Chapter Twenty

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Over the passed few days I've been filling the diary I got with all my thoughts Id usually keep inside of me, it was nice writing them all out and letting go of some of the things on my mind. Though this led to it quickly becoming the most sacred thing I owned since it contained basically my life story inside.

It was a chilly this particular night and I wasn't able to make myself comfortable, so I made my way downstairs brining my diary and sat on the floor next to the fire. I put my hands up palms facing the flame to warm me up a bit, I then opened my diary and began to write an entry.

Cant get to sleep again, I could just say it was the rain or its too cold but wed both know that's not true. I cant stop thinking about him, he's constantly on my mind from the minute I wake up to the second I fall back asleep.

The way his light grey eyes stare into mine is mesmerizing, the way his platinum blonde hair falls in front of his eyes, the way he fidgets with his ring when he's nervous. I don't know why but I pick up on every little thing he does.

Why do I care so much about him when he would have never batted two eye lids at me if the thing about my parents didn't come out? A part of me is thankful that it did, wait. That's ridiculous, I'm talking utter nonsense, I'm probably just tired. Right?

I should get some sleep.

Y/n Ceradwin

I slammed the book shut and pushed it away from my sight getting second hand embarrassment from what I wrote, I sat there just thinking about why I felt so guilty about hurting him. You'd think because of all the things he's said and done to my friends and I that he fully well deserved it and I knew that, but I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

The next morning, I woke up early for some reason to the sound of birds chirping, I stood up and stretched letting out a great yawn. I got changed and headed down the main stairs passing Madalina on the way down.

"Hey, have you found Dorian yet?" I shouted over to her, she looked over to me and smiled nodding her head continuing to head up the stairs.

I decided to go for a walk in the courtyard gardens since class didn't start for another hour, neatly cut hedges surrounded the archways of the corridor and a huge oak tree stood tall in the middle, a ceiling of leaves towering above me.

I brushed off the icy layer on the bench and sat drinking my hot tea, that's when I heard mumbles from behind the tree. I stood up to see what they were which was when I saw Crabbe and Goyle muttering to each other. I must admit they do resemble dumb and dumber.

"I don't know where he is Goyle, I've already told you, I've looked everywhere."

"Did you check the room?" Goyle said while scanning the perimeter to see if anyone what near, I slipped behind the tree, so he wasn't able to see me and carried on listening in.

"What room?" Goyle knocked Crabbe's head while shaking his in disappointment.

"Room of requirement dummy." I gasped but swiftly covered my mouth with my hand and watched as they walked off.

I completely forgot about that, I honestly though it was just a myth since I've never actually seen it for myself but now that Goyle mentioned it I knew at least some of it had to be true.

I trailed behind them making sure I wasn't to be seen and followed as they led me to the seventh floor, that was when I saw them start to speed up quickly turning into a jog. I watched from a distance as I saw them approach Malfoy who was standing with his eyes closed in front of a huge wooden door almost the size of the ceiling,

"Draco, we've been looking for you all morning." Crabbe said as he approached him.

"Yeah, I mean I was the one to ask Crabbe if he checked the room of requi-" Draco slapped Goyle on the back of his head instantly shutting him up while glancing around to see if anyone was there.

"Sshh Goyle, honestly do you two have any sense whatsoever. Where else would I be, Hagrid's filthy shed?" They both laughed while Draco stood there unamused.

He then pattered himself down and made his way down the stairs, Crabbe and Goyle trailing behind him. As they left, I quickly turned the corner to see that the huge door was gone, instead being the usual painting of Merlin hung on a wall of stone bricks.

I walked up to the wall to get a closer look, I placed my hand on the cold stone and felt every crevice trying to find some sort of crack yet there was nothing.

I couldn't understand how an entire set of double doors could disappear so fast.

As I entered first lesson I saw Harry sitting alone at the back so I decided to take a seat next to him, as I approached him he glanced up and smiled, I placed my books down and sat down.

"Harry, mind if I ask you a question?" I said, he looked intrigued and nodded his head, go for it

"Last year when you trained people to defend themselves, where exactly did you do all of this?" He laughed as if I was asking a completely stupid question.

"The room of requirement of course" I wanted to know more which led the majority of the class being just us talking about it.

I managed to write everything he told me down in my diary and now knew where Draco was all the times he would go missing. Though by the sounds of what Harry was saying it only comes in times of need and I couldn't possibly think of what would want so badly.

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