Chapter 148

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Sorry for the really late update! ♥

The next day Handong called Bora, telling her that the poison was finally ready and that she was ready for the plan. During the morning Siyeon and Jiwoo scouted the warehouse they chose to use as the place to carry out the plan and the two vampires decided they would be around, making sure no one was in danger and ready to intervene if something happened.

Bora and Alex would prepare everything and put the poison in the air ducts before Lena and Handong would arrive. Lena had already called mister Jeong, telling him that she was finally able to catch Wuhan Poison and the man called the boss of the Chinese gang they cooperated with to tell him the news.

Handong was of course pretty reluctant about this idea at first but when she had met Alexander, her heart melted and she agreed to do it for the kid and to finally be able to go back to her bar. Normally Bora and Alex were in the warehouse now to put everything in place. The plan was that they would turn the air conditioning on as soon as the Chinese gang arrived, letting the poison slowly enter their system. And the same went for the bar where mister Jeong had his office and his own people.

Lena and Handong were already outside of the warehouse and the black haired woman was restraining Handong's wrists.

"So... explain to me once again how the poison works" she asked with a little sigh.

"It's a poison that will fill the air of the room. Once you've inhaled the substance for at least 10 minutes that is enough to make you feel weak and will kill you about 7 minutes later. After those 10 minutes, you have 5 minutes to take the antitoxin I prepared. If you take it after that... then there is nothing else we can do to save you" Handong explained, hoping she was clear.

"No pressure at all" Lena said, shaking her head. "And we can't take the antitoxin with us because it would be risky since our pockets will be checked... Do you really trust Siyeon and Jiwoo that much?"

"I've known Siyeon for a pretty long time, as soon as we're out they'll hand us the vial" the Chinese smiled. "You will start noticing the first effects of the poison near the 10 minute mark by the way. Your throat will start to dry and you're head will feel lighter"

Lena nodded, scratching her arm and looking at Handong.

"I must be crazy for doing this. You don't know me, none of you does. And I'm one of the gang as well" she whispered, speaking her mind. "You have no reason keep me alive"

"You risked a lot to save a kid that wasn't yours. You may have taken a wrong turn in your life and ended up here but there is still time to start again. Look at me for example, I was a runner in my teenage years and now I'm a barwoman with a fantastic family"

"I hope to get a second chance as well then" Lena smiled, nodding her head and hoping her feeling about these people wasn't wrong.

"You should probably make those a little tighter" the red haired woman chuckled, showing how her wrists were still able to move around.

"I didn't want them to hurt you" Lena said, tightening them as Handong asked. "Is it better now? Well, not better but... more believable"

"That's way better! And don't worry, I have experience with being restrained, you can say it almost became routine"

"That's... something weird to say" Lena chuckled, shaking her head. "Anything else I need to know for the plan?"

"I think we went over the most important parts? The only tricky thing left now is staying alive in there for 10 minutes without getting a bullet between my eyes" Handong sighed.

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