Chapter 106

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A surprise chapter, as requested by Niclike on aff ;)

The day of the mission had finally arrived. The four girls had prepared as well as they could, training every single day. Minji and Yoohyeon had scouted the building earlier that week, noting down every possible way in and way out visible from the outside of the building. The day after Siyeon and Yubin tried to elaborate a plan but without any idea of how the building looked from the inside, making a plan was like trying to win the lottery. The four girls were in the car, moving towards their destination and after more than 10 minutes no one had dared to speak yet. Minji was driving, Yoohyeon was nervously playing with her ammo, Siyeon was looking out of the window and Yubin kept reading the plan over and over again.

They still had a little distance left to drive to their destination that was pretty much unknown. Now that they knew there were 4 key figures, after this mission they would officially be halfway done with putting the Nightshades into Chaos, weakening their defenses before the big attack on the main base... IF they succeeded today.

"Pup, can you please stop with your bullets, you're making me nervous" Minji said, breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry" Yoohyeon replied, nodding her head "I didn't even realize I was doing that... I was thinking and my hands wanted to be busy" she explained, putting the bullets back in her pocket. "Everything alright back there?" She asked, turning towards the back seats.

"Yeah, everything's okay. Just the natural nervousness of a mission" Yubin smiled, showing her a thumbs up.

"Alright, stop reading the plan then. I'm pretty sure you know that by heart right now" Yoohyeon chuckled, turning towards Siyeon. "How about you?"

"I'm fine. Ready to put a stop to another Nightshade freak" the blonde responded, locking eyes with Yoohyeon. "You?"

"Like the little one said, natural nervousness" she sighed, turning back to look at the road. "But it will be fine... we trained a lot, we're prepared"

"I hope Bora wasn't too disappointed, Singnie?" Minji asked, joining the conversation.

"She was a little... but in the end she agreed with us. Her shoulder is fine now, but she had to catch up on training" Siyeon smiled. "She and Gahyeon will train hard starting now and they will be ready for the next mission"

"That's great, once we find out who the third key figure is we can decide which teams have the best skill sets to tackle it" Minji said, stopping the car at the side of a road, a little distance away from the building.

"Are we there already?" Yubin asked, looking around.

"That's the place right there" the oldest vampire replied, pointing at a standalone house.

"Alright" the blue haired hunter nodded, fixing her daggers in the holder and stepping out of the car with the others, nervously clenching her hand on the spear. "We all go through the main door then? Just like we decided?"

"Yes, I'm not risking a situation like last time again" Minji stated. "Keep your weapons at the ready and keep aware of your surroundings at all time"

"We will" both Yoohyeon and Yubin replied, nodding their heads as they walked to the main entrance. Minji forced the door opened and the four girls walked in, looking around them.

"Yoohyeon stay back a little, Siyeon you too, just in case they want to attack us from the back" Minji said as she and Yubin walked into the hallway first.

The blue haired girl trailed her hand on the wall, suddenly noticing a little red laser that moved a little as soon as her and Minji walked past it.

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