Chapter 11

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Warning: Smut ahead

Handong opened her eyes feeling something that was tickling her neck. She saw Minji's beautiful black hair laid down on the pillow and she noticed that during the whole night none of them moved an inch. Handong was still spooning Minji and it still hurt the Chinese girl's heart.

She had her arms tightly wrapped around Minji and her steady breathing and heartbeat signalled that the older woman was still sleeping and Handong really didn't want to wake her up. She tried to move an arm but once she did, Minji took hold of it and hugged it tightly.

Handong sighed and the pain in her chest increased. She couldn't do this. She couldn't wake up holding Minji and knowing that she will never be hers. She took hold of her arm in her sleep, not wanting to let go... but if she was awake, would she have done the same? Would Minji hold her, not wanting to let go? She couldn't take it anymore and lightly shook Minji's body.

"Minji? Minji... wake up please" she whispered in her ear.

Minji mumbled something in her sleep but Handong couldn't hear what she said.

"Minji... please" Handong pleaded again, shaking Minji's body a little bit harder. The vampire slowly woke up, turned around with her eyes still closed and placed a kiss on Handong's lips, moving hers slowly. Handong was shook. She just let Minji do what she wanted, feeling her lips move on hers. Her heart started beating faster but she didn't know what was happening. Why did Minji kiss her?

"Morning Singnie" Minji said with a sleepy voice, detaching herself from Handong's lips, rubbing her still closed eyes. Now the Chinese girl understood. Minji wasn't thinking of her. Her heart dropped at that.

Minji leaned her head on the pillow, unable to open her eyes yet. She felt like she was about to drift off to sleep again. She pulled Handong closer

"I can't wake up properly if you don't kiss me back Singnie" Minji said with a pout, kissing Handong again. Again Handong just let it happen. It hurt but she just imagined that Minji was doing this on purpose. When she pulled away she felt like she needed to speak up though.


Minji opened her eyes slowly... That voice was way too deep to be Siyeon's, even that early in the morning. She rubbed her eyes trying to focus on the girl that was laying beside her. And when she did, she brought a hand on her mouth, widening her eyes.

"H-Handong?! Oh my god! I'm... I'm sorry" she apologized, trying to put some distance between them but the Chinese girl was still holding her.

"It's okay" Handong said with a weak voice and a sad smile. She really wasn't good at lying. Minji looked at her and held her face in her hands.

"Hey, I'm sorry I just... I guess I didn't remember I was here..." Minji admitted, looking down. Handong nodded but she felt hurt. She just discovered how Siyeon woke up every day by Minji kissing her and it didn't even mean anything to them. But still... she was jealous.

"You don't need to justify yourself" Handong said, gently removing Minji's hands from her face, letting go of the vampire's waist.

"I have to open the bar" she coldly said as she sat up on her bed.

"Handong... If I knew I was here I would've-" Minji tried to say but Handong shushed her by placing a finger against her lips.

"I know, Minji. You thought you were kissing Siyeon, not me" she just interrupted.

Minji stayed silent at that. She didn't know what to say to not hurt Handong's feelings.

"I really have to open the bar. You take your time...leave whenever you want" Handong spoke, retracting her arms from around Minji and stopping out of bed, straightening her pajamas.

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