Chapter 58

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After leaving Yubin with Gahyeon, Bora dragged Siyeon to the other side of the arena.

"I wanted you and Yubin to get along... but not to see you two joining forces to make jokes about my height" the small hunter protested, crossing her arms on her chest.

"But come on, Bora... you ARE really tiny, it's hard not to" Siyeon laughed, ruffling Bora's hair as if she was a kid.

"You are lucky I really like you" Bora pouted. "And you should be glad I'm tiny... you can take me everywhere" she said with a grin, jumping in Siyeon's arms and climbing up, wrapping her legs around the vampire's waist.

"And why do I need to be happy about that? You got legs to walk, not to wrap them around me and make me carry your big butt" Siyeon chuckled with a grin.

"My big bu-" Bora mumbled, opening her mouth in disbelief. "Well just so you know... you won't see my big butt and you won't see my new bra apart from that picture!"

"What?! No, no, I didn't mean it like that! Big butts aren't bad! And that picture definitely wasn't bad" Siyeon said, still a bit in shock and showing her new phone background.

"Really? Your phone background is me in a bra?" Bora chuckled, wrapping her arms around Siyeon's neck and snuggling closer.

"A sexy bra and sexy panties" Siyeon corrected. "So now I can be distracted every time I use my phone!"

"I don't think that's good. You have a mission tonight. So be sure not to look at your phone!" Bora laughed, kissing Siyeon's nose.

"Also... I didn't comment on it earlier but... why did you ask Minji to help you out with the bra? How did you even bring that up?" The vampire whispered.

"I-... Uhm... I was changing and she was there so I asked her for advice" Bora admitted.

"Well... she does really know my taste... but that means that she saw your big butt..." Siyeon said with a little growl.

"Hey, don't growl at me" Bora pouted. "She has seen you naked for over 200 years! It's not a problem if she sees me in underwear. And I was asking her how to please your eyes, little wolf" the small hunter protested.

"Oh, it's not a problem you say?" Siyeon smirked, caressing Bora's cheek. "And really... you don't have the right to call people little" she joked.

"Why should it be a problem?" Bora asked, tilting her head. "And I have the right to call you little! You are my little wolf!"

"It's not a problem for me... You can run around naked in front of Minji for all I care. Just don't complain if she wants to touch" Siyeon laughed, smiling at Bora "And fine... only in that context!"

"So you would be okay with Minji touching me?" Bora challenged, looking straight in Siyeon's eyes.

"If it's your own fault that she does, sure! Your problem! But just remember you're mine"

"Oh really? My problem?" Bora asked, unwrapping her legs from the vampire's waist and jumping down. "We will see about that then"

"What? What are you doing?" Siyeon asked with a pout, not understanding what her plan was.

"Oh you will see, don't worry. When you expect it the least... I will strike" Bora teased, turning around and walking towards Gahyeon and Yubin.

"Strike?! What are you doing? Hey! Get that butt back here or I'll come get it back here" Siyeon whined, being all cute and poutey.

Bora ignored her and wrapped an arm around Yubin's shoulder and one around Gahyeon's.

"What are you kids talking about?" She asked, knowing that Siyeon would join them as well.

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