Chapter 186

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Since I (Nyle) am in the middle of my exams, we did an effort to give you guys a chapter. We hope you like it ♥

After Siyeon jumped down to go help Yubin and Yoohyeon, Bora turned around, getting herself ready to fight whatever Chaesol had become. The thing in front of her called itself Terra, but what it actually was was still a mystery.

She looked over at the other side of the bridge, realizing that she didn't have a way to get there.

She grabbed her crossbow, deciding to load it with normal bolts so she could keep the silver ones for the vampires and she shot one at a vine that was about to hit Lena. She was relatively safe being on the other side of the bridge, but Jiwoo and Lena were right in front of Terra. "I ordered Yubin to leave you in a safe place" the vampire hissed, dodging a vine and picking Lena up in her arms to dodge another one.

"And I want you to be safe" Lena stated, not sounding scared because of the situation.Of course she was but she didn't show it. "I'm not sitting around waiting for someone to come kill me"

"You are an untrained human, Lena" Jiwoo replied, dodging another vine and running back a little just so that she could catch her breath for a few seconds. "I agreed on you coming on this mission only because they promised me you would stay in the car"

Lena scoffed, aiming at 'Terra' and shooting her gun. She had been part of a gang so of course she knew how to shoot. "Handong stayed in a car as well"

"She left the car and now she's a stone, Lena!" Jiwoo raised her voice, upset because her girlfriend wasn't getting it. "I lost my mother and I lost a mate already. Somehow I managed to love again and I'm not losing y-" the vampire was saying when a vine came out from the ground beside her. It wrapped itself around Jiwoo's waist and it threw her a few meters back, slamming her on the ground.

"Can you guys keep the arguing for later?!" Bora yelled, wanting them both to focus. They had no clue what they were fighting against or how powerful it was so there was no time for anything else but battling.

Jiwoo stood back up, shaking her head to try and focus on the current situation. "Don't aim at vital parts... she's still our Chaesol" she instructed as she ran towards her, trying to climb up on the big vine that was holding Terra up.

There was only one way that they could win this fight with it actually being a win after all. It wasn't their goal to kill Terra but it was the goal to get Chaesol back. And that was what made this a hell of a lot harder.

The black and red haired woman managed to climb up the vine, reaching Terra and wrapping a hand around her neck. Her plan was to make her pass out so that they could see if Chaesol would be brought back. As soon as she squeezed a little, a vine wrapped itself around Jiwoo's neck, causing them to stall.

"You didn't protect her" Terra said, looking in Jiwoo's eyes with her own green ones. "You killed her"

"S-She's not dead" Jiwoo whispered, looking deep into the woman's eyes. "Chae, we'll bring Handong back. I promise you"

The woman just laughed, bringing Jiwoo a little closer to her face. "Just like you promised it was a good idea to save that soul weaver?"

"I c-couldn't know she was with them" Jiwoo tried to justify herself, hoping to find a spark of Chaesol's eyes in the green ones that were looking at her. "I know I let you down, Chae... but if you don't come back in control, you will hurt people... and I know you don't want that"

"Stop calling me that!" Terra yelled, throwing Jiwoo against a tree in a fit of rage. "I wanted to kill those vampires down there... but you just couldn't help but get in my way"

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