Chapter Sixty-Six

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I found myself standing next to the black lake being just as beautiful as I remembered it, the dark but clear water reflecting the sunset creating a prominent contrast, I knew I wasn't able to apperate into the school and the only other place I could think of was here, the time where I found Draco retrieving the small white bird from the tree above me. It was one of the first times I felt his cold but soft hand wrap tightly around my wrist making me get butterflies just from the thought, though I quickly brushed it off and told myself to get a grip while heading up the hill.

I approached the back entrance once again meeting with the same dementor that once frightened me, I presumed it might have recognised me but I quickly came to realise that that's not really how they work. I stood in front of it for a second becoming more curious of what was underneath it's hood but was able to snap out of it before I got to see, again I pulled up my sleeve showing him my dark mark and watched as it hovered away from the door letting me inside. I hurried down the stairs making sure I wasn't heard and hovered outside of the Slytherin common room, I contemplated whether to just leave now and head back somewhere else but I was already here now, she was just on the other side of the door.

Before I went inside, I remembered the robe I threw in from last year and pulled it out slipping it on so I blended back in with the rest of the students, I stuffed my hair inside the gown and hauled the hood over my head as I opened the door. I quietly stepped inside with my head held down scanning the room for Isabella, thats when I saw her sitting alone, her legs up on the table reading a book. I hurried past the large group of people gathered around the fire and took and approached the table, I tapped her shoulder making her swivel around in her chair in confusion.

"Y/n?" I didn't speak instead gesturing upstairs to the dormitory so I could speak to her in private, she immediately caught on taking me under her wing as we headed up towards her bed that sat at the very back cornered off by a small wall. I paused for a second glancing down at what used to be my bed, it was just how I left it still having the starry throw blanket I brought with me my first year draped over it. Memories of my time in Hogwarts came flushing back filling me with a warm fuzzy feeling, as if you just arrived home from being away for so long.

"I cant believe, how did you-" She startled me breaking me from my trance, I turned and sat next to her hesitantly pulling my hood down as I scanned the room.

"I left, I decided to find Harry after. After-" I knew by how she described Luna that she'd be completely distraught if I told her she was locked up at the Manor, so I thought it was best to not tell her, I didn't want to worry her. After all the whole point of me leaving was to find someone who'd be strong enough to free her and I was close.

"After I was told I had to hand Harry over to Voldemort, I want to find him before they do, to warn him almost but I didn't know where to find him, so I came here." She looked down for a moment and reached for my hand taking it into hers, when she glanced up and looked at me it made me feel safe.

"I'm glad you came back Y/n, I haven't really any idea where Harry could be, but I know who might" She pulled me up and gripped my hand tight, though her hands weren't cold like Draco's, they warmed me up as if I was holding a hot cup of tea. She led me down the stairs and dragged me through the crowd of people heading to the door. Though just as we where about to leave I heard the faint sniggers of Crabbe and Goyle, if I'm being honest they both completely slipped my mind and if it wasn't for their identical chuckles I probably wouldn't have noticed them.

"What do you think Bella, me or this old git" I heard Goyle ask a few feet behind me, I didn't turn around in hope that they'd be too stupid to catch on that she was acquainted by a friend, I looked up at Isabella who clearly was already pissed off just by the sound of his voice.

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