Chapter 76

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Hello there dear readers. First of all we want to apologize for the late update again. We've been too into writing a chapter that we forget the time, but we want to take a little bit of time to talk about something that bothered us. This morning a reader (you know who you are♥) reached out to us telling us that there was an author that had copied one of our chapters to use in his own fanfic. We contacted the person and he took it offline, but can we please ask to not do this kind of stuff? Even more so if you take all the credit for it? We put a lot of work in writing this and it's just wrong to see our work published by someone else, even if it is 'only' one chapter. We want to thank to this attentive reader and want to ask to every one if you that if you see something that could be stolen from this story, to please inform us about this. Thank you for your time, enjoy the chapter ♥

M: For non descriptive smut

When the group arrived back at the vampires' place, Minj took Elkie in the room in the basement and Yoohyeon joined her right after having helped Yubin bring in Gahyeon, Bora and Siyeon. Siyeon sat down on the couch, holding Bora in her arms and the blue haired hunter placed Gahyeon on the couch, next to her sister as she walked to the kitchen to take a glass of water for everyone and to quickly prepare some food for Bora. She was really weak and Yubin wanted to have something ready to give her as soon as she woke up.

"You'll be fine my queen... I'll help you heal all of these" Siyeon whispered to the sleeping hunter while combing her hair. "And you will be fine too, little sis"

"I am fine" Gahyeon smiled, taking Siyeon's hand. "I have just a few burns but... your little queen kept me safe" she whispered, looking at Bora.

"A few burns? Gahyeon... a lot of burns and a few bad ones... look at your neck!" The older vampire whispered.

"I know... it will be okay" the pink haired girl smiled, squeezing her sister's hand. "It would have been a lot worse, sis... But Bora just... she tried to get Elkie's attention every time she was hurting me"

"Gahyeon... Bora is my one, isn't she?" Siyeon whispered, just in case the hunter wasn't fully sleeping.

"I think she really is, sis" the tiny vampire replied with a smile. "She took more pain than she should have just to save some pain for your sister. And... you took a silver bullet to save her. So yes... I'm pretty sure she is your mate" she whispered, caressing Siyeon's hand.

"You might be right... God... look at her" the blonde vampire said, clenching her fists. "She suffered so much... her beautiful skin is-... Fuck you Elkie"

"She will be fine" Gahyeon whispered to reassure her sister. "She is a lot stronger than I thought she was and she is the reason we are safe in the first place. She made Elkie so angry that... she kicked her until she was unconscious, to send you the picture. She knew that making Elkie angry was the key to make her make a mistake"

"I saw that picture" Siyeon whispered, instinctively caressing Bora's belly. "What happened is horrible but... I'm really grateful for what she did" the blonde added, kissing Bora's forehead.

"She promised it to you, didn't she? To protect me like you protect her sister" Gahyeon asked, cuddling closer to Siyeon and combing Bora's hair.

"She didn't tell me that directly but... I'm sure she promised herself that... she's precious"

"I'm glad you have her now" the pink haired vampire admitted. "You deserve to be loved and happy... and I'm sure she will make you happy... and she will love you like you deserve to be loved, sis"

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