Chapter Fifty

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In the few minutes I was unconscious I knew it was worth it, I had nothing to lose, no one to disappoint, the only person I cared for was the boy who had no choice. The only thing I could do is make that choice with him, so I did and from the second I opened my eyes and saw he was with me I knew it was the right one.

My eyelids manged to lift the heavy weights that pulled them down giving me a slight glimpse of my surroundings, my head was propped up onto Dracos lap and I felt his hand brushing away the hair from my face weaving the strands in and out of his fingers. I glanced down to see his other hand laying gently on top of mine, I wasn't able to move just yet, so I slightly squeezed his hand making him aware that I was awake.

He moved his hand so my fingers were now locked between his, I looked up at him and saw his head tilted to the side not once taking his eyes off me. His hand brushed over my icy cheek instantly defrosting it with his touch, my eyes still slightly glazed with tears I smiled faintly assuring him I'd be alright.

My head fell to the side peering down at my lifeless arm seeing the same symbol on my necklace now engraved into my skin, watching it pulsate in circles following its path made me sick to my stomach but before I was able to watch it begin another lap Draco directed my head back to him. He looked down me, eyes drowning with guilt as his glanced back at my arm.

"Its not your fault this time Draco" I said with the remaining amount of effort left inside of me, I didn't want him to think that he was responsible for a decision I made. I tried to sit up just wanting to come across as less of a burden but failed miserably falling back to onto his lap, "Ceradwin, let me help you for once." His stern but insistent tone made me give in letting him handle my weak body.

He propped me up my head now against his shoulder making sure he was gentle with the arm imbedded with the dark mark, I whimpered as he lifted it, but his other arm held me tight to him. He tenderly rested my forearm into his palm his eyes tracing the movement of the mark, he hovered a finger above the skin glancing up at me for consent. I nodded and he softly brushed over it, I squirmed making him quickly pull away, but I assured him that I was just being dramatic. I offered my arm back to him and watched as he covered the mark with his hand instantly cooling it down releasing all the tension that was built around it.

The more he tended to me the more I gave in eventually letting him take control of my body, but not once was I scared, I trusted him. I must have passed out again since the next time I woke up I found myself back in the silky green sheets of my bed, I propped myself up getting a shooting pain through my left arm. Though as I glanced around the room I wasn't as familiar with the surroundings, the dorm didn't have random bits and pieces of clutter dotted around the place, thats when I caught my eye on the picture frame beside me.

I was in the boys dormitory; I was laying in Dracos bed. I pulled myself from the covers and stood up silently making my way down the cold spiral stairs, I caught a glimpse of myself through one of the windows the familiar scent was that of him, I had on his white shirt.

As I got to the bottom of the stairs, I saw Draco sitting on the couch alone staring deeply into the fire, he must have heard me coming since he swiftly turned around as I approached him. I smiled and took a seat next to him sitting in silence as we both watched the fire.

"You havent a clue what you've done Ceradwin" He said as he broke his gaze with the flames looking down at the floor, he sighed.

"I dont care, I couldn't let you do this alone" I took his hand and caressed his cheek making him look up at me, his eyes reflecting back the moonlight with the tears that glazed them.

"Dumbledore, my task is to kill Dumbledore, our task now is to kill Dumbledore" My face dropped, and I froze, he was right, I went into this without knowing what could happen. Out of all the things I presumed I'd signed up for, assassinating the headmaster never once came into mind.

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