Chapter Sixteen

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It must have been deep into the night when I woke up to loud thunder crash against my window, I'm a pretty light sleeper but was surprised to see that no one else heard it. I sat up and listened to the rain pattering against my window counting how many beats there would be until lightning struck. 1..2..3..4.. the lighting reflected from my window onto the floor brightening up the whole room.

I stood up wanting a closer look since I accepted that I most likely wasn't going to sleep any time soon, I wrapped the blanket around me and walked down the spiral stairs to enter the common room. It was pretty dark, but some torches were lit so I was able to see a little if I squinted. I walked towards the huge arched window next to the fireplace and sat on the ledge watching the lightening clash amongst the night sky. My head fell back onto the wall and I began to doze off.

"What are you doing awake so late?" A voice said causing me to prop myself back up, I rubbed my eyes and yawned straining them to work out who it was.

"It was the thunder, wasn't able to get back to sleep" I said still figuring out who I was actually talking to, lightening struck again brightening up the room for a second.

"I'd try and get some sleep if I were you, won't want Filtch finding out you're here" Draco approached me and I brought my legs to my chest making room for him, he sat next to me and gazed out the window.

"You're awake too Draco, it won't just be me getting into trouble" I said causing him to break his stare, he looked down at the windowsill probably thinking of an excuse.

"Guess I'll let you off this time" He said while giving me a smirk, his blonde hair scruffy and covering part of his eye.

"Well, what's keeping you up, don't you have a quidditch game tomorrow?" He sighed and looked down, his smirk quickly turning into frown.

"I overthink Y/n, but someone like you won't possibly understand" I let out a sarcastic laugh, "I know more than you think Draco, honest to god I'm not some ignorant child"

"You're the reason I overthink Ceradwin, why do you think I wiped your fucking memory" As soon as he realised what he said his face slowly changed from being pissed. He sat there cursing himself for slipping up.

"You did wipe my memory, I- I don't understand." I don't know why but I felt upset, and I clearly shown that through my expression. I glanced down at my hand and watched it as it slowly relaxed from being in a fist.

"It was for your own good Y/n. It's best not knowing otherwise he'll hurt you." I saw him from the corner of my eye lift his hand to comfort me but immediately stopped himself instead standing up and fixed his robe.

"Goodnight Y/n" His head dropped looking down at the floor and walked off leaving me sitting alone, I was trying to wrap my head around who would want to hurt me. My immediate thought was Snape, but I doubt he'd hurt me, after all he is a professor.

I must have fell asleep as I woke up to the sun rising, luckily no one was awake yet, so I went back up to my dorm to get changed. As I washed my face all I could think about was what Draco had said to me before he went back to bed.

I spent that whole day researching counter spells to regain my memory, I must have looked through at least 10 spell books that day, yet I still was unable to find anything. That was when I saw Hermione looking through the section on mythical creatures, I ran up behind her giving her a hug.

"Mind if I ask you something Hermione?" She looked at me with uncertainty but then a smile slowly grew causing me to giggle.

"Sure" I then asked her if she knew of any spells that could bring back my memory of a specific day.

"It depends, was it stolen from you or can you just simply not remember it?" I proceeded to tell her that it was taken from me by some sort of spell, but I couldn't for the life of me remember which spell.

Her face lit up and she took my hand telling me to be quiet and follow her, she took me to the restricted section and pulled out a book of counter potions quickly glancing at the contents page and found the chapter on memory loss.

She scanned the page and her finger landed on a set of instructions, "Right, you're going to need a teaspoon of aconite, one abraxan hair and a sprinkle of doxy egg. You can find most of this in Snape's storage closet, but you need to be careful, last time Ron got caught taking a chocolate frog he had to clean the classroom for a week. And that's without his wand."

I practically jumped on her wrapping my arms around her shoulders, "Thank you, thank you, thank you !!" I told her to meet me in Gryffindor common room at 9pm and ran off, my heart pumping with adrenaline.

It reached 8:45 and I made my way to the common room making sure to disguise myself wearing a huge black robe which covered my entire body. As I stepped inside, I pulled down my hood and shouted down Hermione. She came rushing down the stairs holding what looked like a huge cloak in her hands.

"What's that?" I asked, though she didn't bother to explain instead she wrapped it around her. Her whole body disappeared just leaving a floating head.

"No way!" She told me to come in and she wrapped the cloak around both of us, she explained how I needed to be silent as they were still able to hear us. I nodded and we started walking to Snapes classroom.

We managed to quickly get all the ingredients we needed, and we made our way towards the girls bathroom, we flung the cloak off us and sat next to the sink adding in all the ingredients. Just before she gave it to me, she asked me who stole my memory.

I told her Draco thought it'd be a funny joke to make me forget a key piece of information Snape gave us for our exam, she seemed to believe me as she began to ramble on about how horrid he is but I wasn't really listening as I swiftly downed potion and focused on the day I wanted to remember. I shut my eyes as everything came flooding back to me, I now understood why he did it.

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