Chapter 32

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We are back with the usual update after a weekend break!

It was already 9pm and Yoohyeon was in the alley, looking at the rooftops to see if she could spot the vampire. She had dressed up tonight and was really proud of her outfit. Her two pigtails over her shoulders with pins in them, her black outfit with straps and loose strands, her black shorts and a thigh strap. All with the thought that tonight was the night Minji would reveal herself.

She was nervously playing with her hands and looking around. She even came here 5 minutes before 9 to maybe see that the vampire was already here and just like always, once she set foot in this alley, her heart started beating faster. It was the place where they shared their first kiss and where they practically confessed.

She kept looking at the rooftops when suddenly two familiar, soft hands covered her eyes.

"Guess who" someone whispered in her ear.

Yoohyeon chuckled and removed the hands from her eyes. She took a deep breath and she turned around, hoping to see the girl without the mask. She hoped Minji would be ready to reveal herself to Yoohyeon. She couldn't help but smile when she turned around and she saw that the woman didn't have the mask on. But Yoohyeon was going to make her pay for keeping her in the dark all that time.

"Minji? What are you doing here?" She said, pretending to be surprised "You shouldn't walk alone in alleys at night, it's dangerous!"

"I-... I know it's dangerous but... why are you here then? Looking like that?" Minji asked, really nervous for tonight. She just needed to say one thing so that they could be together.

"I'm waiting for someone, don't worry, I won't be alone" Yoohyeon said, taking Minji by the shoulder and slightly pushing her away. "Don't worry about me! If you know it's dangerous, go home and be safe"

Minji took a deep breath and looked Yoohyeon in the eyes.

"Yooh, have... have you n-not f-figured it... it out yet?" She nervously asked, scratching her arm.

"Figured what out?" Yoohyeon asked, tilting her head to the side and pretending to be confused. "Look Minji...I don't want to be rude... but I'm waiting for someone and she will be here any minute. I really really REALLY like this woman and I don't think she will appreciate seeing me with a gorgeous woman like you" Yoohyeon said, trying not to laugh. The vampire didn't really know what to do, she didn't have the guts to just say.

"I'm sorry for bothering y-you but... you say I'm g-gorgeous right? S-so you checked me out? W-what do you t-think about t-this hairstyle? The o-outfit?" Minji asked, trying to make it obvious.

"I've known you for a while now, of course I know you are gorgeous. Now I just really don't have the time" Yoohyeon said, pretending to look around as if she was waiting for someone.

Minji grabbed the hunter by the shoulders, making her look into her eyes.

"Can you please look into my eyes? Do you n-not... do you not see it, Yooh?" She asked with a shaky voice.

"See what?" Yoohyeon asked again, pretending to sound exasperated. "You have really beautiful eyes Minji, congrats! But I'm still waiting for my girl here" Yoohyeon said, freeing herself from Minji's hands. Minji was so happy to hear the silver haired woman call her 'my girl' if only she realized that 'her girl' was standing right in front of her. Minji cursed herself she was too much of a coward to say it directly.

"K-kiss me Y-yooh! You... you will s-see" she tried desperately.

"What?!" Yoohyeon yelled, widening her eyes and pretending to be shocked. "I'm flattered, but not interested. You really are a gorgeous woman Minji... but as I told you... I'm waiting for my girl. I won't kiss anyone but her" she added, locking eyes with Minji.

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