Chapter 24

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A surprise update for our dear readers! ♥

After dropping Yoohyeon on a street next to her house, Minji ran back home. She really couldn't afford to be late, not this time. She entered the front door and ran upstairs, literally barging into her and Siyeon's bedroom.

"I am five minutes late but I am here!! I know we said midnight but I-" she started to say when she noticed their bed was empty. Fuck. Siyeon probably waited until midnight and then she left. She was about to run out of the room to go apologize with the younger girl but when she turned around she bumped violently into the poor Siyeon that was about to enter the room.

"Minji, you're actually here? Wow" Siyeon chuckled, kind of surprised that the older girl held her word.

"Yup, I was exactly on time" Minji lied, with a proud smirk.

"Oh really? So who were you talking to then, saying you were late just now?" Siyeon laughed. It was so funny that Minji always forgot they were vampires.

"Fine! I was five minutes late but I'm here! Come on, let's go to bed and cuddle a little!" Minji said undressing herself and putting on her pajamas. She quickly jumped on the bed and patted her hand by her side. Siyeon chuckled and laid down beside the older vampire. She was happy Minji was home. As soon as she laid down besides Minji, two hands wrapped around her from behind.

"So you want to be the big spoon again? I'm still certain you like being the little one" Siyeon chuckled. Minji just hit her shoulder and kissed her ear.

"Shut up, Singnie" she whispered, pulling her closer.

Siyeon chuckled and snuggled closer to Minji. The older vampire placed a kiss on Siyeon's head

"So... how was your day Singnie?" She asked softly.

"I uh, I went over to Bora's house when you met Yoohyeon. You remember what I told you about Gahyeon being down?" Siyeon asked and Minji nodded, playing with Siyeon's hair.

"Blue hair asked her to go over yesterday night. Gahyeon told me and we fought about that... but at the end she decided to go anyway. Less than 15 minutes later she came back home because that fucking player went to another girl's house to fuck. Minji, you should have seen Gahyeon's face... she was so hurt" Siyeon said, angrily. Minji widened her eyes. Yubin wouldn't have been able to go over to fuck some girl, Yoohyeon told her she was close to death yesterday.

"Wait, Siyeon. Are you sure Yubin wasn't home? Yoohyeon told me she and her group went on a mission yesterday and Yubin got badly hurt. She was in no state to leave that house" Minji told the younger vampire.

"Badly hurt? What do you mean?" Siyeon asked, suddenly turning towards Minji.

"I don't know exactly how badly but when Yoohyeon told me she was devastated because it happened for her fault. I didn't want to push her to say too much but from what I know a vampire bit Yubin from behind and he was using her body as shield so Bora and Yoohyeon couldn't shoot him... so he drank from her for quite a long time" Minji explained and Siyeon widened her eyes. Yubin wasn't lying when she said she didn't know what Siyeon was talking about?

"So you're telling me I went over there and... Oh my god! I need to apologize to her and... Gahyeon needs to know this too" Siyeon gasped.

"What are you talking about, Singnie? You went over there and? Apologize for what?" Minji asked, confused.

"I- I messed up Minji. I was so angry because Gahyeon was hurt so I... I went there today and Yubin was alone because Bora was out and Yoohyeon was with you... and I... she tried to tell me that she didn't know what I was talking about but I didn't believe her and I kept insulting her and I... I slapped her in the face, Minji, and she fell down. Oh my god, that's why she looked so pale" Siyeon said, putting her hands in her hair. Minji pulled Siyeon closer and kissed her neck.

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