Chapter 135: A hunter's past part 4

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After Bora and Yubin's parents died, the younger girl was brought into a facility because no one could take care of her and she was a minor. Three days into the facility and the girl hadn't said a word unless it was necessary. Many people tried to talk to her, to try and tell her that things would get better, but Yubin didn't listen to a single word they said. It was a rule of the facility that everyone had to be in the cafeteria during meal time and Yubin was forced to go even though she hadn't eaten anything in days, she just couldn't bring herself to.

She sat down at a table in the corner of the room just like every other day and she stared at the other people in the room. She didn't have anything in common with them, they didn't have anyone... Yubin was supposed to have a sister but for some reason she wasn't here.

Because the caretakers knew that Yubin wasn't eating they tried to give her extra attention and monitor her health because the girl already seemed visibly weaker than when she entered here. The main caretaker of Yubin's block had decided to take a tray from the cafeteria, put some food on it and walk to Yubin to try and get through to her.

"Here, you need to eat" he said with a smile. "It's important for your health"

"I don't care" Yubin whispered, shaking her head and lightly pushing the tray back towards him.

"If you don't eat we'll have to hook you up to an AV bag and feed you in other ways. Would you rather do that?" He asked, hoping that confronting her with that fact worked.

"My sister will pick me up soon" the black haired girl whispered, locking eyes with him. "As soon as she'll know about our parents... she will take me out of here"

"Yubin... we tried to contact her for three days in a row and she never picked up. You told me you don't even know where she is"

The young girl looked down at the table, knowing that he was right. She had tried to contact her for 6 months, she never picked up the phone. The more she thought about it the more she realized that Bora knew she was about to leave forever, because of the way she hugged her before leaving.

"Try harder" she said, looking at him. "I told you the same thing a hundred times... I'm not supposed to be here. I h-have a family... I have a house and a sister"

"Look, kid. It's always hard for kids in your situation but as long as you're not old enough or your family doesn't show up... you can't leave. And if the family doesn't turn up in the first two days, there is 95% chance they never will. It's hard but you'll just have to accept it" the man calmly explained.

"You don't know my sister" Yubin hissed, looking at him. "She would do anything for me... she will come back for me" she said, feeling her eyes fill with tears because she didn't believe her own words. Bora left 6 months ago and she didn't even come back for her parents' funeral. "Leave me alone"

"Kid" the caretaker whispered, going to sit next to her. "You're right that I don't know your sister but she knew you had abandonment issues and she left 6 months ago... you'll have to see the reality someday" he whispered as he took some food between the chopsticks and brought it closer to Yubin's mouth. "Come on, it's shrimp today"

At hearing those words Yubin couldn't hold back her tears anymore. Bora knew about her abandonment issues and she left anyway... she left right after Yubin told her that. She left after having promised not to do that. She hid her face in her hands and she broke down as another black haired girl stood up from another table and walked over, putting a hand on the caretaker's shoulder.

"Can I try?" She mouthed, looking at him.

The man nodded his head and squeezed Yubin's shoulder before getting up.

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