Chapter 130

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The next day Minji and Jiwoo left the vampires' place in the morning and walked to the hunters' one as Jiwoo suggested. The older vampire told her that last night Yubin talked with Chaesol and put a good word in for her as she promised. Minji couldn't help but feel really nervous because she knew she messed up and she never really went along with Chaesol, so she found it difficult to see a way out of this.

They stopped in front of the door and Jiwoo knocked as Minji took a really deep breath.

"I'm not sure about this... Shouldn't we have made them come to us? What if they're not home?" the younger of the two vampires worried, playing with her fingers.

"They're home and if you stop panicking you'll be able to hear that. Gahyeon is with Siyeon and Bora is with Yubin so... the two people inside are Handong and Chaesol" Jiwoo said, tapping her ear.

"I still don't th-" Minji wanted to say when the door opened, revealing Handong who was kind of surprised to see Minji's face and the face of a stranger she hadn't seen before.

The red and black haired woman waited for a few seconds but since neither of them was saying anything she sighed, holding out her hand towards Handong.

"I'm Jiwoo" she said with the softest voice she could pull off, fixing her eyepatch to make sure that it was in place.

"I'm Handong" the red haired girl smiled at her, checking her out. "You are exactly like Yubin described you and believe me, I heard a lot"

"I'm sure she told you how not nice I am then" Jiwoo joked, trying to lift the mood before the big talk. "She talked to me about you as well"

"Only good things I hope?" the bartender asked, letting them in, still not having said anything to Minji but not looking too mad either.

"She said you're an absolute angel" Jiwoo admitted, smiling at Handong and walking inside. "And she confirmed that" she added, pointing at Minji.

"I can't really say too much bad things about her either so I guess that means we are good friends, right?" the Chinese said with a little grin.

"It looks like it" the red and black haired woman nodded her head with a smile. "Is Chaesol home? Yubin talked a lot about her as well" she asked, even though she could hear the priestess was indeed home.

"She is, you can go to the living room, we were watching a movie together" Handong responded, "well... I was watching she was on her phone"

"Chatting with?" Jiwoo asked, just to make conversation, as she looked around, not knowing where the living room was.

"Playing games probably, she does that a lot" the Chinese chuckled, seeing how lost Jiwoo was and pointing at a door. "It's through there" she added, looking Minji in the eyes with a little smile on her face to show her she wasn't too mad.

"Hey D-Dongie" Minji greeted her, encouraged by her smile.

"Hey Minji. Good to see you again"

"Is it really?" The black haired vampire asked in a whisper, locking eyes with Handong. "You're not mad at me?"

"I was mad but then I started thinking why you would do something like that. I know you, Minji, I know you would never do that without there being anything wrong" the human explained.

"Thank you" Minji whispered, pulling Handong into a tight hug, feeling relieved because her best friend understood that it wasn't really her at that moment. "I'll make it up to you both, I promise"

"You better convince Chaesol because... she doesn't know you and after what you did she probably doesn't want to know you" the red haired girl sighed, finding it a pretty difficult situation. She was literally in between her best friend and her girlfriend.

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