Chapter 16

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As soon as Yoohyeon entered the hideout, she was surrounded by darkness. She couldn't see anything. It really looked way darker than the last time they were here and she noticed that some things were out of place, something else had been moved.

"Someone has been here today" Minji said behind her, like she was reading Yoohyeon's mind ", four vampires" she said with her head tilted up to smell the scents in the air.

"Wait you can... 'smell' that?" Yoohyeon questioned and Minji widened her eyes.

"Did you ever even learn about the Phantom clan vampires? We are way more advanced than the normal fuckers" Minji chuckled.

"I didn't know that" Yoohyeon admitted "How does it work? Who and for how long can you track a scent?" She asked curiously.

"It depends. We can track other vampires easier than humans...I can smell their scents in a place even after 4 or 5 hours. But the range is limited" she admitted "With humans it's more difficult but not if we feed on them. I could track you from kilometers. Let's say that if someone kidnapped you, I could find you in a blink of an eye" she added with a smirk.

"Well that's useful but you still need to want to come save me then Jiu" Yoohyeon decided to play along, playfully hitting Minji with her shoulder. "Shall we start checking out the bedrooms upstairs first?"

Minji nodded and followed Yoohyeon towards the stairs when she smelled something odd. Two scents were a lot stronger than the other two.

"Two are still here in the hideout" she whispered, taking Yoohyeon by the wrist to stop her.

"Okay, I have to say you are amazing. Can you find out where?" Yoohyeon whispered, taking her gun out. Something important should still be in this hideout if vampires keep coming back here even when they know the hunters found out about it. They must be trying to get rid of something important.

"No, we can track scents but we can't exactly locate the source" Minji admitted, starting to walk in front of Yoohyeon "But I will know when they are close enough. Just stay behind me as we walk" she said, walking up the stairs. Yoohyeon nodded and turned around with her gun out, putting her back against Minji's. This way they could cover both angles as they walked up the stairs.

They carefully walked through the corridor, kicking down some closed doors and checking the bedrooms. Most of them were completely empty.

"Do you think they got what they were looking for?" Yoohyeon asked, worried but Minji shook her head.

"They wouldn't be here if they found it" she said confidently "We should keep looking for it".

"Jiu, we basically checked every room. I don't think they are here" Yoohyeon whispered. "Can your sense of smell be wrong?"

The older woman shook her head with a chuckle and walked towards a wall. The hunter tilted her head and was pretty confused.

"They are right here" Minji smirked but Yoohyeon kept trying to hold her laughter.

"Jiu... that's a wall"

Minji shook her head and put her finger on her lips, signaling to Yoohyeon to be quiet. The vampire trailed her hands on what looked like a wall, trying to find something odd. There had to be something... a button, a handle. She tried again and again but she couldn't find anything. She could clearly feel that it was a hidden door but she couldn't find a way to open it.

"Okay, I will just kick it down" she whispered "Stay back Yooh" she said putting her hand on Yoohyeon's abdomen and pushing her slowly back.

"Jiu, are you sure that-" Yoohyeon tried to ask when Minji kicked the wall down with a strong kick, revealing a secret hallway.

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