Chapter 15

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Sorry for the late update

Handong sighed, putting away her phone and looking at the pink haired girl that was still peacefully sleeping in her bed. She shook Gahyeon's body softly

"Hey, wake up Gahyeonie" she said with a sweet voice, but when the younger girl turned her back to Handong, the Chinese girl shook her body a little bit stronger. "I let you crash here last night, without asking questions as you said... but Minji is worried for you and I'm pretty sure Siyeon is freaking out" Handong said trying to convince the younger girl to talk. If Minji texted her after what happened between the two of them, it meant she was freaking out as well.

"Just five more minutes... I'm tired" Gahyeon said in her really sleepy voice and covering herself with the blanket. The Chinese woman sighed and started shaking Gahyeon softly again. Something probably happened between her and the two others and she was worried for the young girl.

"Come on, Gahyeon, get up please" she tried again.

Gahyeon sighed and she slowly sat on the bed.

"Fine, I'll tell what happened but..." she said with an angelic expression and a little pout "only if you make me a blood coffee first" Gahyeon said as she pulled down Handong on the bed and started tickling the older girl. They hadn't seen each other a lot lately because Gahyeon was at college most of the time and she really missed the Chinese girl. Gahyeon considered Handong one of the family... just like Siyeon and Minji. But now she felt like things changed in the household, while Handong didn't.

"Stop... tickling me... I can't make... you anything... like this" Handong laughed trying to get away from Gahyeon but the younger girl didn't let her go. She had tears in her eyes because of how hard she laughed when she rolled away from Gahyeon and collected her breath. "I missed you kiddo"

"I missed you too... a lot" Gahyeon said with a sad smile as she started thinking about how she should explain what happened yesterday.

"Okay, let's go downstairs and I'll make you a blood coffee while you explain everything to me" Handong said as she stood up from the bed and walked out of the room. Gahyeon sighed again and followed her downstairs. As Handong walked to the bar Gahyeon smirked and jumped on her back, wrapping her legs around her, almost making the Chinese girl fall over.

"Gahyeon why do you keep doing that? You're anything but a kid, heck you are older than me" Handong laughed, putting her hands under the pink haired girl's legs to keep her up.

"I am indeed a lot older than you, but you are the funniest to annoy! My sister would probably lock me in a room and throw away the keys while you just accept it" Gahyeon laughed, resting her chin on Handong shoulder. "Also... I've known you since you were 16, you accepted us and gave us shelter, you saved my sister and all of us. I will keep bothering you and act like a child with you for the rest of our lives!" Gahyeon said with a chuckle.

"For the rest of MY life, you mean" Handong corrected her with a smile, but it was a sad one. She rarely let it show but the thought of her becoming old while the people she loved stayed the same was painful. She couldn't bare to imagine her 50 year old self, serving coffee to a still young Gahyeon.

"Aww come on Dong Dong" Gahyeon chuckled, pinching the Chinese's cheek and kissing the top of her head. "You're only 23, you have a lot of years ahead of you and I will be right there with you" she added, cheering her up. Hugging the woman even tighter.

"I was sure about that! You never lose an opportunity to bother me!" Handong replied laughing while Gahyeon pouted on her shoulder. "I'm just kidding! I wouldn't forgive you if you suddenly stopped doing that. Keep bothering me forever" Handong said slightly pushing her head on Gahyeon's cheek.

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