Chapter Eleven

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It was getting close to Halloween which means the first term was slowly coming to an end, everyone was packing their bags getting ready to go home for the holidays. Not me though, I wanted to stay, I procrastinated going home to see my mother due what's being going on I was dreading her finding out that everyone knows about father.

I'll eventually tell her when it's all died down but right now isn't the time, so I sent her a letter telling her it'd be easier if I stayed here and wished her well during the holidays. I sat on my bed looking out the window watching people drag along their suitcases heading towards Hogwarts express.

Once everyone left, I went down to the main hall, the corridors were silent and once I reached it I waked inside only to see about 5 people in total. I basically had the entire school to myself.

I sat down next to the fire to get some warmth and drank my soup; it was nice and hot heating up my entire body. I enjoyed being alone after everything that happened, being left to my own thoughts comforted me as I only had myself to deal with. I pulled out the letter my mother replied with re-reading what she'd said, I was never really close with any of my family but I missed her more than usual.

I watched as some students played wizard chess on the table next to me, once they finished I gathered my scarf and made my way upstairs. Usually the grand staircase would be jam packed yet it was just me this time, surrounded by a bunch of paintings. As I almost reached the common room I accidently stumbled into what would have been Miss Umbridges office.

I completely forgot about her and was intrigued to have a look since I had never been in that room before, I knocked twice but there wasn't any answer so I opened the door. As soon as I opened it I was taken back by how almost the entire room was a different shade of pink.

I walked inside and came across her desk in which I opened a draw to find what looked like a letter written to the Ministry of Magic. I was curious so I opened it, it was a letter complaining how Dumbledore was founded to be creating an army against the ministry.

This was familiar to me as I knew of what occurred last year, The Ministry was threatened by Dumbledore due to the fact they didn't want to believe that you know who was back. I proceeded to read the rest of the letter when I reached something I was unaware of.

The letter mentioned that his army was found practicing in the room of requirements, this confused me as I've never heard of such room. I folded the letter and slipped it into the pocket of my gown and left slowly shutting the door behind me.

I went searching for the room yet couldn't find anything of the sort, that was until I stumbled into Luna. She asked me what I was looking for and I told her about how I was intrigued about the room of requirements, that was when she informed me that it was located on the seventh floor and only appears when someone is in very great need of it and contains what that person needs at the time.

I was sceptical and didn't really think much of it but thanked her anyway and she walked off heading back to her dorm. I went down to the library to see if I was able to find any more information there.

I must have fell asleep as I woke up to the sun coming up in the library window, I raised my head getting a sharp pain through my neck. I must have slept on it funny.

I decided that day I needed to get extra supplies looking specifically to buy a defence against the dark arts handbook to try and up my grades. I threw on my scarf and coat and headed to Diagon Alley, after all where else could I purchase a wizard handbook.

It was chilly and windy, my hair getting caught in my eyes, surprisingly it wasn't too busy, and the street was quite empty, I passed the leaky cauldron and stumbled upon flourish and blots bookseller.

I made my way inside opening the door to hear the faint sound of the doorbell go, the shop was empty, the owner probably in the back so I decided to take a look around.

I scanned the bookshelves trying to find the section I was looking for when I felt a tap on my shoulder, "can I help you miss?"

"Oh god, you scared me" I said while bringing my attention back onto the books, "yes actually I'm looking for a book to help me with defence of the dark arts, you wouldn't know where they'd be would you?"

"Ah yes yes, give me a second I'll go fetch it for you" He went behind the till towards the back of the shop and I stood there behind a bookshelf waiting for him to come back.

That was until I heard the door open, I peered through the books trying make out who it was. I saw striking blonde hair and a dark green robe, it was Draco. Surely his father provides him with all books necessary, so why would he come down here?

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