Chapter 87

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The ride home was a silent one and as soon as Minji parked the car, Gahyeon and Bora stepped out of it. Siyeon and Yubin heard the noise from the outside so they quickly went to open the door, happy that the girls were back.

"Hey sis" Yubin smiled, kissing her cheek and hugging Gahyeon. "And hey, baby girl. How was it?"

The pink haired girl put her hands on Yubin's waist, slowly pushing her back. She already looked so proud of her that Gahyeon was afraid to tell her and Siyeon that she messed up. She looked in Yubin's and Siyeon's eyes and walked away, entering the house and running upstairs.

"What happened?" Yubin whispered, looking at Bora, Minji and Yoohyeon.

"I made a mistake" Minji admitted, shaking her head. "I considered her physical preparation but not her mental one. She couldn't bring herself to kill the vampires" she explained.

"Oh god... did anyone get hurt?" Siyeon asked worriedly, mainly looking at Bora.

"No, we are fine" Bora reassured her with a smile, kissing her cheek and snuggling into her arms. "But Minji and Yooh had to intervene"

"I hope they weren't too hard on my sister?" Siyeon asked Bora instead of just asking Minji, assuming she still didn't want to talk.

"They weren't at all. But she was really hard on herself. She said that if Minji and Yooh weren't there I would get hurt and she blames herself" the small hunter explained.

"But it was just practical training. That's why Minji and Yooh joined. She was allowed to mess up" Siyeon argued when Yubin tugged on her sleeve.

"Should I go check on her?" The blue haired hunter asked.

"I think you should" Siyeon replied, nodding her head when Bora put a hand on Yubin's shoulder, squeezing it.

"She said she didn't want to face you two because she was ashamed of what happened... but I'm sure she won't push you away. Just be patient" she said with a little smile.

Okay, thank you, I'll go upstairs then. Will you call us for dinner when it's time?" Yubin asked, knowing that would probably be an hour or two from now.

"Of course. Go help my sister now" Siyeon said with a smile as they walked in the house, followed by Minji and Yoohyeon.

Yubin noticed some tension and before going upstairs she pulled the tallest hunter aside.

"What's wrong, Yooh?"

Yoohyeon tilted her head confused

"Bora already told you that the mission wen-... Oh" she said, realizing what Yubin was talking about. "Nothing important, don't worry. Just a little fight with Minji"

"A little fight? You two haven't kissed or touched each other for a whole minute" the blue haired girl pointed out, raising an eyebrow.

"Do you usually kiss your girlfriend during a fight?" Yoohyeon asked, raising an eyebrow as well.

"What did you fight about? You are the power couple here, it must be something big"

"She mocked me way too much and she stole my socks. When I told her that I would punish her by denying her sex and kisses she said that it was fine. So here we are" Yoohyeon simply explained.

"So you are fighting over sex, kisses and socks? Have you ever heard of teasing Yoohyeon? Come on, you know Minji loves you" Yubin stated.

"I know she does and I love her too. But she's not getting any sex or kisses for a week. And that's final" the silver haired woman stated.

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