Chapter 71

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TW: Hmm... A Chinese girl... pretty crazy... I think Elkie?

Bora didn't know for how long she'd been in the car with that woman and she was pretty sure that she took a few unnecessary turns, just to make sure that Bora was lost and had no idea of where they were going. When the car stopped, the woman pulled her out of the car and dragged her for some meters, when suddenly she heard a noise of a heavy door shutting close. She was dragged around for a few more minutes, when she felt a new pair of handcuffs on her wrists. The woman removed her blindfold and the cloth from her mouth and walked away for a few minutes without a word. Bora slowly opened her eyes to adjust them to the light and noticed that someone was laying down a few meters away from her. Someone tiny and with pink hair.

"Gahyeon!" Bora called, pulling her handcuffs hard. "Gahyeon, kid!"

"B-Bora?" Gahyeon asked, slowly turning around. "Have you found m-... oh" she stopped when she saw Bora's situation. "That fucking bitch! I told her not to hurt you!"

Bora smiled weakly at Gahyeon, sitting down on the ground.

"It's okay kid, I've left some hints for the others" she whispered so faintly that only Gahyeon could hear her "They will find us"

"I hope so... I-... I want to get out of here. I'm drained, Bora. I can't stay here anymore" the vampire said with a weak voice.

"Come here, kid" Bora whispered, trying to move closer to her. Their hands were handcuffed but Bora could move her legs towards the vampire, trying to shift closer. "What did she do to you? Let me see" the small hunter asked, sounding worried.

"The handcuffs... the cord... the chains on my body and that horrible thing" the vampire replied, pointing her head at the silver choker. "She... she wanted answers. Oh and... she starved me"

"Fucking bitch" Bora whispered, looking at how weak Gahyeon looked. "Can you shift closer? Can you reach my leg?"

"I'll try" Gahyeon replied, trying to shift closer and just about reaching Bora's legs.

Bora was sure she heard the door close again and she knew the woman had left but she would probably be back soon enough. She shifted impossibly closer to Gahyeon, basically hanging from the handcuffs.

"Drink kid, as much as you need" she whispered.

"What? No! I don't want to drink from you and... she will hurt you if she finds out" the pink haired girl countered. "Please don't, Bora"

"Kid, I'm not arguing about this. We are a team and I'm the trained one. I can handle this kind of situation" Bora replied in a firm tone. "I'm not asking, I'm telling you to drink. You look way too pale"

"I don't want to see you get hurt, Bora" Gahyeon whispered, letting out her fangs and softly piercing Bora's leg to drink.

"I won't get hurt, Gahyeon" Bora said in a soft voice. "But you need to recover because if we get out of here, I need you to be strong enough to fight. So drink as much as you need now that you have the chance"

Gahyeon nodded as she kept checking Bora's facial expressions while she drank, stopping when she had enough.

"Thank you, Bora" she whispered.

The small hunter smiled at her

"Everyone was going insane to find you, Gahyeon" she whispered "Every single one of them. We organized turns, pairings and we searched for you everywhere, while Handong and Chaesol spent their days asking people if they saw something"

"I know... she told me... she wants chaos. God this is all my fault! I was way too naive! Yubin warned me..." Gahyeon sighed.

"What do you mean Yubin warned you?" Bora asked, confused. "How could she warn you about this? What does she know?"

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