Chapter 61

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Gahyeon was walking home after the afternoon she spent with Elkie and she had to say that she had fun. Elkie was a really weird kid, but she was also a really funny person to be around... when she wasn't busy fighting with Yubin. The younger vampire entered the house and looked around

"I'm home!!" she yelled, not seeing anyone around. "Weird... Yubin said she would be here helping Siyeon with something after college" she mumbled.

"Sis? Yubin?" The little vampire yelled again, not getting any response when she heard someone coming down the stairs.

"Hey! How was your date with that weird girl?" Minji greeted her, walking towards Gahyeon. She didn't want to sound too suspicious but she had to say she wasn't feeling particularly at ease knowing that Gahyeon was out with her.

"It wasn't a date, Minji. I just showed her around the city a little bit since she is still pretty new here" Gahyeon sighed "You all judge her way too easily. Look at me and Handong, we don't do that, take our example"

"I didn't judge her. But her showing up like that was pretty suspicious and what Yubin said made me even more suspicious" Minji said, sitting down at the table. "And since you and Dongie are often near this Elkie girl, I need to be sure about her"

"What could be so wrong about her? She's just a Chinese girl who rented a place here that apparently wasn't available anymore. She's a foreigner and she is in a situation like this... poor kid" the pink haired vampire argued.

"Nothing is wrong with her, we just don't know her, Gahyeon" Minji explained, patting the table to tell the younger vampire to sit down with her. "I would be suspicious about every stranger approaching us like that"

"If you keep acting like this you will not get to know her! She's doing her best, Minji" Gahyeon sighed.

"And I don't plan to" the older vampire replied, looking at Gahyeon who still didn't sit down at the table. "Of course I won't stop you from going out with her and stuff, if she's a nice kid. But I don't want her in 'this' " Minji explained, pointing at the table and she knew that Gahyeon would understand what she meant.

"Of course we are not letting her in on this. That would be dangerous, for her and for us" Gahyeon said with a nod of her head.

"Then if you are sure she's a nice kid, you can hang out with her, far from here. If she doesn't interfere with our plans and your training Gahyeon. We were supposed to train this afternoon and you neglected that to hang out with her" Minji said, patting the table once again, not really happy that Gahyeon wasn't listening to her.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, mom" the younger girl rolled her eyes. "Anyway, where is everyone?"

"Don't act like that, Gahyeon. Everyone else here is working hard. The hunters, your sister and your girlfriend as well... and you are the one who has more work to do" Minji said, standing up. "Yubin is with Siyeon at the hunters' place, since you were busy elsewhere"

"I'll train extra hard tomorrow. We'll start in the morning!" Gahyeon pouted with puppy eyes.

"Early morning" Minji corrected her. "Now... should we have dinner? I'm starving" she added, taking out a blood bag from the fridge.

"I assume you didn't cook for me?" Gahyeon asked with a smile, realizing it's been a while since she had a bag of blood with them.

"I didn't have the time... I trained, alone... but I trained" Minji explained, throwing a bag of blood to the younger vampire. "So you'll go with blood for tonight"

"Awww... can I order something online?" The pink haired vampire whined.

"If you order it with your own money, sure" Minji said knowing Gahyeon didn't have a lot of money, otherwise she would never agree. She didn't deserve food tonight.

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