Chapter 190

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One week passed after the battle at the mountain and after a few days of just resting, the team all agreed to go to the event Einar was hosting at the Moonlight's base. It was the first time for many of them to actually visit their hideout so it was something to look forward too.

Minji and Yoohyeon had come back from the battle with only one major injury, the one of Yoohyeon's shoulder. After checking out the wound and seeing what she could or couldn't do, it was clear that she would never be able to use the shoulder like before. In the best case she would be able to use it without pain for normal everyday stuff, but shooting a gun with it was a no-go.

Siyeon and Bora came back from the battle with minor injuries and none of them took more than a few days to recover. They were happy the war was finally over but they still felt anxious because in a couple of days Bora would get turned into a vampire. She couldn't wait for it to happen, but at the same time she was terribly scared she would mess something up during the turning process.

Gahyeon and Yubin, much like Nara and Solise only needed to rest to let some injuries heal. The worst out of all of them was probably Solise's burnt leg. It still hurt now sometimes but it was something that would go away over time. The two ancient vampires had been living with Minji and the others, actually quite enjoying their time there.

Jiwoo and Lena decided to move to the new house right away. Neither of them owned much stuff so it took just a couple of days. The big problem was that now they had two kids to take care of. Of course Alex was with them and since Chaesol didn't have the physical and mental strength to care for Anya right now, Lena offered to take care of her for a while.

And last but not least Chaesol had spent the last few days recovering but also holding Handong's bar open. Nothing had changed in the situation and she was still a stone, but Chaesol refused Minji's and Lena's offer to stay with them for a while. She argued that Handong would've wanted her bar to stay open so her regulars could enjoy their usual drink.

She tried her best to stay strong and what was helping her was that they had at least found a priestess with the ability to preserve Handong's body while they looked for a soul weaver. That was her main worry, because she knew Xena had kept Nara and Solise under a spell and she needed to do the same to keep Handong's body safe. Now they just had to find a soul weaver.

It was something everyone was trying to do despite not having a single clue where to start. But today all the focus was on the event at the Moonlights. Einar had described it as a celebration of their victory and a moment to mourn the ones they lost along the way. The group felt like they had to go because if they had to be honest, things would've been much worse if he didn't join the fight.

They all prepared for the 'party' but it was clear that the situation was a bit confusing when they realized that half of them wore dresses and the other half were in a normal fighting outfit. "That's... not going to work" Bora mumbled as she and Siyeon looked at Gahyeon and Yubin who were in a fighting uniform.

Gahyeon put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow. "Why are you acting like we made a mistake?" She scoffed, turning to Bora. "Who says you need to wear a dress?"

"It's an event... not a war" the smaller woman mumbled, crossing her arms. "Didn't we wear enough fighting outfits? Come on, go change into something more 'happy'"

When she was done speaking she received a tap on her shoulder from an awkward Siyeon. "Uhm babe... dad did say it was to commemorate the battle so fighting outfits could work" she carefully told her.

"What do we do then? Do we just show up with different-" Bora was saying when Jiwoo, Lena and the two kids entered the house. The brunette just sighed when she looked at what Jiwoo and Lena were wearing: jeans and leather jackets. "Alright, everyone can wear whatever they want"

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