Chapter Twenty-Three

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I quickly covered my neck and agreed to them being the old ones, she obviously was sceptical so she grabbed my hand to get a closer look at my neck, next minute pulling my shirt down revealing the rest that were scattered on my shoulder.

"Dwinny, there not the bruises you get from falling down the stairs." She said while her face was still in a state of shock, I wasn't able to say anything as I knew it if I did then it'd get more attention.

I knew it wouldn't be long till someone catches on to the conversation but Draco was the last person I wanted to hear, I was trying to tell Madalina to keep it down refusing to give her any details which clearly made her more frantic.

I saw Draco's head spin, at first looking at Madalina to see who she was speaking to, as soon that he noticed it was me he gave me a glare swiftly shifting his eyes to my neck. I put my head down as my face turned bright red and shut my eyes just praying the bell would ring already.

I must have been sat with my head down the rest of the lesson as I jolted up as soon as I heard that class was dismissed, I gathered my books and just as I was about to follow Snape out the door I felt someone tug me back.

My heart sunk and I froze shutting my eyes tight. I slowly turned around only opening one praying it was going to be Hermione or Ron or anyone else, but sadly it wasn't.

Draco grabbed my chin forcing me to look up at the ceiling, I was mortified. I knew that the entire point of last night was to get back at Draco, yet I immediately regretted it the second I saw Theo sitting on the couch.

"Where did you get these?" he snarked at me, he gave me a look of disgust making me feel even worse than I did before.

"These aren't the ones I gave you! They would have faded by now." He only grew more irritated the more I refused to talk. He pulled down on my shirt only to reveal more trailing down my shoulders.

"I- they are I swear" I managed to tell him in the least truthful way I could possibly say. The fact I told him a blatant lie to his face enraged him and I could see that with the way he looked at me in. He could tell I was nervous as I wrapped my hands around my stomach clearly indicating that I was hiding something.

He snarled at me and his eyes shifted to where I was fidgeting with my shirt, he reached for my arms removing them from my waist and tugged at my shirt puling it up to show the rest of them dispersed around my stomach.

His face went from being utterly disgusted in me to furious, I grabbed a hold of my shirt and tucked it back to my skirt hoping that no one else saw.

"Don't lie to me Ceradwin those aren't even bruises at all." I looked down in embarrassment and I felt like crying but I refused to make myself look more like a fool than I already was.

"Who?" I looked up to see Theo in the back with a huge smirk on his face, Draco's eyes followed where mine landed on and met with Theo's grin. His anger no longer was at me but now seemed to be more aimed at Theo as he shot him death stares.

I stood there observing for a few seconds until Madalina approached me and tugged on my robe pulling me away.

"They're only a few love bites, nothing to be shamed for Draco." She said while reassuring me, she pushed me forward therefor making me shove past Draco and I looked up at him being met with his spiteful glare.

I couldn't understand why he was so mad; I knew he would eventually find out but I wouldn't have thought he'd care so much as he did. I felt even more humiliated than I did when I first saw myself. Being shamed for something you didn't even want is an awful feeling, yet I didn't want to tell anyone. I didn't want to make it even more of a deal than it already was spiralling into.

I made my way to the bathroom and managed to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, mascara running down my face. I gripped the side of the sink and felt my breathing quickly speed up, I felt a weight on my chest and immediately knew the feeling.

I felt my face heat up so I splashed it with cold water trying to calm myself down, I stumbled and found balance against a wall and slowly slid down it as my vision got blurry from all of the tears streaming out of my eyes. I reached the cold floor and sat there tucking my knees in starting to catch my breath back.

I sat there for what felt like only 5 minutes but turned out being an hour, I took a deep breath and heaved myself up wiping away my access tears. I didn't want to be seen like this; I've gotten picked on enough this is the last thing I need.

Over the next few days, I got glares from Draco and his little group, the only person who didn't despise me being Madalina. I grew to be quite close to her after the past few weeks, though we were total opposites she still took a liking to me.

I knew our friendship angered Draco as he would constantly be pulling her aside arguing with her giving stares at me, though she never specifically told me I could tell. She told me about her relationship with Blaise, I was the one person she cold trust, I mean who was I going to tell.

Ever since I became close to her I began to notice more things, Blaise was quite controlling, constantly at her for how she dresses or acts. I could tell he cared for her but maybe a bit too much sometimes.

I began to catch onto the fact that Hermione was now starting to avoid me, though I knew she obviously wasn't keen on Madalina since she's technically in Malfoys group, but I couldn't understand why she couldn't ask me about it.

I was back to only having one friend again which didn't make much difference than before, I mean at least I had someone

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