Chapter Eight-Six

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"He's here" I opened my eyes to see one of the snatches standing pale as ever, his face struck with fear, it was the same man who I saw take Hermione in the forest yet this time his smug smirk was wiped off his face and replaced with a look of pure horror. I glanced up to see that Bellatrix has spun around facing the door her wand still held tight but now aimed at the door, the room was silent, and the atmosphere was frightening.

"The Dark Lord" Bellatrix muttered her voice quiet and shaky; my heart sank not sure if I was the reason he was back but I was quickly proven otherwise. "Send her to the dungeon. Now" She screamed startling the two men that held me down, they both seemed to have the same reaction as the snatcher, trembling as they pulled me up.

They held me tight dragging me across the room far quicker than I would have thought, I looked up at them both, it was as if they feared the man they 'idolised', and it made me think if they even liked him at all. By the looks of it they were scared not too, a load of cowards that were too afraid of their own master. It was pathetic, I took a chance seeing that they were both focused on more important issues and stood on Lucius foot hard making him let go of me in pain but as I tried to make a run for it, Barty grabbed my arm wrapping his around my chest while the other was placed firmly over my mouth.

"Not getting away that easy princess" Barty whispered in my ear, I squirmed trying to wriggle out of his grip, but it was too tight, next minute Lucius stood up limping towards his expression filled with rage, raising his hand high as he reached me. My face flew to the side as his palm hit my cheek hard, it burned and began to pulsate making my eyes water. "Do something like that again girl and the consequence will be far worse" He spat grabbing my feet as they both carried me down to the cellar.

I was knocked back and forth between the cobbled walls as they made their way down the stairs, we reached the bottom Lucius fiddling with his blazer pocket retrieving a pair of large keys and opened the lock. The iron bars flew open but instead of tossing me in they carried me inside taking me to the very back of the cellar, which was pitch black and ice cold, they threw me to the floor landing in a small puddle. Just as I managed to push myself up one of them grabbed my hand strapping to a long chain that was attached to the wall.

"I never liked you girl" Lucius snarled, a small amount of light cascading from a dimly lit lantern revealed his rather pale complexion blending in with his cold grey eyes. He shot me one last glare before both of them stormed off blowing out the one bit of light I had left leaving me in complete darkness. I felt for the chain and yanked on it hard but it hurt my wrist more than anything so I stood up and felt around the wall in a small hope that there would be something that may help me out, but there was nothing.

"My lord" I paused and grabbed the chain to stop it from rattling as Bellatrixs voice; now a lot more timid, echo through the basement. I listened in as I was unsure if I actually heard what I originally thought I did.

"Severus has informed me that Harry Potter has shown himself at Hogwarts." The voice made me take a few steps back sending shivers through my entire body, it was familiar but something I'd never thought I'd hear again, never wanted to hear again. Voldemort.

"I-I thats impossible My Lord, y-you must be mistaken, the Potter boy wouldn't be able to get past t"

"Silence Lucius. We shall leave, tonight. The boy shall be dead by sunrise." Next moment I heard the door slam shut and mutters flood the drawing room, my throat went dry making it unbearable to swallow, though not even closely unbearable as what I just heard. The door once again flew open and footsteps heavily pacing the floor before slamming shut again, then there was silence.

It must have been at least an hour later until I gave in and stopped tugging on the chains that were slowly cutting away at the skin around my wrists making them raw. I flung my head back on the wall and slid down it my eyes fluttering as I sat down in defeat, I wasn't getting out of this one, I put myself up to it, so I guess Ill just wait.

Sitting in the pitch black alone the only thing you can hear being the single of droplets on water falling from the ceiling took more of a toll on me than anything else, time slipped away not knowing if it had been 10 minutes or an hour gradually both morphing together. I felt like I was going insane, I'd rather them have killed me before when she had the chance then waiting helplessly being held as a prisoner in the house I once lived in.

I don't remember much apart from listening to my leg tremble with nerves patting the water beneath me frantically but the consistency slowly making me drift off, my head giving into its weight and falling limply onto my chest. I was in and out of sleep my eyelids heavier every time I awoke, all I remember was how cold it was down there and I thought back immediately to Luna making me feel even worse about leaving her down here. My arms grew weak from being held up for so long making them completely numb while I once again drifted off though this time was woken to footsteps rushing down the stairs to the cellar.

I strained my eyes trying to see who it was that was sent down to retrieve me hoping that whoever it was wouldn't let me suffer even more than I already have, I honestly just wanted to get it over with. Though as they got closer, I heard a low mutter, 'Reducto'. I flinched as the iron bars were launched right at me a cloud of dust forming around the entrance, I coughed scanning through the fog to see what on earth has happened. Eventually a dark silhouette emerged from the haze hurrying towards me, and I was able to make out his blonde messy hair that now looked to be a darker shade of ash due to the dust. It was Draco, all hope that got drained from me now slowly began to make itself known again as I felt my heart beating faster than it has done the past few hours.

"Draco, how? What's-" I stumbled on my words still in a slight daze, not entirely sure what was going on and how he was able to get me out.

"I don't have time to explain Ceradwin. Now come, quick" Hearing his voice assured me that I still had a chance since I never thought I'd hear it again, but I knew we were short for time, so I didn't question it. Only problem was I couldn't exactly move, he looked down at me waiting flashing his eyes as if to tell me to hurry up so I tugged on the chains to show him why. He glanced over to find my arm still latched to the wall realising that I was stuck, he aimed his wand and motioned for me to duck as he struck the cuff blowing it completely off my hand.

I stood up shaking my hand and rubbing my wrist trying to ease the tension around it as I trailed closely behind him up the stairs, it was quiet, a little too quiet which was confusing since majority of the Death Eaters were resided here a few hours ago. Just as I opened my mouth to ask where everyone was, I heard the door swing open Draco quickly slapping his hand over my lips to prevent me from giving us away.

"We can't just leave them Lucius, he's your son and the Y/n's the only person that he has left." I froze, the timid but demanding voice instantly warmed me up knowing exactly who it belonged to, Narcissa.

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