Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I spent that night endlessly worrying if he was okay, whenever I closed my eyes all I pictured was him laying lifelessly on the floor not knowing whether he was still breathing or not. I couldnt get over how much it hurt seeing him in that state, I now knew why I hated him ignoring me, why I craved his attention even if it wasnt for good.

I wanted to see him so badly, yet I knew that I'd be the last person hed want to see. It was the next morning and I dragged myself out of bed having slept about 2 hours, I looked just as exhausted as he did when I saw him. I swiftly made my way to the hospital wing and peered inside not wanting anyone to see me, I was expecting to see his friends gathered around his bed yet there was nobody but the nurse.

I watched as she wrote down some notes on her pad and checked his temperature then turned and walked towards me still writing somethings down. As she reached the door, I pulled her aside and asked how he was, she told me he has a major loss in iron and seemed completely drained but just needed some rest. I nodded and watched as she walked off towards the office.

I felt completely useless just standing there observing him so I couldnt help but approach him, he was sat facing the curtains, so I was only able to see his messy blonde hair. I noticed that the bed was shaking and looked underneath and watched as his leg bounced on the floor.

He must have been too deep in thought to hear me coming as he jumped when I took a seat next to him, though he immediately looked back at his hands and began fidgeting with his ring trying his best to avoid eye contact with me.

"Draco are you- "

"Save it Ceradwin, I dont want your sympathy" He snarked cutting me off completely, he looked ashamed and his face full of regret.

"So I shall not give you it though Im finding it difficult not to" I didnt move, I didnt want him to be alone yet I knew that he most likely thought otherwise.

"If you would have only just left when I told you to"

"Why would I leave you in a state like you were, I wanted to help"

He moved his hands to his face and brushed his hair back while letting out a huge sigh, he looked up at the window and paused swiftly shifting his gaze on me.

"Don't be so ridiculous, I dont need your help" His eyebrows arched as he gave me a snarl and scoffed looking down as if he thought I was some sort of a joke.

"Was I so ridiculous to think that for a second you did, I know what its like Draco. I know how it feels"

"You havent any idea what I'm going through Y/n and even if you did, I'd still never go looking for your help" He turned away not able to bring himself to look at me.

"Oh I do apologise for caring so much Draco, remind me next time not to bother when I see you laying lifelessly on the floor." I stood up and stormed out not giving him a second glance and headed for breakfast.

As I approached the table I saw Dracos group of friends laughing and mumbling clearly oblivious to the fact that he was in the hospital wing. Just as I walked past, I shouted over to them causing them all to stop mid-conversation and turn to face me.

"By the way since you all care so much Dracos is actually in the hospital quarters, presumed you'd already know since hes basically the person you all admire greatly but clearly not" I gave them a sarcastic smile and walked of watching their faces all drop in shock while the others gathered their things and fled to go see him.

I didn't really know what I was expecting from Draco since I always knew hed instantly shut down any idea of telling me how he felt but I kind of hoped for a better outcome than what just happened, yet even after the conversation I didn't once regret being with him.

I didn't once visit him after as I knew it'd end just the same and hed ush me away again, so I kept my distance. I could tell his friends couldnt care less; I'd still see them joking in lessons and break not once mentioning his absence making me question if they took any notice whatsoever.

It'd been around about a week until he was released but he wasn't the same, he kept more to himself and was very blunt. The jokes died down as did his friends, his pack slowly reduced only about 4 being left and though he was still feared he didnt act upon it. It was almost as if he was distracted by something, constantly stressed.

It was coming up to Christmas only two more weeks to go, I knew I was to spend the holiday here and wasnt planning on getting my hopes up with gifts so I was more looking forward to the lead up. I loved the holidays as it would constantly snow here at Hogwarts and the fires would be blazing, hot chocolate around every corner and carols coming from the great hall.

The bell rang and it was decided that there would be a huge snowball fight near the forbidden forest, at first I was just planning to spend that time in the library but I felt compelled to attend since everyone was going.

I wrapped up warm and followed the huge crowd of excited students already preparing their snowballs, we eventually reached the bottom of the hill and the two Weasley brothers began to count down.

"In 3" Fred looked at George with a smirk

"2..." "1" George reached in his pocket and struck Fred in the face with a huge lump of snow causing him to fall back and reach for his stack.

I watched as snowballs went flying in all directions and peoples screams of laughter filled the surrounding area, seeing other people having fun made me smile. That was until I saw a huge snowball getting launched in my direction, I quickly ducked and glanced up as it skimmed my head.

I looked up to see Ron and Hermione bright red in the face, they stood there just waiting for my reaction expecting me to be mad, but their faces soon changed when I laughed and threw one back at them. They looked relieved and began to form a stack of them causing me to do the same, I managed to dodge a few and I aimed for Ron hitting him in the back of the head and watched as Hermione burst into laughter.

Just as I was about to toss another one, I heard someone call my name from behind and turned in their direction causing me to take a blow to the shoulder from Hermione. As I glanced around to see who it was, I saw Draco leaning on a tree arms crossed staring at me, I gave him a confused look and pointed at myself as if to ask if he wanted me. He rolled his eyes and nodded making his way back around the tree not wanting to be seen.

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