Chapter 97: Hunters' youth part 2 and 3

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This is part 2 and 3 of the flashback in one big chapter. Don't worry there is a halfway point so if you decide to read it in two times it's a little bit easier


A now 13 years old Yubin was taking some books from her locker, sighing because for the second time in a day someone behind her was talking about her sister. It was to be expected since Bora was one of the few girls at school to have a boyfriend and the two of them literally spent every single moment together. The problem was that the comments about her weren't always the nicest and Yubin had really little patience. She slammed the locker closed and she turned towards the girl who was spreading rumors about her sister. She noticed she was a girl of her age so that was a piece of cake.

"Another word about my sister and I swear I will make you fit into the locker" she hissed, looking at her.

"Your sister? As far as I know she still doesn't have a sister, Lee" the girl replied with a smirk.

"Say that again" Yubin hissed, pushing the girl against the locker and keeping her in place. "Not one single word about my sister" she repeated, carefully saying every word and glaring at her.

"I said... she doesn't have a sister... so you have no reason... to be angry"

The black haired girl pushed the girl harder against the locker, not breaking eye contact with her.

"You sure you want to do this?" She asked, looking as intimidating as she could.

"Or what? What are you going to do?" The girl challenged, smiling at her friend behind Yubin who was filming the whole thing.

"I'm so damn tired with you" Yubin yelled "You keep talking about Bora, spreading rumours about her. Don't you have something better to do? She has a boyfriend, so what?" She hissed, trying her best not to punch her.

"She has a boyfriend? I think he has a girlfriend is a better way to put it"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Yubin hissed again, looking at her in the eyes.

"I don't know. Can you let me go please? I think we have enough to get you sent from school for a day or two again" the girl smiled, pointing behind Yubin. The black haired girl sighed, noticing the phone that was filming her.

"If I have to be suspended, I'll make sure you won't talk about my sister next time then" Yubin smirked, looking at the girl.

"Sure, sure. Can you let me go now? You can go back to your way too old 'friends'"

Yubin had enough so she just slapped the girl right in the face and she turned around, taking the phone of the other one and making sure it ended on the ground so that she could accidentally step on it. Of course this caused a huge mess in the hallway and she ended up in the principal's office, with a black eye.

"Got in a fight again, miss Lee?" The principal asked, sitting down on his chair. "Do you remember what we agreed on last time?"

The black haired girl knew the principal way too well at this point, as he said, she'd been there a lot. She knew he was a good man and he knew that most of the time she didn't start fights if she wasn't provoked. Of course, it still wasn't a good reason to start a fight, but maybe she could play a few cards.

"I apologize Sir, I remember what we agreed on and I didn't want to let you down" she said, trying to sound sad "I just can't stand when they talk like that about my sister". Which was the only true thing in three sentences.

"It's great that you want to protect your sister, but you are doing it in the wrong way. I mean, smashing someone's phone? That's a new low" he said in a stern voice.

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