Chapter Fifty-Four

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I stumbled inside catching myself on the banister of his huge four-poster bed, I was angry to say the least. My eyes were sharp like daggers slicing through whatever they landed on, I stormed up to Draco who slammed the door shut behind him glancing harshly back at me.

"You're pathetic Draco its embarrassing" I spat as I made eccentric hand gestures flinging my arms in the air in spite of him.

"You spat blood into my fathers hair and you're calling me embarrassing" He scoffed as he tilted his head in disbelief trying to shift the blame on me, his eyebrows furrowed not knowing why I wasn't able to understand were he was coming from.

"But where did the blood come from Draco? Oh right, your fathers shitty staff that he struck me over the face with while you just stood there like the pitiful boy you are" I was shocked by the way he was taking this, it was as if he was completely oblivious to what his father had done.

"What the fuck did you want me to do Ceradwin? You haven't any idea what that mans capable of. Thats the man I had to grow up with" It looked as if a fire broke out in his gloomy grey eyes making them appear full of rage and anger but not necessarily intended towards me.

"I pity you Draco I really do but the least I wanted from you was to stand up for me for once instead of making me come across a fool like you always do" I must have been screaming in sarcasm at this point drowning in frustration gradually nearing him.

"I should have known this was going to happen, I brought a half-blood into a house of purebloods for fucks sake" His arrogant tone and sly remark of my blood heritage brought me over the edge, I raised my hand slapping the pretentious look of his perfectly carved pale face.

He stood in shock glancing down at the ground for a second as he held his cheek, I didn't think I had it in me either so I just kind of waited to see what he'd do. He looked up at me his eyebrow raised, I could tell that he was trying to mask the slight smirk that emerged from his face with rage, but it was failing to convince me this time.

I sighed and rolled my eyes irritated by the fact that what I did clearly turned him on, I turned around about to storm off in a huff not wanting to give him the satisfaction he deserved but just as I did so he grabbed my wrist pulling me closer to him. I fell into his chest but pulled back tugging my arm separating it from his grip, I pushed him back into the door my anger gradually turning into dominance.

He looked down at me with a smirk knowing I wasn't able to resist the temptation but this time I wanted to watch him beg, I trailed my hand up caressing his cheek leaning in slowly to kiss him watching as his eyes closed and head tilted craving me. I gently pecked his lips teasing him but slowly drew away as his lips crashed into mine searching for a way inside. He threw his head against the door and groaned in frustration, the definition of his neck sending tingles through my body.

I scoffed knowing just how easy it was to make him want me and trailed my hand up his neck my finger eventually dragging down his bottom lip smiling mockingly as he glanced down at me his eyes now wide open. He grabbed my waist and flipped me around so I was now against the door in attempt to regain control but as he leaned in once again wanting nothing but to feel my lips against his, I dodged it slipping back through his arms.

I made my way over to the bed pulling on his tie as I dragged him behind me, I pushed him on the dark green satin sheets my eyes trailing him from head to toe as his breathing got heavier. His eyes were now seeping with anticipation expecting to get exactly what he's been craving, but I had other plans.

"Fuck Ceradwin don't be a prude, come here" He grunted desperately, I pouted my bottom lip sarcastically knowing I wasn't giving in so easily this time. I slowly sat on his lap facing him feeling the silky touch of the satin sheets on my knees, I flipped my hair to the side as I playfully sucked on the side of his neck.

His head fell back instantly but I slowed down in attempt to provoke him which not so surprisingly turned out successful, his head shot back up staring as if he hated my guts. My hands trailed the back of his neck my fingers intertwining themselves in his platinum hair, his lips quickly clasped onto my neck making my head then fall-back tugging on his messy blonde strands.

I felt his hands make their way up my lower back one of them diverting up to my chest pulling at my gown, my head flew back up yanking his tie in retaliation. I grabbed his chin and directed him back up at me not allowing him to get what he wants so easily, I pushed myself forward so that I was now straddled on top of him aggressively moving my lips in tune with his, his hands getting tangled in my hair.

I broke it off watching him as he laid there flustered, I teasingly untied my robe putting him into a trance his eyes fixated on me. I threw the robe across the room and began to unbutton his shirt keeping one hand on his neck, so he wasn't able to get the pleasure of seeing me as I did so. My finger followed his toned abdomen not once breaking eye contact with him, I reached his belt and slightly raised his brow as I felt him get excited.

"You give in so easily Draco" I sneered a grin gradually forming on my face

"Shut up Ceradwin stop teasing me" He said in his usual rasp tone this time a little less smug, I paused at his belt and instead slightly brushed my hips over his wanting to prove a point. It only grew bigger, not able to handle it anymore he flipped me over and unbuckle it himself.

I forcefully pushed his shoulder shoving him off of me and threw myself over him, so I was back on top, he bite his lip hard trying to hold back his moans as I teased him slowly hovering above it. "Beg Malfoy" I whispered, he locked eyes with me desperate for me to go further but refusing to admit he needed it.

"I fucking hate you" He said as I sat still hovering above him millimetres away from meeting with his tip, I heard him gulp knowing he was dying to feel me. I felt his hands clasp my waist, but I swiftly threw them off holding them down on the bed.

"Fuck me Ceradwin, now" I eventually lowered myself onto him making both our heads fall back with pleasure hearing his loud raspy groans fill the entire room, I move at an agonising pace knowing he wants nothing more than for me to speed up. So I did, I moved faster and faster watching as his eyes rolled back knowing he was about to peak.

"Shit Y/n, faster" He moaned, I paused pulling away. His head flew up and I stood over him for a second watching how weak he was without me. He was hardly able to keep his head up craving me so badly to finish, I looked down at him a smug expression plastered across my face.

"Next time don't be a pussy otherwise you aren't getting mine" I grabbed my gown and wrapped it around me as I stormed off leaving him laying there helplessly on the bed. I glanced back at him one last time knowing that he needed me just as much as I needed him.

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