Chapter 96: Hunter's youth part 1

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An afternoon Bora's parents picked her up from school and as soon as they arrived home, they made her sit down on the couch, telling her that they had something important to tell her. The 9 year old girl looked really interested because she had noticed that her parents had fixed the guest room with a new bed and a few new toys and she was wondering what all of this was about.

"We have really beautiful news, Bora" her mother smiled. "Do you remember the other day, when you talked to us about that quiet new kid at your school?"

Bora brought a hand under her chin, thinking before she suddenly jumped up.

"Oh I know, I know! That little weird kid! Yu-... Yu- something"

"Yubin" her mother smiled, ruffling her hair. "She told the teacher that 'Kim Bora' is her only friend at school"

"Friend? I just talked to her because my friends dared me to do that. She was really boring and quiet" Bora sighed with a pout.

"Bora, what did we teach you? Shy and quiet people are not necessarily boring" her father scolded her. "They just need more time to warm up to people"

"I tried talking about TV shows and my pokémon cards, but that kid just kept talking about her stupid, boring book" the little girl crossed her arms.

"Listen to me carefully, Bora" her mother said in a soft voice, taking her hand. "Yubin lost both her parents a few days ago and she doesn't have any relatives. We decided to be her foster parents for a while and if everything goes well... we are thinking about adopting her"

"What do those words mean, mom?" Bora asked, tilting her head. "Adult words are hard"

"It means that she will live with us for a few months... and if she fits in the family, if she likes being here, she could stay forever...and she would be your little sister" her mother explained.

"I don't want a boring sister! I want a cool brother" the little girl protested.

"You said it yourself, you don't know her yet. Maybe she's a lot funnier than you think" her father said with a smile. "She will arrive in a few minutes, just talk with her and play with her... maybe you will get along"

"I want a brother!" Bora repeated, stomping her feet on the ground.

"Bora you are a big kid now, you have to understand how this poor girl is feeling. You are lucky and you still have a family, you have two parents who love you. She doesn't have a family anymore and she's alone" her mother explained, squeezing Bora's hand.

"Someone else can take the boring one, I want a cool brother" the girl stated yet again, throwing a pillow on the ground.

"Just give her a chance, okay? Talk with her and play with her and maybe you'll have a cool sister, or a cute one" Her father said, picking up the pillow from the ground and ruffling Bora's hair.

"Play with her yourself, I'm going to my room. Leave me alone" Bora said, standing up and running upstairs.

Her mother stood up to follow her when someone rang the doorbell. Both Bora's parents went to open the door, holding hands and they greeted the social worker who was holding Yubin's hand. The little girl looked inside the house, looking sad and disoriented.

"This is not my house" the girl said, looking up at the adults.

"Hi, little one" Bora's mother greeted her, crouching down and caressing Yubin's arm. "You are right, this is not your old house... but you will live here with us, we are Kim Bora's parents" she smiled.

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