Chapter One Hundred

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As my head rested on Narcissas shoulder my arm brushed lightly over my sleeve retracing the mark that meant more to me than what it was intended for, I glanced down and reluctantly pulled up my sleeve feeling the cold air linger gently against my skin. Though the dark mark was seen to be indicated as a punishment, a mark everyone grew to fear, and I once regretted greatly, it changed. I was no longer repulsed every time I saw it pulsate, it in some way comforted me, the mark now had a meaning, a reason behind it, I didn't get it because of my beliefs or views I got it so Draco didn't feel alone.

With that in mind I contemplated whether it was worth carrying on its legacy, if it was true what the Dark Lord was saying then I had no other choice. I've tried running away that much I end up running in circles returning to the place where it looked as if I were meant to be, instead of being ashamed of my choice I wondered if I'd be better embracing it knowing I done it for the right reason. If Draco wasn't able to fore fill the role he was once expected to have it only felt right that I should for him, he sacrificed himself for me so the least I could do was take on the burden he wanted so badly to flee from.

Just as I settled on my decision, I heard an eruption of both screams and cheers, I jolted my eyes shooting up towards the crowd that were now in hysterics. For a moment I wasnt sure if Voldemort struck again declaring his position permanently but that thought quickly faded once I heard shrieks of disbelief and anger coming from behind me. My eyes darted the courtyard frantically searching for the cause of the chaos getting taken back when I saw vibrant green sparks shooting across the archway repeatedly followed by piercing yells, my eyes trailed the sparks landing onto the person holding the wand, Voldemort.

Before I managed to find out what exactly was going on, I began to get pushed and shoved by the crowd of people behind me now eager to resume the battle that was one declared over. I became more irritated the more questions I had making my way through the cluster of violent people finally getting a clear view of who exactly Voldemort was aiming for but as I did, I was sure to be imagining things. I rubbed my eyes having to do a double take as I saw a boy who was once laying lifeless now sprinting across the courtyard duelling with the man who stated his victory.

Harry Potter was in fact very much alive, I stood motionless not really knowing what to think. I was taken back by the chaos watching as the battle resumed, a part of me was glad there was a chance Harry may be able to defeat the man that caused so much death and destruction yet the other part of me had fully accepted that it was all over, the fighting had stopped, and all was at ease. I didn't know whether I was obligated to assist the Dark Lord now that I have fully given myself over, but I knew if I did I'd be no help, I wasn't ready to resume a battle I was set on cowering from.

"I can't leave him" I whispered staring directly at the entrance to the school, I couldn't bring myself to move standing in the midst of the madness my voice being masked by the screams and cries but somehow Narcissa caught onto my thought process exactly.

"You have to Y/n, its too dangerous. I've lost my boys; I can't lose you too." This time she was adamant, her voice a lot sterner, I could tell how badly she wanted me to listen. I felt her hand touch my shoulder, her eyes practically pleading at this point for me to just let go. Knowing that it was her son she was leaving took a lot of courage and for that I admire her deciding to finally give into her words and leave the last remaining bit of hope that there was a chance of saving him, behind.

As her arm wrapped gently around my shoulders, I bowed my head and followed her lead winding my way through the crowds of people, dodging the sparks and explosions that surrounded us. I flinched every time I heard or saw another pillar collapse terrified that there was a chance I could once again be left alone. Narcissa also had her head lowered every so often scanning around her frantically to make sure we were safe; I held my breath when doing so, my body tensing, just hoping that her face wouldn't indicate the worst.

Gradually I grew the guts to look up seeing that I now had my back facing the castle, now looking at the long bridge that led far into the mountains towards the exist. I paused, I don't know what held me back, but it took a lot to step foot out of the place that I considered my home knowing I most likely would never return, the worst part was that I was leaving without the person I planned to leave with. While I fled Draco met his end without knowing he was finally free, he'd never get to experience what I felt, walking away from something I once thought I'd never escape.

Narcissa hurried forward only realising that I stopped when she no longer felt me next to her, her face dropped presuming the worst as her head spun anxiously but was relieved when she saw me standing at the start of the bridge that was now barley standing. It was like looking out onto the aftermath of a war zone, the small walls all collapsed either onto the floor or submerged in the lake below, bits of the castle scattered amongst the already rubble covered floor. Memories of me walking down it for another year of Hogwarts filled with a mixture of nerves and excitement slowly faded into that of just memories.

What made me carry on was seeing Narcissa waiting so desperately for me to leave with her, knowing shes at least left with someone who reminded her of Draco, who cared just as much as she did about her son. I guess she was thankful that she finally found someone who shared the same amount of determination to help Draco flee the fate he was expected to have knowing it wasn't right for him and I managed to succeed, I wasn't luring him away from her I was completing something she never got the chance to finish. She didn't only gain a daughter I finally gained a mother who cared for me.

With that I took one last breath and treaded lightly through the rubble seeing a faint smile gleaming back at me giving us both a small sense of relief. As I approached her, I was met with her hand now extended towards me trembling slightly as she waited for me to take it. I took it with ease wrapping it firmly around hers not wanting to let go, though her hands were cold they still manged to warm me up almost assuring me that I made the right decision. Holding her hand was a promise that I won't have to face a world without him alone.

As we both walked away from destruction, I felt something rattling in my pocket, I lowered my hand and what I pulled out made the ache that lingered hurt the slightest bit more. In the palm of my hand laid the last remaining thing I had left of Draco, the chain that attached itself to the pendant swung gently as the snake laced with a D sat glistening in my hand. I got lost in a whirlwind of emotions, though not all bad, part of me wished he had never given me it and I could have met up with death before he took him, but it meant more that I knew he had reasoning behind being dismissive always thinking ahead.

"Did he ever get a chance to tell you what was said before you both left?" I looked up to see Narcissa peering down at the necklace I held in my hand, I could tell she was familiar with it by the way she smiled. It took me a minute to catch on to what she was referring to but eventually remembered the moment I told Draco to speak to her before we fled, and she was right he never told me. I couldn't yet bring myself to speak so hesitantly shook my head instead not sure if I wanted to know or not.

"I didn't need any explanation Y/n, I told him if he loved you then he should go. And he didn't even think twice, he left without another word." She spoke with reminisce as if she was reliving the entire conversation again, her smile grew bigger the more she got lost in her head. Her smile was clearly contagious as it got passed to me, a single tear fell down my cheek landing onto the pendant which was when I gently closed my hand over knowing we both left with the words we never got a chance to say.

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