Chapter Seventy

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At this point it was starting to pour down with rain but not one of us moved, the sound of the raindrops hitting the leaves echoed throughout the forest but I was more focused on watching Draco about to do something he'll end up regretting. I wasn't able to come to my senses instead I was prepared to just stay stood there attempting to keep him distracted, I knew that he'd have to give in eventually as the desperation inside my eyes must be eating him out.

"Please" My voice broke and quivered, it was the only word I managed to get out as my throat felt as if it was closing up, I was biting the inside of my cheek so much I started to taste blood but it was the only way I was able to keep myself from breaking. I didn't dare take my eyes off him knowing that if I did it'd be for the worse so I kept them locked even though I could hear both Hermione and Ron draw closer.

His eyes were rather deep-set though somewhat watery making the sharp grey a lot more prominent, trying to read his eyes is like trying to get a blind person to see, it was basically impossible. Though to my surprise he began to lower his wand, I could tell he was hesitant as he didn't once look away from me while doing so knowing that if he'd get sucked back into his thoughts. A small fire set alight inside of me as he pulled his sleeve that was now drenched with rain over his mark and looked down at the floor clearly apprehensive if he made the right choice.

A part of him knew that if he'd have summoned him he'd not only be losing Harry but he'd also be losing me, it finally occurred to me that maybe he actually cared taking into account what I wanted instead of what we had to do. I looked over at Harry and Hermione who both looked at me in disbelief as the rain trickled down their faces, though just as Harry was about to say something I felt Draco grab my hand pulling me away from them.

"But Draco, they can help, Harry said he'd help-" I stuttered, too naive to know that it was too good to be true and I quickly realised that.

"We've done enough, if we're seen with them Potter wouldn't be the only one loosing his life." His whisper was aggressive making me flinch as he turned around holding both my arms tight trying to shake some sense into me, I looked down in disappointment at his black dress shoes that were now covered in mud.

As he dragged me further into the woods in attempt to get me as far away as possible I came to a sudden halt, I heard what sounded like faint voices coming from where we had just been though these didn't belong to that of Hermione, Harry or even Ron. Draco turned back even more agitated than he was before glaring right through me trying to get me to hurry up, though the voices got louder and was slowly followed by sounds of footsteps hitting the ground fast and hard. Someone was running right towards us.

My head shot towards Draco who was now just as alerted as I was, he quickly glanced over me his eyes scanning the forest trying to make out where the sounds where coming from though just as I turned around Draco grabbed my arm shoving me behind a mound of bushes quickly following after me. He put his finger up to my lip silencing me before I even had the chance to ask questions.

The sound of multiple people sprinting got increasingly louder by the second eventually approaching right where we where hiding, I squinted through the bushes and saw Hermiones dark brown brogues trending harshly through the mud breaking every branch in her path followed by an unfamiliar pair of black tacky boots chasing after her. I heard her call out for Harry, her voice trembling yet eager hardly having any breath to speak it, thats when it clicked. It was the snatches.

Without thinking I stood up, I was overwhelmed knowing that they weren't able to escape them this time and I was probably the reason why. Hearing Hermiones painful shriek only made it worse, my entire body got goosebumps and my heart sank I wanted nothing more than to help them like they were going to help me. Though I knew that I'd be helpless after all I'd be helping the 'wrong side', I had to realise that but I found it extremely difficult as everyone who I was closest with is on the said side that were against.

I couldn't hold back, I cut through the bushes and ran towards where I heard the shrieks but just as I got past the first trees Draco wrapped his arms around me tight so I was unable to go any further. I squirmed trying to slip out of his grip yet it was too strong I wasn't even able to manage letting one arm loose, as her screams billowed through the trees the more aggressive I got wanting nothing more than to help them.

I eventually used up all of my energy and it was undeniable that it wasn't getting me anywhere so I finally gave in, I collapsed in his arms tears silently rolling down my cheek combining with the raindrops they fell with them. Draco's hand reached for the back of my head pushing it gently into his shoulder, at first I refused not wanting to surrender to him but eventually I did knowing that he may very well be the only person I had left.

My weak head fell with ease into his black blazer that was soaked already with rain now absorbing even more water thanks to my tears, he held the back of my head steadily while his other was latched to my back almost cradling me as I cried. Before I knew it we where both back at Malfoy Manor our positions not changed in the slightest as I still felt as if I heard her excruciating pains flooding my ears making me weep even more.

He led me over to the couch and took a seat laying me on top of him not once making me move, I didn't even bother looking up just digging my head in deeper into his chest as he sat down. He didn't say a word, didn't once criticise me for my pathetic antics instead he held me tight stroking the back of my head, gently playing with my hair letting me shed tears of helplessness into him. I suppose he finally caught on to how difficult seeing who used to be my friends get taken by someone who I gave up my life to work for, he couldn't have comforted me more.

The rest of the night was spent on the couch, the fire crackling faintly warming up the entire room, though Draco didnt once leave my side. My head laid on his lap just staring into the flames a single tear falling every so often, I felt exhausted, my eyes puffy and bloodshot. I was weak, my feet pulsating from my trip from place to place trying to find someone who I lost last minute. I couldn't help but blame myself, if I hadn't have gone looking for them then they wouldn't have gotten caught, I should have listened. Though I never do.

"You where right." My soft words setting the fire slight once more, it hurt to admit but he was the only person I had left and I couldn't loose him again, leaving him only made me realise how much I needed him.

"How?" I asked, still staring at the flames. I couldn't wrap my head around how he always knew; he was able to predict what was going to happen before I even spoke a word.

"I know you more than you think Ceradwin" He paused before speaking, I didn't know how much I craved hearing his voice before he finally spoke. It still made me nervous making my stomach get butterflies, it comforted me, the mix of his raspy voice and smug tone made me fall weak.

So I left it at that, I didn't ask any more questions, instead my eyes fell heavy drifting asleep on his lap to the sound of both the crackling of the fire and his heavy breathing.

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