Ron putting my wand in my pocket but swiftly turned punching Draco in the nose causing him bend over in pain. He ran outside Blaise quickly following behind him, Professor Snape storming up to me beginning to rant on about how much I've let Slytherin down. Though I heard giggles from behind and I couldn't help but laugh.

I was given detention every day for three weeks straight, but I didn't really care as I thought it was worth it. I boarded the train back passing Draco's carriage on the way to mine, I tried keeping my head down, but Blaise managed to catch me yelling at me to come back.

I didn't want to see the damage I made so I ignored him instead shouting I was sorry and would make it up to him, this clearly angered Blaise as shouted back how I'd better otherwise there would be consequences.

I couldn't find an empty seat so asked if I could sit with Hermione and Ron in which they nodded their head clearly thrilled to see me.

"That was amazing what you did back there Y/n!" Ron said as his face grew red the more excited he got.

"Honestly, I was not expecting that!" Hermione laughed as she gently shoved me into the window.

"I don't really know what came over me if I'm honest, I kind of just had this urge." I said looking down at my knuckles, pink from when I punched him.

The rest of the journey home was spent talking about it and how Draco deserved every second of it, though a part of me agreed there was still a small part of me that felt sympathy and guilt. I couldn't understand why since all he's ever done is make my life miserable but there was something about him that I was drawn too.

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